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When was the dissection of the human body first legalized? 67. Who was the accepted authority on anatomy for fourteen centuries?


Whose book laid the foundations of modern anatomy? 67. What school attracted students from all over Europe? 67. In what century was the study of human anatomy well established? 67. What made the subject one of great interest? 68. Who started the study of microscopic anatomy? 68. Who founded the science of comparative anatomy? 68. Who founded the department of histology? 68. * What does embryology deal with? 68.

Who is the founder of the modern ideas of development? 68.

What are these ideas? 68.

What is the distinction between morphology and physiology? 68.

What questions does physiology attempt to answer? 1486.

Who made physiology an independent study? 1486.

Whose work marks the beginning of modern physiology? 1486.

What subjects are dealt with under "nutrition"? 1486.

What does "relation" imply? 1486.

What does reproduction" consider? 1486.

What is hygiene? 905.

What two men have contributed most largely to this science? 905.


In a broad sense, what does the term skeleton include? 1763. What are some examples of exo-s^eletons and endo-skeletons? 1763. What are some of the conclusions reached by comparative study of

endo-skeletons ? 1763.

What two uses are served by these hard parts? 1763. How many separate bones are there in the human skeleton? 1763. How many bones has the skull in early adult life? 1763. Is this number the same for youth and for old age? 1763-4. How many bones are there originally in the spinal column? 1763-4. What changes take place? 1764. How many ribs are there? 1764. How many bones are there in the arm? 1764. In the leg? 1764. What holds the bones together? 1764.


What is the skull? 1764, What similarity is there between the skulls of fishes and mammals?


What was the vertebral theory of the skull? 1764. What great poet held this theory? 1764. How did Huxley show this theory to be false? 1764. What is the outer covering of the skull called? 1687. Does the skin of the scalp differ from that of the rest of the body?



What is the hard material of the skeleton called? 242. What is the office of the bones? 242. Of what two substances is bone composed? 242. What different results are obtained by burning and by soaking in

acids? 242.

What are the three shapes of bones? 242. What are the tiny holes in the compact bony substance? 242. What is marrow? 242.


What is muscle? 1283.

Of what is muscular tissue composed? 1283. What part does it serve? 1283.

Are the simpler animals provided with muscles? 1283. Upon what do their movements depend? 1283.