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What diverted Japan from national ideals of art? 666.

Why were color prints not classed as art? 666.

What three persons produced a Japanese print? 667.

What kind of wood was used for tiaese prints? 667.

How were the colors printed? 667.

When were the great works in color printing produced? 667.

Who was the most universal genius of all print artists? 667.

Who is famous for landscapes? 667.

When did Chinese pictorial art begin? 667.

What two famous painters lived in the Sing dynasty? 667.

What skill is required to write Chinese? 667.

What were three ways of painting in China? 667.

What was the first object of Egyptian wall painting? 668.

How was the human face always painted? 668.

How were flower forms drawn? 668.

How was the principal figure exaggerated? 668.

How were the tombs decorated? 668.

To what is Assyrian architecture closely allied? 668.

What caused the almost complete destruction of Assyrian ruins? 668.

What were the most important buildings? 668.

How were Assyrian structures built? 669.

How was Assyrian sculpture mostly done? 669.

How was the king always represented? 669.

What are the composite beings of Assyrian sculpture? 669.

How were the gods represented? 669.

How was the Assyrian artist always inspired? 669.

What was the chief material for artistic expression? 669.

How were literary productions inscribed? 669.

Where are the stories of the Bible verified? 669.

What is known of the painting of Assyria? 669,

When was the period of primitive sculpture in Greece? 669.

What was the most lucrative form of modelling? 669.

What represents 1,000 years of history efore writing? 669.

What were the majority of vases used for? 669.

How was the idea of strength*interpreted? 670.

Where was the most important group of sculpture In the world? 670.

In what work did Pheidias reach his climax? 670.

What is the most beautiful of marbles? 670.

What are the three matchless works of the Hellenic period? 670.

Why is the Gothic building more beautiful than Greek or Moorish? 670.

What gives eternal youth to Gothic cathedrals? 670.

What are the characteristic features of Gothic art? 670.

What are the most important examples of Gothic art? 670.

What peculiarities has the English Gothic? 670.

How could a "perfect building" be made? 610.

Where are Gothic sculptures at their best? 670.

Why is the made figure elongated? 670.

What leaf is an emblem of Christ? 670.

What are gargoyles? 670.

What do the freakish heads mean? 670.

What is Byzantine architecture sometimes called? 671.

What did Byzantine borrow from Rome? 671.

What did it obtain from the East? 671.

What is the most characteristic feature of the Byzantine building?


What are the pendentives? 671.

What were the acanthus and anthemion used for? 671. What is the greatest monument of Byzantine architecture? 671. How long did it dominate Christian architecture? 672. What three styles of art arose in Italy? 672. Who is called the Father of Modern Painting? 672. What two cities produced the greatest of Italian masters? 672. What styles were seized upon by Venetian artists? 672. Why were angle windows Introduced? 672.