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Where is the most notable tunnel in the U. S.? 885.

How does Boston rank in foreign trade? 249.

What mines have been worked in Connecticut since 1730? 444.

What is the character of silverware made in Rhode Island? 1607.


Why is New York the Empire State? 1331.

What enables New York to lead in manufactured goods? 1332.

What is the extent of exports and imports? 1333.

How many minutes does it take to walk across New York City? 1334.

What supports the weight of New York City? 1335.

What are the five boroughs of New York City? 1336.

What are the Palisades? 894.

How long is the Erie Canal? 321.

What two canals are used in New Jersey? 1328.

Where is the seat of the silk trade? 1327.

What river forms the entire eastern boundary of Pennsylvania? 1446.

Where are the largest Bessemer mills in the world? 1447.

How does Pennsylvania compare with New York in agriculture? 1448.

In what products does Pennsylvania lead all states? 1447.

What are the four divisions of the mountain systems of Pennsylvania? 1446.

What rank does Philadelphia hold as a manufacturing city? 1466.

Of what importance is Allegheny City? 51.

How does Delaware compare with Rhode Island in size? 516.

How does the Mason and Dixon line bound Maryland? 1181.

What is the leading industry of Maryland? 1182.

What two canals in Maryland? 1182.

What are the largest meat-packing industries on the Atlantic seaboard? 164.

What is tidewater Virginia? 2023.

What mines of Virginia are the largest in the world? 2023.

What two products are peculiar to Virginia? 2024.

What two natural wonders in Virginia? 2023, 1124.

Why is West Virginia called the Switzerland of America? 2071.

What is the area of the coal fields? 2071.


How does North Carolina compare in size with Pennsylvania? 1357. Where are the government hatcheries? 1357. How does it compare with Kentucky for tobacco? 1357. What is said of its wonderful waterpower? 1357. How does it lead the southern states? 1357.

What are the low country and the up country of South Carolina? 1784. How does this state lead the world? 1784. Where are the beds of phosphate rock? 1784. Where is the safest harbor on the Atlantic coast? 371. How does Georgia compare in size with New England? 752. How many climatic belts in the state? 753. Where is the famous Georgia marble found? 753. What valuable cotton is grown in Georgia? 753. Where is the largest tobacco farm in the world? 753. Where is the leading naval stores port in the world? 1683. How many clear days in the year in Florida? 684. What are its most important crops? Minerals? 684. What is the leading industry of the state? 684. What are the Florida Keys? 684.

What is the greatest engineering feat of recent years? 684. What city is built on a coral island? 1001.

What crop is grown in the famous black belt of Alabama? 35. What rank has the state in iron ore production? 36. How many miles of navigable rivers? 36. What is the only seaport of Alabama? 1244. How are funds raised for the levees in Mississippi? 1240. What is the most valuable tree? 1240.