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What was the development of art in Assyria, Babylonia and ChaldeaV

668. Why were Assyrian boys educated at home? 1081.


How long have the Hebrews been called Jews? 971.

Where did the Hebrews first settle? 971.

How long did they remain in Egypt? 971.

When did Moses lead them out of Egypt? 971.

Under what leader did they enter the land of promise? 9710

How was the tribe of Levi provided for? 971.

What is the heroic age of Hebrew history? 972.

Who were the greatest of the 15 judges? 972.

Who were the greatest Hebrew kings? 972.

Who founded the lyric poetry of the Hebrews? 507.

What madness seized Saul? 1683.

Why was Solomon's reign a splendid failure? 972.

Who were the Samaritans? 972.

How long did the exile of the Jews last? 972.

What heroic family drove out the Syrians? 972.

What Roman captured Jerusalem? 972.

When did the Jews get the rights of Roman citizens? 972.

When was the temple at Jerusalem destroyed? 972.

What has been the history of the Jews since their dispersion? 973.

How are the Jews now distributed throughout the world? 973.

Who is placed next to Moses in Jewish literature? 1081.

Name some noted Jews in literature, science and public life? 1082.

How did the Jews divide the Scriptures? 209.

What saved the life of Josephus the Jewish historian? 979.


What was the extent of Phoenicia? 1473. Where did the Phoenician settlers come from? 1722. When did Sidon begin to take the lead? 1473. Under what people did Sidon reach its greatest prosperity? 1753. What did Hiram, king of Tyre, furnish to Solomon? 1963. What colonies were founded by the Phoenicians? 342, 1473. What is the origin of the English alphabet? 1722. What were the two chief manufactures of Phoenicia? 773, 1473. What did the Phoenicians know of mining and working metals? 1473. What is the last period of Phoenician history? 1473. What was the religion of the Phoenicians? 1473. When did the last shadow of Phoenician independence pass away?



From what people did the ancient Greeks come? 801. What were their character and occupation? 801. How did they enter Greece? 801. What did each succeeding tribe do to the ones that went before them?


When did the Greeks found cities in Sicily? 1751. What was the early form of government in Syracuse? 1861. Where is Sparta located? 1792. How were the citizens classed? 1792. What did Lycurgus do for Sparta? 1792. In whose honor was Athens named? 130. How is Draco unjustly blamed? 548. What did Solon make the title to citizenship? 1779. What was Solon's purpose in doing this? 1779. What was the ceremony of giving an oracle? 518. Where were the Pythian games held? 1568. When were the Olympic games abolished? 1381. What Persian king macle the first two wars against Greece? 504.