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What naturalist discovered the lowest form of animal life? 509. What dispute was jokingly called the Aroostook war? 111. Who discovered the Klondyke goldmines? 1007. What celebrated dispute did this reopen between Canada and the

United States? 38. What is Sir Wilfrid Laurier's patriotic hope for the future of Canada?

1036. What Irish representative to the British Parliament was once leader

of the Liberals in Canada? 225. Upon what Indian reserves was built the first church (Episcopalian)

in Upper Canada? 260. What Indian chief translated The Gospel of Marie and The English

Prayerbook into Mohawk? 260.

Where was the first large suspension-bridge built? 266. For how long is copyright granted in Canada? 453. How many times have Fenians invaded Canada? 655. What Canadian statesman was governor of the Windward Islands

and later of British Guiana? 875. What indeinnity did the Hudson Bay Company receive for its rights?


Where is left a remnant of the Huron Indians? 900. What Canadian statesman was offered a knighthood three times but

declined? 1137.

When was use first made of power at Niagara? 1346. When was work first begun at Niagara to develop electric power? 1346. What Anglo-Canadian novelist is a member of the British Parliament?


What Indian chief was a brigadier-general in the War of 1812? 1879. What Indian put off his uniform and sword and dressed like an Indian

because he believed he would be killed in battle? 1880. By whom was Vancouver founded? 2001.

How do the Huron Indians tell the story of their origin? 900. Where was the first modern cantilever bridge built? 267.


How should United States history be studied? 1977. How did Queen Elizabeth playfully name Sir Walter Raleigh's instability of character? 1584. When did Raleigh say: "This is a sharp medicine, but it is a sure

cure for all diseases"? 1584. How did Raleigh honor his queen? 2024. The land of what great city was bought for beads, brass ornaments

and bright cloth? 1336.

What celebrated Virginian named New England? 1149. Where is Plymouth Rock preserved upon which the Pilgrim Fathers

landed? 1507. What is the first written constitution we have any historical account

of? 1490.

What caused the first battle between Englishmen in America? 1182. When was the Mississippi River the western boundary of Virginia?


Why is Connecticut called the Constitution State? 444. Who was exiled for saying the government should not control religion?


Who was the first Chief Tammany? 517. To what rebellion can the Revolution be traced? 154. What six great colleges were founded before 1700? 1977. What dispute was settled by the celebrated Mason-and-Dixon line?

1184, 1448. What fortress, taken and destroyed by the New Englanders, cost

$5,000,000, and was 30 years in building? 1118, 1977.