by the next out going mail to have them to answer and be able to write you a long and cheerful letter and I know how glad you will be to get it by my own feelings it is very rough weather just now and it affects James very much but I hope we shall have it more settled soon and be able to get him out for a drive to the beach the fresh air will do him more good than all the medicine we can give him we can only do our best and ask our Father to bless the (illegible text) to say thy will be done with all our hearts with kind regards to Mr Munday and yourself from Mr Cook and self believe me yours truly
Nov 5 James is no better before this morning
Corner of Abbotsford and Auden Streets,
Nov 3 1875
My Dear Mrs Munday
I trust this will find you and yours quite well I have been trying to nerve myself to write to you for some time past but could not do so but now that James has returned and he being in very bad health wished me to write for him I need not say how glad I was to see his face once more it is nearly 3 years since he left Melbourne and 2 since dear Alice left