Take books and rent ’um, who would invent ’um,
When as the Sword replies, negatur argumentum?
Your grand Colledge Butlers muſt ſtoop to your ſutlers,
There’s not a Library living like the cutlers;
The bloud that is ſpilt, ſir, hath gaind all the guilt, ſir,
Thus have you ſeen me run the Sword up to the hilts Sir.
When as the Sword replies, negatur argumentum?
Your grand Colledge Butlers muſt ſtoop to your ſutlers,
There’s not a Library living like the cutlers;
The bloud that is ſpilt, ſir, hath gaind all the guilt, ſir,
Thus have you ſeen me run the Sword up to the hilts Sir.
A Medly of Nations.
The Scots.
I am a bonny Scot, Sir, my name is mickle John,
’Twas I was in the Plot, Sir, when firſt the war begun:
I left the Court one thouſand ſix hundred forty one,
But ſince the flight at Woſter-fight we all are undone;
I ſerv’d my Lord & Maſter, when as he lig’d at home,
Our Cauſe did ſhrink, Gods bread, I think
The Deel’s got in his room:
He no man fears, but ſtamps and ſtares
Through all Chriſtendom.
I have travell’d mickle ground
Since I came from Worceſter Pound,
I have gang’d a galland round
Through all our neighbouring Nations,
And what their opinions are
Unto you I ſhall declare,
’Twas I was in the Plot, Sir, when firſt the war begun:
I left the Court one thouſand ſix hundred forty one,
But ſince the flight at Woſter-fight we all are undone;
I ſerv’d my Lord & Maſter, when as he lig’d at home,
Our Cauſe did ſhrink, Gods bread, I think
The Deel’s got in his room:
He no man fears, but ſtamps and ſtares
Through all Chriſtendom.
I have travell’d mickle ground
Since I came from Worceſter Pound,
I have gang’d a galland round
Through all our neighbouring Nations,
And what their opinions are
Unto you I ſhall declare,