Page:Merry Drollery Complete 1670.djvu/351

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The Contents of the firſt Part.
Now I confeſs I am in Love 5
Be merry in ſorrow, why are you ſo ſad 7
Amerillis told her ſwaine 8
Call for the Maſter oh this is fine 9
Once I was ſad till I grew to be mad 10
When firſt Mardike was made a Prey 12
Of all the Crafts that I do know 17
The thirſty Earth drinks up the Rain 22
To friend and to foe 23
The Faſhions 25
Tobacco that is withered quite 26
There was a Jovial Tinker 27
Now Gentlemen if you will hear 29
The Hunt is up 30
Of an old ſouldier of the Queen 31
If thou will know how to chuſe a ſhrew 32
Come my delicate bonny ſweet Betty 34
Nay prethee don’t fly me &c. 36
A fox a fox up Gallant to the field 38
Ah Ah come ſee what’s here 40
