Page:Merry Drollery Complete 1670.djvu/352

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The Contents.
Let dogs and divells dye 41
A young man that in Love &c, 42
There dwelt a maid &c. 46
The ſpring is coming on and our bloud &c, 47
Doctors lay by your Irksome books 48
There was an old man &c. 52
Come Jack let’s drink, or the Cavaleers complaint 52
The Anſwer to it 54
All in the Land of Eſſex 56
My Miſtris is a Shittle-Cock 60
Will you hear a ſtrange thing &c. 62
Of nothing a new ſong 66
Bacchus I am come from &c. 69
Be not thou ſo fooliſh nice 69
Aske me no more &c. 70
A Seſſions was held the other day 72
I came unto a Puritan to woe 77
Good Lord what a paſs is this world &c. 79
Walking abroad in a morning 81
In Eighty Eight &c. 82
Nay out upon this fooling for ſhame 84
If every woman was ſerv’d in her kind 85
Some Chriſtian People all give ear 87
Come my Daphne come away 91
Caſt your Caps and eares away 92
When firſt the Scottiſh war began 93
My Brethren all attend 95
Come let’s drink the time invites 97
In the merry month of May 99
