Economic Defense Board
Washington, D.C.
Office of the Executive Director
October 13, 1941
Mr. Harry Hopkins,
The White House.
Dear Harry:
In view of the time urgency I did not attempt to re-write this cable although I think it is a little wordy. I do not, however, disagree with its subject matter. It seems to me that the cable could be made a more direct answer by inserting a paragraph on page 2 at the point I have marked. That suggested insert which I have cleared with Les Wheeler follows:
"Some provisions dealing broadly with the cooperative and complementary relation of European production programs to those of the exporting countries probably should be included, otherwise the danger of adverse propaganda would still remain. I would, therefore, suggest your delegates be instructed to deal with the provisions relating to the production of importing countries in such manner as to minimize the danger of adverse propaganda. One way of doing this might be by flatly indicating that the approval and cooperation
sof such countries will be sought after the war and before the agreement becomes effective. This frankness together with the promise of wheat for relief distribution in Europe might be good offensive propaganda."
Sincerely yours,
Milo Perkins
Executive Director.