Moroni Olsen Players to Appear Here Feb. 18 for Last Time
The First Circuit Repertory company will add Karel Capek, the famous Bohemian playwright and author of “R. U. R.” to the list of notables in its growing repertory, when it presents “The Makropoulos Secret” as the second of its plays for the season of 1929–30.
“The Makropoulos Secret” will be given on February 18, 1930, under the sponsorship of Marshfield Elks’ lodge, at the Egyptian theatre.
Capek established himself in the consciousness of followers of spoken drama when “R. U. R.” first appeared and “robot” was added to the colloquial vocabulary of contemporary American language.
As in “R. U. R.” he worked from a fantastic premise to a dramatic and startling conclusion that fits definitely into the pattern of practical human philosophy; so in “The Makropoulos Secret,” he works from the fantastic premise of a formula to prolong life indefinitely into immortality and moves to a dramatic conclusion which audiences will find fitting definitely into the pattern of their philosophy after they have gotten away from the sheer glamour and grip of the drama itself.
“The Makropoulos Secret” will bring back to the road for the second production of the season, a more diversified cast than was used in “Twelve Thousand,” which was confined to men characters with but one exception.
Rehearsals on “The Makropoulos Secret” were begun in Carmel, during the latter part of November, between appearances in Santa Barbara and Reno, and were completed in Ogden during the Christmas vacation. The tour began in this play about January 3.
Byron Kay Foulger, who was on vacation during the tour of “Twelve Thousand,” directs “The Makropoulos Secret.”