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§ 96

Thus Ar. verbal suffix *‑sqe- (: Skr. ‑ccha‑, Gk. ‑σκω, Lat. ‑sco), appears as ch in W. chwenychaf; finally ‑wch < *‑yχ < *‑i‑sq- (: Gk. ‑ι-σκω) § 201 iii (2);—Ml. W. amkawẟ w.m. 453 ‘replied’ < *am-χ‑awẟ § 156 i (4) < *m̥bi‑sq, √seq ‘say’; suffix § 182 iii.

(5) After an explosive or nasal, however, Ar. ‑sk̑‑, ‑sq‑ > W. ‑sc‑ (‑sg‑), and Ar. ‑sq > W. ‑sp‑; in Ir. ‑sc‑. Thus W. mysgu, cymysgu ‘to mix’, Ir. mescaim ‘I mix’ < *mik̑‑sq‑: Lat. misceo, Gk. μίγνυμι, Skr. mis̑rá‑ḥ ‘mixed’, √meik̑/g̑‑;—W. llusgo ‘to drag’ < *lop‑sq- ii (3) above;—W. hesg ‘sedges’, Ir. sescenn ‘swamp’ < *seq‑sq‑: E. sedge, O. E. secgseq/ɡ- ‘cut’: Lat. seco etc.;—W. llesg ‘languid, infirm, sluggish’, Ir. lesc ‘slothful’ < *leq‑sq‑, √(s)lē̆g‑: Skr. laŋga‑ḥ ‘lame’ < *lenɡ‑, Lat. langueo < *lənɡ‑, Gk. λαγαρός;—W. gw̯rysg ‘twigs’ < *u̯r̥d‑sq‑: Lat. rāmus < *u̯r̥̄d-mo‑s, √u̯erō̆d- § 91;—W. diaspad f. ‘a cry’ < *dē-ad-sq‑ətā, √seq, suff. § 143 iii (18); W. cosp ‘punishment’, Ir. cosc ‘correction, reprimand’ < *kon‑sq ‘talk with’.

As the group ‑sku̯- or ‑squ̯- contains three distinct consonants, it gives ‑sp- in W. (not ‑ch‑); thus W. hysp ‘dry’ (without milk), di-hysb-yddu ‘to bail’ (a boat, a well, etc.), di-hysb-ydd ‘inexhaustible’ < *sisq-u̯o- redupl. of √seiq- ‘dry’: Avest. hišku- f. hiškvī‑, Lat. siccus < *sīcos (W. sych, Ir. secc < Lat. ?).

(6) Ar. ‑ks‑, ‑qs‑, ‑qs‑ give Ir. ss, W. Bret. Corn. ‑ch- or ‑h‑. Thus Ir. dess ‘right (hand)’ < *dek̑s‑, W. deheu ‘right, south’ < *deksou̯i̯os, Gaul. Dexsiva dea: Lat. dexter, Gk. δεξιός, Goth. taihswa, O. H. G. zësawa;—Ir. ess‑, W. eh‑, ech- § 156 i (15): Lat. ex, Gk. ἐξ;—W. ych ‘ox’ (Ml. Ir. oss) < *uqsō: Skr. ukṣā, O. H. G. ohso, § 69 v.—So finally: W. chw̯ech ‘six’, Ir. , sess- < *su̯eks: Av. xšvaš, Gk. ἕξ (῾ϝεξ), Lat. sex, Goth. saihs, E. six < Ar. *su̯ek̑s, *sek̑s § 101 ii (2).

As before ts, an explosive or nasal before the group dropped; but in that case ‑ks- probably, like ‑sk‑, did not become χ, but remained and developed like Lat. ‑x‑; so perhaps trais ‘oppression’ < *treks- < *trenk‑s‑: W. trenn, Ger. streng § 148 i (13). A liquid before the group remains, § 95 iv (2); ‑ksl‑, ‑ksm‑ etc., § 95 ii (2).

iv. After s, Ar. p in Kelt. either (α) became *f as usual; or (β) was altered to q and developed accordingly.