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§ 193

Verbal Noun.
dyvot (dyfod, dywod, dywad).

v. Pres. and Impf. Ind.—(1) The contracted forms ei, eir, eid, gwnei, gwneir, gwneid are now written and pron. with ei (≡ əi); but formerly ai was used as in uncontracted forms; § 81 iii (1); as Bwrdeisiaid a w̯naid yn waeth G.Gl. p 100/174. The 3rd sg. impf. aei, gwnaei are already contracted in Ml. W., as ai w.m. 117, 252, 451, gwnai 54, 250, 389, gunai b.b. 56; similarly doei had become doi w.m. 7. See § 52 iii (3).

(2) For a Dr. M. used dial. aiff (now eiff) § 179 iii (1); this is condemned by D. 86. Some late writers have used gw̯naiff also; but the lit. gwna prevails. The old strong form of af is ë‑yt § 173 vi (1); of gwnaf is gwnë-yẟ do. (3).

(3) The stems deu‑, do- are both used throughout the pres. and impf. except in the 3rd sg. pres.; thus doaf, doy r.m. 76, w.m. 55, deuaf, deuy s.g. 15. In Mn. W. doaf is contracted to dṓf D.G. 355, L.G.C. 206, 468; this is the usual spoken form, though doa(f) persists in Dyf. dial. The 3rd sg. is daw; also do b.t. 38, dyẟau b.b. 32 (‑uw), dyẟaw r.p. 1055, l. 16, dyẟo ib. l. 23.—O.W. gurthdo gl. obstitit.

(4) The second future of deuaf is a survival, chiefly used in poetry: sg. 1. dybyẟaf b.t. 19; sg. 3. diwit (≡ dyvyẟ) b.b. 51, dybit (≡ dybyẟ) do. 55, dyfyẟ b.t. 10, dybyẟ r.p. 1190, dyẟybyẟ b.t. 42, dybyẟhawt r.p. 1437, dyvi b.t. 72, dybi b.b. 60, dypi w.m. 478, deubyẟ b.t. 17, deubi b.t. 3, deupi b.b. 61; pl. 3. dybyẟant b.t. 26.

vi. Perf. and Plup.—(1) In late Mn. W. euthum, gwneuthum, deuthum, are often misspelt aethum, gwnaethum, daethum. In the dialects the 1st and 2nd sg. perf. are mostly replaced by new aorists ēs, gwnēs, dóis on the analogy of cēs and rhois, also eis and gwneis (“balbutientium puerorum mera sunt barbaries” D. 117).

(2) In Ml. W. the perf. stem of deuaf is deuth- or doeth‑; and the 3rd sg. is deuth or doeth. Ml. W. daeth is doubtful; y | daeth b.b. 3 is prob. yd aeth, cf. 97 marg. In the Early Mn. bards the form attested by the rhyme is doeth D.G. 259 (misprinted daeth), 287, as there is no rhyme to dauth the regular Mn. equivalent of Ml. deuth. Late Mn. W. daeth may be dauth h.g. 21 misspelt, as daethant is a misspelling of deuthant. The N.W. dial, form is dṓth, 3rd pl. deuthon’ or doethon’. In S.W. dā́th is also heard.—Impers. § 175 iv (7).

Dan i ddant erioed ni ddoeth
Ar i enau air annoeth.—D.N., m 136/123.

‘Under his tooth there never came on his lips an unwise word.’

(3) The second perf. of af and deuaf is of frequent occurrence in Ml. W. poetry, as athwyf, ethyw H.O.G. m.a. i 275, athwyd, ethynt P.M. do. 289, aẟwyf C. do. 216, etiw (t) do. do. 220; dothuif b.b. 79, dotyw (t) M. w. 1a, dotynt (≡ doẟynt) do. do. 3a, ethint b.b. 33. It is also met with fairly often in Ml. prose: eẟyw w.m. 456,