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cyn is the adv. cynt ' sooner ', an obi. case of the cpv. adj. cynt 148i( 3 ).

(2) nes [rad.] ' until ', used before verbal nouns ; as, ny chysgaf hun lonyb nes gwybot W,M. 167 'I shall not sleep comfortably until I know ' ; nes ei orfedd T.A. G. 237 ' until his lying- (low) ', i.e. * until he lay (low) ' ; rarely before abstract nouns : nes Jienaint L.G.C. 445 'till old age'.

Galw am ddyfod diodydd, Gwyliaw tan nes gweled dydd. L.Gr.C. 430. ' Calling for drinks to be brought, watching the fire till day is seen.'

The construction survives in Late Mn. W. : nes i mi ddyfod Es. xxxvi 17 'until my coming', cf. B.CW. 83, 115; but a new construction, nes before a noun-clause beginning with y, arose, e. g. nes y del y dydd c.c. 211 (end of i7th cent.) ' until the day comes '. In the dialects the y is omitted and nes becomes a con- junction ; but nes with v.n. is still in common use.

nes ( = nes, though now sounded nes 51 vi) = nes ' nearer ', 148 i (i) ; ' nearer than ' > ' this side of ' > ' until ' ; cf. nys caffaf-i efo yn nes dioSef llawer s.G. 291 'I shall not get him before suffering much '.

ii. Nominal preps, from nouns are used not only simply, as cylch 'about', but with a preceding prep., as o gylch 'about'; the latter forms may be called composite nominal prepositions. When a pers. pron. is required to be the object, it takes the form of an infixed pron. in the composite prep., as o'th gylch ' about thee' ; o'th achos D.G. 101 'on thy account, because of thee '. The simple nom. preps, are the following, all taking the [rad.] except hyd :

(i) achos 'because of; compos, o achos id. : noun acJios 'cause'.

o achaws W.M. 12 'on account of; o'th achaws di K.M. 233 ; pa achaws E.B.B. 112' why 1 ' achos gwenfun I.MSS. 239.

(a) cylch, amgylch 'about'; compos, ynghylch, o gylch, o am gylch, o amgylch 6gylch ' round about ' : cylch ' circle '.

Yn bwhwman gan annwyd

Cylch drws dy dy, Lleucu Llwyd. 1L.G., BR. ii 171.

' Shivering with cold about the door of thy house, LI. LI. ', i. e. around thy grave; (v.l. YngliylcJi dy dy F.N. 29); cylch dolydd Dwylais