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§ 222

same as after accented *ne, but made more regular owing to the word being of less frequent occurrence ; the rad. c- etc. seems to be due to further levelling.

(2) pel [rad.] 'if Late Mn. W. pe. The form pei is short for pei y ' were it that ' ; see 189 ii (3) ; the real conj. y, yt which follows pei is the citative eonj. ; see x (i). Before a noun there is, of course, no conj. after pei, which is then simply ' were it ' ; as pei mi rywascut velly W.M. 474 ' were it I that thou hadst squeezed so '.

pei ran S.G. 212 ' supposing that', cf. 256, 368, pei rhon D.G. 118, 271, 304, followed by a v.n. clause. The formation is not clear (*? pei rhoent ' if they granted ').

vi. Temporal: (i) pan(n) [soft] 'when', 162 iv (3), 163 vi ; sometimes dan, especially in poetry.

A phan 8oeth yno W.M. 8 ' and when he came there ' ; a phan welas do. 1 3 ' and when he saw ' ; pan gly whont do. 2 2 c when they hear '. Pa le V oeddit ti pan sylfaenais i y ddaear 1 Job xxxviii 4. Ban elom ni IL.A. 168 'when we go'.

Syrthiais, llewygais i'r llawr, Bann welais benn i elawr. T.A., G. 234. ' I fell, I fainted to the floor, when I saw the head of his bier.'

pan being relative a prep, may govern the antecedent, expressed as the r in o'r pan agoroch y drws W.M. 57 ' from the time when you open the door', but generally implied, as in erbyn pan do. 33 'by [the time] when', hyt pan do. 470 'until ', yr panda. 161, Mn. W, er pan 1 since '.

(2) tra ' whilst ' ; also hyd tra. It is usually followed by a soft initial ; tra parJiao W.M. 26 is a rare exception in Ml. W. In Late Mn. W. the rad. is common (sometimes by confusion with the prep, tra, the spir. e. g. Gr.O. 12).

ny ommeSwyt neb tra barhauft (read barhaa6S) W.M. 26 ' no one was refused while it [the feast] lasted ' ; tra gejfit do. 65-6, 68, 72 'while one could have ' ; tra vynho Duw do. 7 1 ' while God will ', tra welho Duw do. 7 2 id. ; tra gerSych W.DJ. 6 ' while thou walkest ' ; tra fyddai Matt, xiv 2 2, tr&fyddwyf Marc xiv 32 ; trajyddo haul Ps. Ixxii 1 7. hyt tra ym gatter yn vyw W.M. 479 ' whilst I am left alive ' ; hyt tra vei K.B.B. 79.

tra allied to the prep, tra, but coming from a Brit, form ending in a vowel, possibly *tare < *t e ri cf, *are- < *p f ri ; if so it is for *tar, see 214 iii.