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Pioneer Czechs
In Colfax County

An historical sketch compiled by Rose Rosicky, Omaha, Nebr., from matter furnished by Joseph Sudik (Schuyler), Emil Folda, J. Mundil and Anton Odvarka Sr. (Clarkson), Jos. B. Sindelar (Howells), Rev. B. A. Filipi (Clarkson), Rev. K. Z. Petlach (Clarkson), Rev. Anthony Folta (Heun), Rev. Joseph Drbal (Howells) and Rev. Jos. F. Vitko (Schuyler) and others.

Written in 1926.

—— CHAPTER 17 ——
(Continued from last week.)

THE SCHMID BROTHERS, Joseph and Jaroslav, blacksmiths and wagon makers, the business having been established by their father Cyril Schmid in 1886. The father came to Butler county, with his parents, settling on a farm near Abie. He had learned the blacksmithing trade in his native land, here worked for Thomas Hrubecky, to learn the American system, then began on his own account. The sons are always busy, their brother Stanislav helps them when necessary.

EMIL COUFAL, partner in Higgins & Coufal, lumber yard, in business five years. Born in Butler county, Nebraska. His parents, Frank and Catherine, live in Schuyler, retired farmers.

ANTON KUPKA, watchmaker and jeweler, in business since 1896. Born in Crete, Saline county, Nebraska, in 1871, where his father Martin was one of the earliest pioneers. Kupka came to Schuyler in 1891, worked at first for jeweler Huck, then began for himself. He is a good business man and well liked.

JAROSLAV STASTNY, shoe shop since 1920. Born July 4, 1893 in Schuyler. Father Frank and mother born Mary Pesek.

FRANK E. DUDEK, proprietor of a large general merchandise and clothing store, owns several farms. Born in Moravia in 1872. His parents, Frank and Antonia, came to this country in 1882. They bought a farm on Dry creek, two years later sold it and bought on Shell Creek. Young Frank when through school, began to work for his uncle John Dudek and has, in his own business, become prosperous.

VACLAV PROKUPEK, partner in a shoe store since 1917. Came to this country in 1913. He worked in Omaha, then in Clarkson, then moved to Schuyler. Is a good Bohemian patriot and amateur actor. In 1916 married Emily Coufal, they have three children.

ANTON LANGER, barber shop since January 17, 1899. Born in Schuyler, March 24, 1875. In 1903 married Antonia Vrzak, they have one son, Robert. His father, Anton Langer, came to this country in 1866, settled in Schuyler in 1870.

JOHN VAREJCKA, tailor shop since 1912. Born in the village of Seradov, County Hlinsko, Bohemia, in 1875. His parents, Vaclav and Frances (born Dvorak) owned a house there. He came to this country in 1891, to Omaha, then to Schuyler and in 1892 married Frances Bohac, they have eight children. He is a good Bohemian patriot, member of several lodges and a good amateur actor, president of the dramatic section of lodge Blanik, Western Bohemian Fraternal Union.

THOMAS WACHA, dry goods, clothing and grocery store. In business life since 1899 and proprietor since 1904. Born in Saunders county, Nebraska, in 1870. His father Vaclav and mother Marie Magdalena came to this country in 1864. Thomas Wacha married Marie Mityska in 1896, they have eight children. He is a good business man and successful.

JACOB ROUSEK, proprietor moving pictue house since 1912. Born in Omaha, son of Joseph and Frances Rousek. In 1904 married to Dora Hasberger.

AUGUST KOUDELA, meat market since 1900. Born in Seradice, Bohemia, in 1873. Married to Bozena Krahulik in 1903. She died a year later, leaving a son, Edward. In 1907 he married Anna Majer, they have five children. A good Bohemian patriot, cheerful companion and practical in business.

JOHN ELIAS, tailor shop since 1900. Born in Holetin, County Hlinsko, Bohemia: His parents, Frank and Frances (born Volda) came to this country in 1875, to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, then to Boone, Iowa, then to Omaha, Nebraska, then to Schuyler. John Elias married Pauline Baloun in 1891, they have two daughters.

CHARLES A. KILLIAN, well maker, since 1919. Born October 25, 1862, in Bohemia. Came to this country with his parents in 1868, then to Chicago, then to Saunders county. Married Anna Zelezna in Omaha, they have eleven children. He used to farm a 240-acre farm in Saunders County, learned to make wells and since 1890 is in that business.

L. J. ZIMOLA, plumber since 1916. Born in Wahoo, Nebraska, in 1888. His parents, Vaclav and Frances, born Rezac. In 1915 he married Anna Fisher, one son.

DR. FRED G. KOLOUCH, proprietor of a hospital since 1921. This hospital was established by Mrs. Mary Prokes, born Jonas, in 1915, and successfully conducted by her for three years. Dr. Kolouch was born in Crete, Saline county, Nebraska, July 14, 1887. His parents are Thomas and Anna, born Frolik. His mother came to this country in 1869, his father, a carpenter, in 1879. Dr, Kolouch studied in Western University, Lincoln, then four years medicine in Omaha, was interne in the St. Joseph Hospital there for a year, then practiced five years in various places. In 1917 he was active in military camps in Kansas and Louisiana, during the World War. In 1913 he married Lily Kovarik, one son. Dr Kolouch is a very good surgeon.

JAROSLAV POKORNY, proprietor of two filling stations since 1920. Born in Colfax county in 1885, parents, John and Antonia, born Pesicía. In 1905 married to Mary Dlouhy, they have three children.

FRANK KOPECKY, partner in shoe shop store Prokupek & Kopecky, since 1917. Born in Luben, County Hradec Kralové, in 1894. His parents, Joseph and Barbara, born Broz. Came to this country in 1911, member of a musical band of five men, under Frank Kudrnac. They arrived in Galveston, Texas, and gave concerts in the western states as far as California, then to Omaha, where they disbanded. Kopecky was by trade a shoemaker, so he began to practice that. In 1917 he came to Schuyler and entered into partnership with Prokupek. Married Rose Herbrich, they have a daughter.

FRANK SLERKA, tinsmith since 1922. Born in Zdar, Moravia, in 1887. Parents Charles and Antonia, born Mosner. Came to Schuyler in 1906. Married Pauline Kostal in 1921.

FRANK G. HERBRICH, watchmaker and jeweler, in business 1922. Parents Martin and Marie, born Pokorny. Born in Schuyler in 1888. Married Marie Beznoska in 1917. Learned his trade with A. G. Kupka.

DR. L. H. SIXTA, the oldest Bohemian physician and surgeon, practicing here since 1897. Born in Kostomlaty, Bohemia, in 1867. Came with parents, Frank and Anna (born Kolinsky) to Manitowac county, Wisconsin, where his father engaged in the wholesale liquor business. Young Sixta studied medicine in Chicago, began to practice in 1890 and in that year married Vlasta Bem, daughter of Frank Bem, who established the large Bohemian colony around Yankton, South Dakota. On her mother’s side, Mrs. Sixta comes of the Ferdinand family, which came to Chicago in 1850, when that metropolis was but a little town. Dr. Sixta and his wife made a wedding trip to Europe, where he did post graduate work in Prague and Vienna. They have three children.

(To be continued.)