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have only heard ‑əN. Craig writes pósan muid but he is not reliable for l and n sounds.

§ 237. Medial N sometimes arises from assimilation of n with another consonant, e.g. fʹiəNiʃ, ‘witness’, O.Ir. fiadnisse; çiəNə, ‘same’, O.Ir. cétne; Lu꞉NəsNə, ‘Lammas, August’, M.Ir. lúgnasad; ə mʹlʹiəNə, ‘this year’, cp. O.Ir. gen. sing. bliadne; , ‘than’, O.Ir. inda. Similarly the na forms of the article have N, O.Ir inna. nd > N also occurs in certain stereo­typed compounds, e.g. ·αNinʹə, ‘un­gracious person’, Di. anduine; ɛəNynʹə, ‘anybody’, Di. aonduine; ʃαNinʹə, ‘old man’, Di. seanduine. With these cases we may compare the eclipse n before initial d which also produces N, e.g. ə Nα꞉n, ‘fated, in store’, Di. i. ndán.

§ 238. N stands before L, t, d, s, e.g. αNLo̤g, ‘very weak’; αNLo̤m, ‘very bare’; αNLũ꞉χər, ‘very nimble’; bʹαN ·Lyə, ‘mistress’; bʹlʹɛəNLαχə, plur. of bʹlʹein, ‘groin’, O.Ir. mlén; ɛəNLαiç, ‘fowl’, M.Ir. énlaith; tα꞉ ʃiəd ə go̤bwirʹ əs ɛəNLα̃꞉v, ‘they are hand and glove together’; ko̤NLαχ, ‘stubble’, Meyer connlach, connlech; Nỹ꞉ NLy꞉ = naoi ndlaoi; sLα꞉NLəs, ‘plantain’, Di. slánlus; spʹrʹïNLə, ‘lazy fellow’, cp. Di. sprionn­lóg. αli꞉Ntə, ‘tricky, artful’, Di. ealadh­anta; ɛəNtiəs, ‘living in the same house’, aon­tuigheas; gʹαNtrαχə, plur. of gʹiɲ, ‘wedge’; kαNtər, pres. pass. of kαnəm, ‘I speak’; LʹαNtər, pres. pass. of Lʹαnəm, ‘I follow’; LʹiəNtə, ‘filled’; mαNtə, ‘lot, amount’, < Engl. ‘amount’; mαNtαχ, ‘talking in­distinct­ly’, Di. manntach; so꞉Ntαχ, ‘simple’, Di. sonntach. For Nt in sandhi see § 465. According to § 236 Nd can only occur in sandhi, for which see § 465. kʹαNsuw, ‘to pacify’, M.Ir. cendsugud; o̤Nsuw, ‘to face, make for’, M.Ir. indsaigim; o̤Nsə, ‘ounce’, Di. únsa; sko̤Nsə, ‘fence’, Di. sconnsa.

§ 239. N follows r (< R) and s, e.g. bʹα꞉rN, ‘gap’, M.Ir. bern; dɔ꞉rN, ‘fist’, M.Ir. dorn; kα꞉rNαn i꞉lʹi꞉, ‘dunghill’; kɔ꞉rNuw, ‘to roll up’, Di. cornaim; kʹαhərNαχ, ‘small, impudent person’, Meyer cether­nach; Lu꞉bərNỹ꞉, ‘wriggling’, Di. lúbar­naighil. In mono­syllables ending in rN (rNʹ) the N () is almost syllabic. αsNə, ‘rib’, M.Ir. asna; brɔsNə, ‘single piece of firewood’, Meyer brosna; kɔsNuw, ‘to cost’; ɔsNə, ‘sigh’, O.Ir. osnad; sNαg, ‘hiccough’, Di. snag; sNαhαd, ‘needle’, O.Ir. snáthat; sNα꞉, ‘bundle of thread’, sNα꞉içə, ‘thread’, O.Ir. snáthe; sNα꞉uw, ‘to swim’, M.Ir. snám; sNuw, ‘com­plexion’, M.Ir. snúad; sNỹ꞉, ‘bier’, Macbain snaoidh; sNỹ꞉mʹ, ‘knot’, M.Ir. snaidm.