a variety of forms. Macbain has pìochan, Fournier ceochan, O’R. spiochan.
§ 366. Medial and final pʹ occurs only in inflected or derivative forms of words containing p, e.g. kʹipʹi꞉nʹ, ‘small stick’, dimin. of kʹαp; krɛpʹə, ‘button’, < M.Ir. cnapp. Also in fwïpʹ < Engl. ‘whip’.
pʹ arises after mʹ in tʹimʹpʹiəL, ‘about’, O.Ir. timmchell, cp. o̤mpər § 362.
§ 367. As pʹ and fʹ interchange in aspiration, pʹ is sometimes wrongly substituted for fʹ, e.g. in pʹiLʹuw, ‘to return’, M.Ir. filliud; pʹrʹiælʹ, ‘to fry’, < Engl.
3. b
§ 368. b is the voiced sound corresponding to p. The off-glide is w which we write in this book before palatal vowels.
§ 369. b occurs initially in a large number of words corresponding to O. and M.Ir. b before a, o, u or l and r followed by these vowels, e.g. bαkαχ, ‘lame’, M.Ir. baccach; bαL, ‘spot’, O.Ir. ball; bα꞉huw, ‘to drown’, M.Ir. bádud; blα꞉, ‘flower’, M.Ir. bláth; blα꞉χ, ‘buttermilk’, M.Ir. bláthach; brα꞉dʹ, ‘throat’, O.Ir. bráge; brïNʹ, ‘womb’, M.Ir. broind (dat.); bɔ꞉, ‘cow’, O.Ir. bó; bo̤g, ‘soft’, M.Ir. bocc; bwæNʹə, ‘milk’, O.Ir. banne; bwæʃtʹəm, ‘I baptize’, O.Ir. baitsim; bwelʹə, ‘townland’, M.Ir. baile; bwiə, ‘yellow’, O.Ir. bude; bwiLʹə, ‘blow’, O.Ir. buille; bw⅄꞉, ‘foolish’, O.Ir. báith.
b corresponds to O.Ir. m in brαiç, ‘malt’, O.Ir. mraich; blαs, ‘taste’, O.Ir. mlas; brαihəm, ‘I betray’, cp. M.Ir. mrath.
The eclipsed form of p is b, e.g. α bɔ꞉sit(ʹ) ʃə, ‘if he were to marry’; vi꞉ ʃi α bɔ꞉guw, ‘she was kissing them’; mər bα꞉ʃʹtʹə, ‘your child’; Nỹ꞉ bo̤NəNαχə, ‘nine sheaves’.
§ 370. Medially and finally b represents an earlier bb which generally arose by assimilation and which in O. and M.Ir. is written pp, p, e.g. αbwirʹ (imper.), ‘say’, M.Ir. apair with a from atbeir; αbər, ‘mud’, M.Ir. ebor; go̤b, ‘beak, mouth’, M.Ir. gop; gʹïbɔg, ‘bit, morsel’, cp. O.Ir. gibbne; kαb, ‘mouth’, kαbwirʹə, ‘prater’, < M.Engl. gabben; Lʹαbwi꞉, ‘bed’, M.Ir. lepaid, lepad; skαbuw, ‘to scatter’, Di. scabaim, scapaim, scaipim; to̤bər, ‘well’, O.Ir. topur; to̤bəN, ‘sudden’, M.Ir. oponn. b corresponds to M.Ir. b after d in Lʹɛəb, ‘strip’, M.Ir. ledb. In this case the group db is not the same as db in M.Ir. Medb, Sadb which are