Page:Science ofDress170.png

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The Science of Dress.
Fig. 13.

The complete plan of lacing is shown in Fig. 13; but the laces should not be pulled out in the middle to be tied round the waist, as in the illustration, but should be drawn down to the bottom of the stays, and fastened there at the back. This is very easy to do, and it saves the waist from the pressure of the cords. Indeed, whether the old or the new system of lacing is employed, this remark holds good and is of importance.

When stays are worn, the petticoats should be fastened on to buttons attached to them, and the underclothing can then be very simply and easily arranged as follows: Woollen combinations worn next the skin, stays to which the petticoat, or petticoats, are to be attached, and if the weather is cold, a woollen bodice may be added, but this is rarely required.