LONDON, April 14.
It is generally believed that parliament will not be prorogued till Thursday the first of June.
April 26. In purfuance of an act of parliament made in the prelent year of his Majefty's reign, intituled, "An act to empower his Majesty to fecure and detain perfons charged with or fufpected of the crime of high treaton, committed in any of his Majetty's colonies or plantations in America, for on the high feas, or of the crime, of piracy;" the King has been pleafed, by warrants under his royat figa manual. to appoint a certain me fluage or building, called Forton, on the Gofport fide of Portf mouth narbour, in the parth of Alverftoke, in the Bounty of Southampton and alfo a certain meflaage er building called Old Mill Prifon, fituated in the borough of Plymouth, in the county of Devon, to be places of confinement for fuch prifoners.
May 1. Yesterday his Majesty was pleafed to pro- mote the following Captains of the navy to the rank of Rear Admirals, viz. Capt. George M'Kenzie, Capt. Matthew Barton, and sir Peter Parker
May 2. A mution was made yeflerday in the Houfe of Commons, for leave to bring in a bill for the better fupply of marines and feamen.
Yefterday the bill for allowing a draw back upon teas exported to Ireland, was read a fecond time in ibe Houfe of Commons, and committed for Tutiday cxt.
The Emperor's journey to France puzzles many politicians The vision of Poland folioved his Interview with the King of Pruflia, and he is known to be the laft Pace to ma-e a journey of this for! for mere amufement or pleafure. It certainly has Some great object, which will come to light, when the iminente armies on foot now and rading in al mot every part of Europe, are in motion. It is thought in Holland, that two great foems are in agitation; firit the divifion of Italy, between the Emperor and the route of Bourbon; and fcondly, the driving the Turks out of Europe, in conjunction with the Empress of Ruflia. neither of which can be tally effected without the acquiefcence of ance,
Great Quantities of military tores are preparing at the Tower for North-America.
A draught is ordered to be made from the regi ments of infantry in Great Britain, and alfo from Ireland, to be fent to America; and recruiting orders are already gone out in order to fupply their vacan cies.
Extract of a letter from Madrafs, dated Augi zi, 1776.
The trade of India is almoft engroffed by the French, our very great přejudice. A Frenchi fixty-gun fhip is now delive ing ber cargo, valued at yfty-five thonfand poun s. and there remains on board her as much c pp r as coft twenty thef pounds, which Lord Pigot would not suffer them to land. A twenty gun fhip faded yesterday that had been delivered here. Thefe ships were configned to Melitors De Caftro and De Fries, by gentlemen in Earope, whom they have comm flied to fend thea."
WHEREAS a certain William Howe, alias 5W General' Howe, alias Sir William, allas Bany thing or nothing, has lately gone off greatly in debt to fundry perfons in New Jerfey and other parts id of the Continens, and has not left wherewithal to make pay ment for the fame; this is therefore to cation all perfons not to trut bin on any account, as they will certainly lofe their money. Said Howe charged with having, in company with one Corn- valli, not yet taken, broke into feveral houfes in New-Jerley, and ftolen and carried off many valua- be effects; likewife with being concerned in coun- terfeiting the currency of this continent, and of hav- ing tarved to death feveral good fubjects of thefe States, while he was chief jai or at New-York. He a very ill looking follow, and is an indented fervant a certain George Whelp, alias Gue ph, alias King George.
Whoever will fecure faid Howe in any of the pels of this Con inent. or will give notice where he to the American army, fhall be handsomely re- warded.
N. B. He was lately feen kulking about Ambay. Wilfield, and Spank- f'own, in the Jerties, and has fince been heard of. Should he at empt to pradife his villanies in this cits, 'tis hoped all perfons will be oh their guard to apprehend him.
FISH KILL, July 31.
Extract of a letter from Mefes's Creek, July 26.
"We have just had a hrufh with the enemy at Edward, and in which Lieut Van Veghten was inhumanly butchered and fcalped. Two fer- eats and two privates were likewife killed and elped, one the latter had both his hands cut off."
They took a young woman. Janey M.Crea by ane, out of a houfe at Fort Edward, carried her of the latter had both his hands cut off. and fcalped her in cold blood. They have kil dad fcalped another woman near the fame place.
Laft Tuesday, two men were taken up and inter rupted in their grand to Lord Howe. They, being both Germans, were recommended to one Freleigh their countryman, a flaunch tory, to direct them the road. They unluckily made a mistake by calling on a whig of the fame name, who heard their enquiries and found out their errand; thinking it rather unfate to let them pafs, without a further examination into their real bufinefs, fent them for that purpofe, under convoy, to the commoners at Poughkeepfie.
Lall Monday was hanged at Fort Montgomery, one of Lord Howe's recruiting officers.
Last week ano her of the fame gentlemen was hanged at Peek's Kill.
BOSTON, Auguft 4.
Extrat of a letter from a gentleman at Peek's Kill to another in this town, dated July 25, 1777
"The enemy failed lett Wednefday from the Hook, with about 15o fail. having on board about ten thoufand troops. They have left full 5000 at K ngbridge and its environs, and, on York flábd. From the ftream of intelligence, and other circum Bances from the enemy, the general officers at this pot are of opinion, that General Howe intends for Boton. Time will not permit me to enumerate the par.iculars on which this, opinion is founded. I judged it my ty, from a regard 16 your family, to give this y advice by the exprefs who carries public letters."
Thurfday the feventfi day of Auguft inft. is ap pointed as a day of falling and prayer throughout the state of New Hampshire.
We have an account thát eleven deferers from Halifax, aived at Newbury-Port laft Friday, who teport that Capt. Manley was carried in there by the Rainbow about a fortnight ago, before they left that place. Alfo, that Capt. Hill, prize mafter of the Fox, killed 7 of the Flora's hands before the was rtaken.
Extract of a letter dated Peek'skill, July 18, 1777-
I wrote you the 2 th inflant, fince which two brigades have been ordered from this poft to join General Wallingtors who with his army are on full march for Philadelphia. Was at Morris- l'own laff night This day arrived an exprefs from General Silliman, of airfield in Connecticar, who advifes that upwards of too fail of fhips paffed by Blue Poin on Long-Iflard, on Thuriday lat, which is 50 mi es eaft of the Hook, fleering an eait courfe If this be true (which I have not the leath doubt of) I imagine they will be with you e'er this reaches you. We hear Gen Glover's brigade failed for Albany the 27th ut"
Saturday laft about 200 men from this town volun- tarily engaged for one month, to go and work on the fortifications in this harbour.,
Same day mounted guard on Fort-Hill, among 5thers, felectmen. overféers, committee men of correfpondence, fic. An example we doubt not will be followed by every gentleman, in rotation. We hear a prize fchooner, laden with about 220 bogfheads of rum, taken by Capt. Champlin, of Connecticut State, arrived at a fouthern part laft Thurfday. This is the third prize out of five taken by him, fafe arrived; the others are not yet given t over.
The British Ship of War Renown, of go Guns, which lay c Duch Ifland, was latt Saturday fired on by a Party of Col. Elliott's Regiment of Artillery, from two S Pounders, which foon obliged her to re- nove a Mile higher ap the Bay.
Saturday Evening laft a Party of Troops landed on Conanicu: and, and took two Pfoners, one of them a Helfian; they likewife brought of 14 Sheep from Dutch Iland.
The fame Evening two Heians deferted from Rhode-Ifland, and arrived here.
On Tuefday Morning the Enemy landed about 200 Men at the North and South Ferries, on the Narraganfet Side, with a View, as is fuppofed, to collect live Stock, and rob the Dairies in that Vi cinity. They were oppofed by Cart. Garzia's Company of Artillery, and the Militia in the Neigh- bourhood, who obliged them to re-embark with very little Booty and fo precipitate was their Flight, that they left feveral Mufkets on the Shore. Two of our Men, and a Negro Boy, were flightly wounded, and three of the Inhabitants carried off. A Galley that covered their landing grounded near the North Ferry, and was fo warmly faluted from the Shore with Mufquetry, that the Hands were obliged to take to their Boats; but the Tide floating her before our Field-Pieces arrived, the Enemy returned ant carried her off. A Company of Artillery from this Place, a co fiderable Body of Militia from this and the neighbouring Towns, and 200 Men from the Continental Ships in the River, were on their March, in cafe the Enemy had attempted to rein- force their Party. Several of the Enemy were feen to fall, but they report that they had only one Man killed, and ore wounded.
A Flag of Truce was sent up the River by the Enemy the Day before their late Expedition to the Main, which lay near this Town at the Time of their landing. Whether fuch Conduct is ftrictly ho norable, or conformable to the Rules of making War (except among Savages) must be left to thole verfed in military Matters.
By a Letter from Peek's-kill we learn, that Capt. Talbert. with a Party of Men, went laft Week to the Enemy's Lines at Kingbridge, and brought off about zco Head of Cattie."
Fuefday lalt a Party of 70 of the Enemy at Rhode- Mind, with two Field Pieces, fired on one of our fishing Boats that lay in a Cove near Common- Fence Point.,, Capt. Dyer, with a Number of Men from Howland's Ferry, immediately crofled in Boats, drove the Enemy, and purfued them about a Mile, til they got under Cove. of their Fort. Capt. Dyer was flightly wounded in the Thigh. Whac Lofs the Enemy fuftained is not known.
Certain Advice is received, that the Enemy's Fleet, which lately failed from Sandy-Hook, after arriving at the Capes of Delaware, flood again for the Eaitward on the 31ft ult. and 'tis fuppofed is bound up the North- River.
Accounts from the Northward mention, that 350 of the Enemy were lately killed and taken in an Action at Wood-Creek; but the Particulars are not yet received.
Married.] Dr. John Clarke, of New Jerley, to Mis Amey Hopkins, Daughter, of Efek Hopkins, Efq;
Diel.] At Warwick, Mrs. Mary Greene, Widow of the late Mr. John Greene, of that Town.
INlifted into (and never joined) Capt.
Gibb's Company, Col. Stanton's Re-
giment, John Minor, about 23 Years of
Age, 5 Feet 6 inches high, light Com-
plexions blue Eyes: Had on when he
inlifted, a green Coat, ftriped Linen
Jacket, black Breeches, and white
Thread Stockings; faid he belonged to
Groton, in Connecticut. Whoever will
take up faid Deferter, and return him
to his Company, or confine him in any
Gaol in this State, and give Notice
thereof to me, fhall receive Ihree Dol-
Jars Reward, and all neceflary Charges,
paid by
Josiah Gibbs, Capt.
Tiverton, August 2.
Deserted from any company, in Cole
Crary's regiment, Peter Millard, of
Rehoboth, 20 years of age, 5 feet 10
inches high, flim built, of a dark con-
plexion, dark hai and eyes. Jacob
Bullock, of Rehoboth, 19 years of age,
5 feet 6 inches high, has blue eyes, light
air. Daniel Matthews, a feaman, be-
longs to Providence or Rehoboth, 22
years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, has
black hair, black eyes, is of a tawney
complexion, and flow of fpeech. Kimbal-
Pratt, of Middieborough, 40 years of
age, 5 feet 10 inches high, has blue eyes
and black hair. Whoever will take up
faid deferters, or either of them, and
confine them in any gaol in, this State,
or return them to their regiment again,
fhall have Five Dollars reward for each,
and all neceffary charges, paid by
Thomas Allin, Capt.
Bristol, Auguft 5.
STolen from the Widow Sione, in Cranston, on the 3d Init. the following Articles, viz. A Piece of very light coloured Lutefiring, a Pattern for a Gown, a white Holland Skirt, a Pair of green Sattin Shoes, a p'in Lawn Apron, a Silk Gauze Ditto, a black fhort Lutering Digo, a Silk Gauze Handker chief, a new black Barcelona Handkerchief, a Head- Drefs, with a Gold Pafle Pin, a véry hardfome French Night-Cap, a Pair of plain Gauze Ruffler, about twenty Yards of black Lace, a rich Fan, a ruffed Shirt, two plain Ditto, two Cambrick Stocks, two Pair of Stockings, a Pocket Handkerchief, and feveral other valuable Articles. The above Articles are fuppofed to be folen by a Perfon who calls him- felf Simeon Woodward; he is about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, of a fair Complexion, dark fhort curled Hair. pitted with the Small. Pox: Had on a Snuff coloured Coat, faced with white, and white Waftcoat and Breeches. Whoever will fecure the aforefaid Thief. fo that he may be brought to Juftice, hall receive the above Reward.
Cranfton, Auguft 8.