HARTFORD, July 28.
Extract of a letter from Peeks-Kill, July 18.
"I have only time to tell you that I have jult re turned from a fcout down to the ferry, called King's We went with about 200 men, one 12 pounder an brafs 6 pounders, to watch the motions of a z gun fhip, a fmall fchooner and two row-gallie They came up as far as Haverstraw bay on Wed nefday forenoon, and went down the river again thi morning. They came fo near us as to tempt us t fend them one hot only, and that was ineffectual We have not as yet learned the enemy's defign, an remain in fufpence where we fhall next proceed."
Mr. Printer,
For the benefit of the people of this as well as th other Stares, I think the following copy of th report of a mafler of a Rag of truce, this day mad to me, ought to be publifhed in all the news papers; and hope you will publish it in your's, well as the copy of Lord Howe's orders refpe ing flags to Long land-The originals are in m hands
G. Selleck Silliman.
Fairfield, July 23 1777
CAPT. Elipharet bp declares and fays, the the lat fabbath day he lied from Fairfiel with a ag of ruce, in order to tranfport Mrs. Han nah and Mils Browa, wife and daugh er of Nichola Brown, to Hemited, on Loug-ind and arrive there on Monday, and was there informed by a officer and a fattice of the peace, that they had ind orders not to permit any flag to be rece ved an where on the iffand, and advifed me to proceed t the corpion man of war, which lay at New City land, which I accordir gly did, and when I got of board of her, Capt. Brown, the captain of her, tol me that I must immediately return back and carr the women with me, for that he could not re eiv hem: And he then gave me a copy of Lor Howe's o ders refpeéting flags of truce, and furthe dded, tha: if any inpre eame he thoud feiz: and treat them as fpies Uon which I was immediatel obliged to return and bring back the women. witntis mg hand in Fanfield, this 23d day of July $777.
Eliphalet Thorp
Scorpion, off New City. Ifland. July 23. 1777
NO of trace future to ver the colony of Conne& cur, and Long-1 nd without the fpecial licence of the General command ing his majesty's orces, nor any correfpondence b etter or otherwile permitted, but under the abov etriation. Pigs of truc: are to be confined in fu Zure to New York ony, mutters regarding the aval deparunent excepted
By order of the V icoun: Howe, Vice Admiral and commander in chief of his majelly's fhips i North America
PHILIP BROWN, Captain of hi (majetty's floop corpion
BOSTON July 30.
LIST of trifoners on board the Prince of Wales
New Yok, July 9. 1777.
{[di|C}}Apt Simon Eliot, Elias Barber, W. Turness Thorner, Tho. Grant. Samue Cheafman, Capt riah Atkins, Capt Jofiah Hate, John steker Ephraim Bates. Cap Benn Cox Thomas Baker John Weft. ixev Morgan. Capt. Ab aham Fopp n Capt. Benjamin Rogers. Mofes Boardman. William Stone, John Sweet. Moles wee, Capt. John Buc nan, Sam, Roundy, Jacob Tonfan Samuel Allin Capt. Bejamin Wickes, John Rolph, Edward Sutton Charles K ckers, Jones Dunn Marmaduke Feidon John Earl. George Cercer, William anedy, Will lism Merril. Capt Benjamin Harris, Jy Fuller Lemuel Fuller, se jamin Michelt. Nemiah Smith Wiliam Bardet. David Whitman, James Perder- rafs, Capt. Vm Lanksf rd. Capt. Chomas Jac<fon Jofeph Sal fbury, Alexander Sheldon, William Read William Piles. Eben Collins, Sylvaeus Harris, Ro bert Nichols. Cap Samuel Stillman, Capt Nath Loffin. Conflan. Trivet, Charles Cole Peter Smith. Caper. Ifaac Taylor, George Wilford, hn Dailey, James area, John Collins, Levi olis, Jofiah Wells. Andrew Alexander, lacob Butler, Charles naff. John Hendrick Capt. Noah Miler. Will an Holder, Capt. William Proby, Seth Pin ham, Capt ames Fitch, Robert Calder, Chrifto. Mi rick. Henry racy. John Kitey, Chrifto Burrus, John Dolby Benj. Bilings. James Crifwel, John Huchings, Jona Chafe, John Ricketfon
Extract of a letter from Fort Miller, July 7.
"Sunday laft arrived here General Nixon's rigade from Peok-Kill, with a fine con:pany of rlerv; they have left all their baggage hoe and one out upon a feou. Yesterday the enemy role vo waggons with provifions. A number of oficere e under arreft at this place for cowardice"
ALL Perfons indebted for this Ga
zette, are AGAIN requefted to mak-
Payment immediately: Such likewife a
are indebted to the Printer for adver
ifing, or in any other Manner, are de
fired to difcharge their refpective Ac
counts, without further Delay.
Providence, Auguft 2, 1777.
cut, having come to Providence
and called hertel my Wife (which
atterly deny) by which Means the may
un me in Debt This is to give Notice
to all Perfons not to credit the faid
Elizabeth Cook on my Account, as I fhal
ot pay any Debts of her contracting,
Providence, July 25, 1777.
LOT, on the 17th of July laft, be
am, and Doctor Cheney's, in Walpole
green and black Lutefiri g Umbrello
with narrow Stripes, rolled up in a larg
homefpun blue and white Handker
chief, marked M. P. Whoever ha
Found the fame, and will leave it at the
Printing Office, fhall have Three DoL
Cars for their irouble.
Providence, Auguft 2.
DEferted from Capt. Peleg Hoxie Company, in Col. Stanton's Regi ment, samuel Hall, belonging to Wef erly, 5 Feet 2 Inches high, fomewha Freckled. Whoever will take up faie ellow and return him to the Regiment at Tiverton, or Ceure him in any Ga vithin this state, fhall receive a Reware of Forty Shillings Lawful oney, ane all neceffary Charges, paid hy
John Welsh, Enfign.
DEferted from my Company, in Col.
Crary's Regiment, Samuel Shear.
man, by Trade a Carpenter, 5 Feet 6
Inches high, 42 Yeats of ge, has
grey Eyes, of a light Complexion, and
wears his Hair: Had on when he went
away a Cambler Coat, and Leather
Breeches. Whoever will take up faid
Deferter, and confine him in any Gaol
of the United States, or return him to
the Regiment aforefaid, fhall receive
Five Dollars Reward, and all neceffary
Charges, paid by
John Cake, Capt.
Up like's Newtown, July 24.
BROKE out of the Pafture of Efek Hopkins,
Efq; in North-Providence, on Wed elday
Night the 15th uit a darkish coloured
Mare, between 13 and 14 Hands high. 6 Years od,
paces and trots very faft and cafy: she has a re
markable Swelling under her Flank. Said Mare
lately belonged to Mr. John Fafhaw, jun of Con
necticut. Allo, a darkish coloured Heife, about 14
Hands high, fout made, and in pre.tv good Oder,
his Mane is cut, he has a large Scar round one of his
hind Legs, occafioned by a Cut, is a natural Froiter,
very kitifh, and hard to catch when loofe. Wh ever
will bring faid Creatures to the above Farm fhall
have Twelve Dollars Reward or Six Dollars for
each of them, and receffary Charges, paid by
Samuel Hopkins.
ALL Persons indebted to the Estate
of Jofeph Davis, late of Cumber
land, deceated, are requefted to make
immediate Payment: And all who have
Demands againſt faid Eftate are re-
quetted to bring them in for Settlement.
Hannah Davis, Adminiftratrix.
Ebenezer Metcalf, Adminit.
ALL Perfons indebted to the Eitate
of Jonathan Britan, late of Provi
dence, deceafed, are requefted to make
immediate Payment: And all who have
Demands against faid Eftate, are de.
fired immediately to bring them in for
Settlement, to Nathaniel Sanders.
CHoice Lands to sold fix per Cent, cheaper for Hamphire Money than for any other States uncy on the Continent I bey lie within three Mis of a San-Mu, Grit and Boiting Mills, neat the lownfhip or New Grafton, in the State of New Hampfhue man, bettiers very near. and Grain in great Penty. Toty or Forty Families may now have an Opportunity of feaning, adjoing to each other, on Low at 75 Acres cach, and thereby elcaping from the lion Hands of avar.cious and an ngou. Mnopenzer, and n a short Time by In duitry may ve ratus of their own that will gi them an caly, created and comion:abie Ex Stenc None need apply but those who w li immediately muye on Pemiles, and to fuch there are many Enc uragements, which may be known by enquiring of Mr Nathaniel reene. jun in Provicezce
COnvinced that the Uncer'any of human affairs
at all mes, ad mere efpecially the
picient renders it prudent to provide asi uch as pe
fible agait con ingent Events, the ubicber cal
upen all Perfons, in any wide incubed to bm.
fe tle their refpective Deb:; the carity of Bicher
cannot now te admitted as a Excu.e for furthe
Delay AD walang to do at he would be dene uno
he invites is red tors to receive their tevesa De
mind agai fl him 1 theft indebied all net ty
due Regard to this Notice, they may expect to
called upon in another Manner by their Friend,
Jonathan Arnold.
NB. Said Arnold has to sale, als Jaap Camphire, enna, Rhubarb, Catomel, Tartar Eme and a Variety of the my it cap a. and ufelul med cinal recles. Practioners and Iroculift may ferved with them, it app en fer foon.
Providence, July 17. 1777.
THis is to notify all Perfors tha
have exhibited Demands again
the Fate of the Hon Samuel Ward
Eiq; deceated, that their Claims are ad
juited, and reported to the Town-Coun
cil, and that i have the Money by m
to pay both Principal and Interef
the Twenty-fourth of June, 1777, af
which time the Intereft will cafe;
defire therefore that they would c
and take their Dues from their humbl
DEfeited from Co. Ifrael Angel's Regimen Capt. Coghail Olney's ompany J pee, a Frenci nan. aged 25 Years, 5 Feet Ingnes high. a seaman, dark complex. n. bu brown H, dark Eyes, is well mad John Manit of the fame Company, aged 27 Years. 5 Freig Inches high, br rn in Ireland, a Butcher, light Co plexion. fhore brown Hair, grey Eye, fomes pitted with the mail.Pox. Deferted from the fam Reg mens Thoms Jones aged 29 Years. 5 Inches high, born in New York, ae man, has d E, es, dark Har, cars Complexion, pitted with t Small Pox. erge Dixon, aged 23 Years, 5 7 inches high, bain in Poland, a Samen dak B dark Har, ark Complexion, fomewhat pited a the Small Pex. Thomas Lare aged 8 Year Fee 6 inches high, born in Ne v-York, a Bab cark bron Har, dark omplex on. bown Ey imooth Fac liam Midd e'or, aged 23 Yea 5 eet Inches high, born in Engiare, a Sezna fight omplexion. Short light air, grey B fm rth Face, el made Wilm Brown a 23 eirs. 5 Feet 4 Inches high, borr in Engl dark Hair, blue Eyes, dark Complexion, im Face. Deter ed from the fame Reg ment. David Dexter's mozny. Enoch Young, sped Years 5 Fee: 0 1 cher tigh bon in mi h Farmer, light npcaan hen Hair, and Eyes. Abral amp inger, aged 16 Years, bo Tiverton, 5 Feet high, light omp ex on High: Hair, grey Eyes John Smith, jean, b in Ireland, aged 6 Years. 5 Feer 6 Inches hi Barber, ghen pexion, long brown Hair, Eyes. Wiam hice, of Pawtucket, light ( Tec plexion fhor b cwn Hair, bl. e Eves, 6 Fee 9 high. Lev Kenny, a Fifer. born in Hartio, 19 Years, 5 Fee: 8 Inches high, light temple long Hair, and dark Eves Whoever will take all or either of faid Deferrers, and confine them any Gaol of the United States, or convey them the Repimen hall receive Five Dollars Rewad f each, and all neceflary Charges, paid by
Nathan Weeks, Lieut.
PROVIDENCE, Rhode-Island: Printed by JOHN CARTER, at the Post-Office, near the State-House.