O. S. FOWLER, Practical Phrenologist.
THE self-induced evils under which mankind groan, are many and distressing. Of these, some are imposed by intemperance, and others by poverty, sickness, and the artificial state of society in which we live; but all are brought upon man by himself. But the great proportion of them are inflicted by the tyrant goddess FASHION; of which TIGHT LACING is one of the most painful and injurious. For the last ten years, the author has taken a bold and public stand against these evils, especially the latter. In his work on Matrimony, he censured this wicked practic in terms of unqualified disapprobation, even though fully aware that its sale would be materially injured thereby. He has since had the unspeakable satisfaction of knowing that these brief but pungent remarks, have led to the formation of Anti-Lacing Societies, and been a rallying point for the friends of 'natural waists, or no wives.' With the view of extending his usefulness in this department, and doing what he can to render a practice which is as great an evil as intemperance ever was, and greater than that vice now is, as disgraceful as it is fashionable and pernicious, he has determined to devote the following pages exclusively to a practical exposition of the evils of this fashion, and thereby do what he can to induce young men not to require this self-immolation at the hands of woman, and induce the latter to abandon a practice so destructive of their own happiness and so detrimental to posterity.
In order fully to present this whole subject, it will be necessary to point out somewhat fully the functions and uses of the principal organs of the body, but the science therein involved will be dwelt upon no farther than is indispensable to show HOW this foolish but pernicious practice destroys personal happiness, mars beauty, undermines the constitution, depresses the spirits, shortens life, and injures posterity. Do not, fair reader, discard these pages with a sneer, but peruse attentively, and then act as intellect and moral principle may dictate.
The human body, then, is composed of three great classes of organs, all distinct in their nature and ends, but each indispensable to happiness, and even to life. These classes of organs and their functions are sometimes called Temperaments, and the predominance or deficiency of either, is called the predominance or deficiency of the corresponding Temperament. These classes of organs or temperaments are:
1. The vital or nourishing Temperament; which embraces the heart, lungs, digestive apparatus, blood, viscera, and all the internal organs, analagous to those removed from animals in fitting them for the table, and contained within the thorax and abdomen. Its predominance gives a thick-set, stocky form of body, together with depth, breadth,