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Corsetiere's Demonstration Equipment.

(See also separate leaflet with Special Offer)

THE 1928 Catalogue and Supplement contain no less than 94 distinct designs or series of Spirella Figure Training Garments, with 187 styles. Taking into account the Selective Hip Developments and Bras­siere Tapers, there is a grand total of 407 Garments, each in a wide range of sizes, thus enabling the Cor­setiere to give an almost unlimited service without resorting to specialisation.

Whilst it is impracticable for a Corsetiere to keep a full range of all the models in the Catalogue, it is nevertheless vital to her success that she keeps on hand a REPRE­SENTATIVE range, so that her clients may be made to realise the extensiveness of Spirella Service and her ability to correctly select and properly fit any type of figure training garment. This is proved by the experience of our most successful Corsetieres who, without exception, constantly keep on hand a complete, representative line of fresh, clean and up-to-date Demonstration Garments.

A practical demonstration of the actual garment goes a very long way toward effecting the Sale. "SEEING IS BELIEVING," AND SEEING PLUS INTELLIGENT DEM0NSTRATION BRINGS CONVICTION.

The purpose of the Demonstration line is first to enable the Corse­tiere to become familiar with the uses and adaptability of the various garments, and second to enable her to properly demonstrate them to her clients. To assist Corsetieres in the selection of the best assortment of Demonstration Garments for all practical purposes at a minimum of cost, a Master Demonstration Line has been prepared, which includes the Styles, Materials and Sizes which are, considered most necessary for the Corsetiere's Demonstration Line. All these garments can be supplied on three days' dating.

One demonstration garment of every style series listed in the Cata­logue is desirable for the Corsetiere who wishes to obtain the maximum results from her efforts, and should be carried wherever possible.

One demonstration garment for each type of figure (that is, for the 20, 60 and 30 Type) of each classification (Brassiere-Girdle, Girdle, Corset, Abdominal Corset and Brassiere) is necessary to do successful work, and to ensure reasonable sales and satisfaction to clients.

At least one demonstration garment of each general classification is the minimum equipment possible for the Corsetiere's use (one Brassiere ­Girdle, one Girdle, one Corset, one Abdominal Corset, one Belt, one Maternity. Garment and one Brassiere).

Provided the following procedure is adopted, the Demonstration Line will not represent an expense in any sense of the word, but a really profitable investment, and will always be kept fresh and up to date.

Frequently when interviewing a client it will be found that one of the garments in the Demonstration Line is just the one which is most suitable to the requirements of the client in question. In this event, one of two courses may be adopted. The Corsetiere will order from Headquarters an exact duplicate, on receipt of which she will transfer the tag to the Demonstration Garment and deliver it to the client; or, alternatively, should the client indicate a desire for immediate posses­sion, the Corsetiere may gracefully give way"—Part, with her Demon­stration Model"—order another one to replace, and on its receipt detach the guarantee tag and deliver it to the client.

On no account should a Corsetiere allow her Demonstration Gar­ments to accumulate beyond what is necessary for regular use and practical Demonstration purposes. Especially does this apply to any Demonstration Garments on hand that are not carried in the current Catalogue. Immediately after the issue of the new Catalogue each year, the Corsetiere should take out from her Demonstration Line any garments that have been deleted, and arrange for their disposal as quickly as possible.

It is always necessary to establish complete confidence in the buyer's mind in order to induce her to buy, This confidence is established mainly by the Corsetiere's power to give evidence of her ability to serve. A fresh, attractive and up-to-date Demonstration Line provides this evidence and will do more to stimulate the client's desire to possess than any amount of talking.