developed. Unlike other side-lines, these do not represent a division of interests. These "go so well with Spirella," because they are an essential part of complete Spirella Service.
We invite you then to examine your records. Find how many clients you have supplied with a Corset or a Girdle and who have not, as yet, benefited by the more perfect and complete Spirella Service which you can only give by means of a properly selected and fitted Spirella Brassiere. Look these clients up and give yourself a chance of serving them to better purpose.
Think next of all the homes where you have called and where you have not yet placed Spirella Goods of any kind whatever. Pay a further call on these, and put the scheme of Spirella Service into immediate operation by means of your Accessories.
Think of the possibilities awaiting you by the sale of Sanitary requisites alone, and remember that the average client would welcome an opportunity of availing herself of this side of Spirella Service in the privacy of her own home.
Just as it is impossible for you to do successful business in Corsets, Girdles or Brassiere-Girdles without a representative range of Models with which you can demonstrate the Spirella Story to prospective clients, so it is impossible to build up orders for Brassieres, Sanitary requisites and other Accessories without having an adequate range on hand for Demonstration purposes.
If a Brassiere order has not already been secured, always take one or two suitable ones with you when delivering a Corset or Girdle. The finished effect produced by merely adjusting a suitable Brassiere will often be sufficient to secure the order.
No sales interview with a prospect should be conducted without Brassieres and Accessories in evidence. These will create inquiries, and the sale of an Accessory will usually follow as a matter of course. Let clients and prospects know of all the Service you can render.
With Accessories, it is not so much a question of giving yourself a chance to sell, as giving the Goods a chance to sell themselves; or rather we should say, of giving the prospect a chance to buy. Your prospects need complete Spirella Service—let them know that you are able to give it.
"The complete meaning of the importance of 'being well-groomed' is impossible to define in so many words. It is a gift some women are born with, and that others acquire, and that we all aspire to. It is a religion of detail that almost amounts to a moral code. It is a science . . . and so we might go on, snapping out little epigrams and platitudes about something that is only too well recognised. . . . If you don't begin right, there is no use bothering about the rest of your costume." (Staffs Sentinel.)