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Our Business Thoughtfor the Month—

"Keep on Keeping On."

WHEN we put fresh fuel on a fire it is for the purpose of keeping the fire alight. The fuel with which the fire was last replenished has fulfilled its pur­pose—it has given its heat; continued heat can come only from continued re­fuelling.

The analogy of the fire is just for illustration—the underlying thought or principle applies with equal directness and force to practically all forms of productive activity. ¶ We must keep on tilling the ground and sowing seed if we want to raise crops. The seed we sow one year will not do for the next. More seed is required if further crops are wanted.

And so it is with the work of a Spirella Corsetiere. Efforts already made have produced a certain result; but if greater result is wanted—as of course it is by everyone—then continued effort is called for. ¶ Past efforts secured some orders, some promises and aroused interest. Further effort is required to produce MORE ORDERS; to turn existing promises into business, and to develop interest to the point where a definite promise is made.

Repeated interviews at regular intervals are needed to ensure future success. What you said at the last interview may not have "reached home." When you call again take up a new line of thought. ¶ You are certain, eventually, to hit upon the sales argument to which the prospect will respond.

—But you must keep on "keeping on."