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Serial No. |
Head. | Brief description. | Authority. | Page. |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
8 | Marriage customs and ceremonies. | Marriage by purchase. Price (buffalo, dog or fowl) varying with attractions of bride. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 511 |
9 | Marital relations. | Polygamy permissible, but not much practised. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 511 |
10 | Death and burial ceremonies. | Dead buried at foot of steps leading up to the house or by road side near village ; personal ornaments buried! with corpse. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. !, Part I. | 514 |
11 | Clothing ... | In some cases only small waist-cloth or petticoat. Elsewhere women wear dark blue jackets and striped petticoats, sometimes white jacket and petticoat. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. Davies ... ... A. R. Colquhoun, Amongst the Shans, London, 1885. |
510 87, 374 61 |
12 | Personal ornaments. | Necklaces, bangles, ear-tubes, chicken bone ear ornaments, etc. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 513 |
13 | Painting and tattooing. | Tattooing not common but is found here and there. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 514 |
14 | Games and amusements. | Dances ... ... | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 516 |
15 | Agriculture ... | Opium, buck-wheat, rice, etc. | Upper Burma Gazetteer, Vol. I, Part I. | 509 |