Resolution 1804 (2008)
Adopted by the Security Council at its 5852nd meeting, on 13 March 2008
The Security Council,
The Security Council,
Recalling its previous resolutions, in particular resolutions 1649 (2005), 1771 (2007), 1794 (2007) and 1797 (2008), and the statements by its President concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes region,
Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Rwanda as well as all States in the region,
Expressing its grave concern at the continued presence of the Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR), ex-Rwandan Armed Forces (ex-FAR)/Interahamwe, and other Rwandan armed groups referred to in the joint communiqué (S/2007/679) of the Governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of Rwanda signed in Nairobi on 9 November 2007 (“the Nairobi Communiqué”) operating in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, which continue to pose a serious threat to the peace and security of the entire Great Lakes region,
Deploring the persistence of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law carried out by the FDLR, ex-FAR/Interahamwe, and other Rwandan armed groups operating in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, condemning in particular sexual violence perpetrated by those groups, recalling its resolutions 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security and 1612 (2005) on children in armed conflict and the conclusions endorsed by the Security Council on Children and Armed Conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (S/AC.51/2007/17),
Recognizing the commitment and sustained efforts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Republic of Rwanda, other countries of the region and their international partners to solve their common security concerns and achieve and sustain regional peace and stability, as expressed in particular in the Nairobi communiqué and the Conclusions of the high-level meeting of the Tripartite Plus Joint Commission held in Addis Ababa on 4 and 5 December 2007,
Recalling the signing in Nairobi on 15 December 2006 of the Pact on Security, Stability and Development in the Great Lakes Region, and underscoring the08-27080 (E)