Youdan Football Cup.
General Rules
for the
Guidance of Referees, Umpires and Players
In the first series of games for the Silver Cup, Presented by Thomas Youdan, Esq., to the Clubs of the town and neighbourhood.
First draw.—Games to be played on Saturday, 16th February, as follows:
1.—United Mechanics' v. Norton at Norton.
Referee—Mr. W. I. Bingham.
A Bus will leave the Surrey Arms, Granville-st., at Half-past 1 o'clock punctually.
2.—Garrick v. Mackenzie, at The Orphanage.
Referee—Mr. J. Frith.
3.—Hallam v. Heeley, at Hallam.
Referee—Mr. (illegible text) Dickenson.
A Bus will leave Heeley Bridge about 1 o'clock and call at the bottom of Ecclesall Head at Half-past 1.
4.—Norfolk v. Fir Vale, at Norfolk Park.
Referee—Mr. J. Tomlinson.
5.—Broomhall v. Pitsmoor, at Ecclesall Road.
Referee—Mr. J. Pinder.
6.—Milton v. Wellington, at The Orphanage.
Referee—Mr. J. Crapper.
Fredk. Corbett, Hon. Sec.
15th Feb., 1867
(Brittlebank, Printer, Sheffield