The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/I Heard a Sound of Voices
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230 | I Heard a Sound of Voices | ||||
(PATMOS 7, 6, 8, 6, 7, 6, 8, 6) | |||||
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- I heard a sound of voi - ces
A - round the great white throne,
With harp- ers harp - ing on their harps
To him who sat there -on;
Sal- va - tion, glo - ry, hon- or,'
I heard the song a - rise,
As through the courts of heaven it rolled
In wondrous har - mo - nies. - I saw the ho - ly cit - y,
The New Je - ru - sa - lem,
Come down from heaven, a bride a- domed
With jew - elled di - a - dem :
The flood of crys - tal wa ters
Flowed down the gold - en street;
And na-tions brought their hon - ors there,
And laid them at her feet. - And there no sun was need - ed,
Nor moon to shine by night,
God's glo - ry did en - light - en all,
The Lamb him - self, the light ;
And there his serv - ants serve him,
And, life's long bat - tle o'er,
En - throned with him, their Sav - iour, King,
They reign for ev - er - more. - O great andglo-rious vis - ion!
The Lamb up - on his throne;
O won - drous sight for man to see !
The Sav - iour with his own :
To drink the liv - ing wa ters
And stand up - on the shore,
Where neith - er sor - row, sin, nor death
Shall ev - er en - ter in.A-men.