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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1665-1886)/Volume 12/Number 133

From Wikisource

Num. 133.
Beginning the Thirteenth year.



March 25. 1677.


Preface to the Thirteenth year of these Tracts. Some Observations and Advertisements, tending to improve Gardens and other Land. Observations concerning various little Animals, in great numbers discover'd by Mr.Leewenhoeck in Rain- Well- Sea- and Snow-water, as also in water wherein Pepper had lain infused. Some new Observations made by Signor Cassini concerning the two Planets about Saturn, not long since discover'd by the same. An Account of some Books: I. PHARMACOPOEIA Collegii Regalis Londini; II. Catalogus PLANTARUM ANGLÆ, &c. Edit. secunda; operâ Johannis Raii, M. A. è Soc. Regia; III. Aero-Chalinos, or, A Register of the Air, &c. Edit. secunda: By Nathan. Henshaw M. D. Fellow of the Royal Society; IV. A Philosophical Essay of Musick.

Contents (not listed in original)

An Account of some Books: