Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Pond, Edward

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1904 Errata appended.

1193348Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 46 — Pond, Edward1896Edward Irving Carlyle

POND, EDWARD (fl. 1623), almanac-maker, is described on the title-page of his almanac of 1601 as ‘a practitioner in the Mathematicks and Physicke at Bidarcay (?Billericay) in Essex.’ In this almanac he includes a diagram and description of ‘Man's Anatomy’ and ‘Physicke Notes.’ From 1604 he published an almanac each year in London under the title ‘Enchiridion, or Edward Pond his Eutheca.’ Subsequently the periodical issue was christened ‘An Almanac by Ed. Pond, student of Physics and Mathematics.’ In October 1623 the Stationers' Company petitioned the privy council against the infraction of their monopoly as almanac publishers by Cantrell Legge, printer to Cambridge University, but apparently without success, for from 1627 Pond's almanacs continued to be issued from the University press. Pond died at Peterborough, and was buried in the Church of St. John the Baptist in that city on 10 Sept. 1629 (SWEETING, Parish Churches round Peterborough). The popularity of his publication led to its continuance, under a slightly modified title, until 1709. The later series was prepared at Saffron Walden, doubtless by a relative of Pond, and each part was designated ‘Pond, an Almanac.’ This was printed at Cambridge until the close of the century, and in London during the early years of the eighteenth century. The rhyme,

My skill goes beyond
The depth of a Pond,

a reference to Pond's popular reputation as an astronomer, occurs in Martin Parker's ballad ‘When the king enjoys his own again’ (Wilkins, Political Ballads, i. 11).

[Pond's Almanacs; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1623–5, p. 98; Arber's Stat. Reg. v. p. xlix; Hazlitt's Collections, i. 336, ii. 483.]

E. I. C.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.226
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
76 i 10 f.e. Pond, Edward: for (fl. 1623) read (d. 1629)
76 ii 10-11 for It is probable . . . after 1643. read Pond died at Peterborough, and was buried in the church of St. John the Baptist there on 10 Sept. 1629.