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Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders/Volume 3

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1770224Portland, Oregon: Its History and Builders — Volume 31911Joseph Gaston













  1. Adams, C. F125
  2. Ainsworth, G. J194
  3. Ainsworth, J. C8
  4. Albers, B. H235
  5. Albers, Henry185
  6. Ames-Harris-Neville Co.12
  7. Anderson, Sarah J.656
  8. Anderson, T. M.632
  9. Andrews, Arthur29
  10. Andrews, F. V289
  11. Andrews, G. H467
  12. Arbuckle, B. B571
  13. Ashley, M. A. M.351
  14. Atkinson, G. H.96
  15. Avann, R. H.149
  16. Averill, A. H.490
  17. Axtell, Abram.588
  18. Back, Seid.347
  19. Baker, P. G.699
  20. Ball, Chauncey260
  21. Bamford, George426
  22. Ban, Sinzaburo383
  23. Barenstecher, Charles666
  24. Barnes, C. O.631
  25. Barnes, R. L.381
  26. Barrett, John176
  27. Barron, J. T.88
  28. Bechill, T. H.469
  29. Beebe, C. F.373
  30. Bellinger, C. B.677
  31. Bellinger, Howard680
  32. Benefiel, Wilson319
  33. Bergman, Joseph593
  34. Betz, George395
  35. Bickel, Frederick216
  36. Bills, Cincinnati614
  37. Biscar, A. H.49
  38. Black, J. H.534
  39. Black, R. G.536
  40. Blurock, C. A.535
  41. Bohlman, H. C.253
  42. Bollons, William771
  43. Borthwick, A. E.602
  44. Boschke, G. W.317
  45. Botefuhr, Frank661
  46. Bozorth Family482
  47. Braden, William153
  48. Brady, Mathew743
  49. Breyman, A. H.322
  50. Breyman, W.327
  51. Brownell, G.304
  52. Buchtel, Joseph432
  53. Buck, Louis159
  54. Burckhardt, Adolph43
  55. Bunce, John132
  56. Burke, Thomas74
  57. Burrage, C. W.725
  58. Burrell, W. F.278
  59. Bybee, James11
  60. Cardwell, H. W.760
  61. Cardwell, J. R.387
  62. Catching, W. W.460
  63. Cates, W. A.693
  64. Catlin, John569
  65. Chamberlain, G. E.205
  66. Chapman, W. S.223
  67. Chapman, W. W.218
  68. Chase, J. W.352
  69. Chemin, L. F774
  70. Chick, C. H.473
  71. Christ, Henry544
  72. Christ, Philip230
  73. Christian Brothers Business College627
  74. Church, J. S.807
  75. Clark, G. K.557
  76. Clay, Oliver303
  77. Cleeton, T. J.345
  78. Clemens, W. J.491
  79. Clyde, 0. L.811
  80. Cody, James162
  81. Coffey, R. C.135
  82. Coffin, Stephen496
  83. Cohen, E. E.594
  84. Coldwell, E. L.636
  85. Coldwell, 0. B.609
  86. Cole, David331
  87. Collier, Robert606
  88. Congle, J. B.204
  89. Connor, M. J.662
  90. Cook, Amos474
  91. Cook, J. W.542
  92. Cook, Vincent555
  93. Cordano, J. C.459
  94. Cotton, W. W.50
  95. Covey, H. M.573
  96. Cranston, Ephraim507
  97. Cremen, J. D.169
  98. Crosman, A. B.434
  99. Crowe, L. E.640
  100. Dalton, Edwin674
  101. Daly, W. A.150
  102. Dammasch, F. H.683
  103. Darr, Ellen C.147
  104. Davenport, G. L.778
  105. Davenport, J. L.551
  106. David, Alexander73
  107. Davis, H. W.117
  108. Davis, J. N.375
  109. Day, E. F.355
  110. De Long, F. M.115
  111. Denny, O. N.744 h
  112. Devlin, T. C.336
  113. Dimick, Aphia L.753
  114. Dimick Family750
  115. Dimick, M. H.750
  116. Dolph, J. Jr.505
  117. Dooly, F. E.290
  118. Dosch, H. E.503
  119. Dufur, A. J. Jr.792
  120. Dufur, E. B.500
  121. Dufur, W. H. H.726
  122. Duniway, Abigail S.52
  123. Dunne, D. M.585
  124. Dye, C. H.183
  125. Dye, Eva E.184
  126. Elerath, A. F.254
  127. Emmert, J. H.362
  128. Ennis, J. T.103
  129. Evans, Dudley771
  130. Failing, W. S.121
  131. Fanno, A. J.398
  132. Fenton, W. D.170
  133. Finley, J. P.257
  134. Fleischner, Jacob163
  135. Flinn, John44
  136. Flynn, J. E.100
  137. Flynn, P. J.161
  138. Francis, Allen129
  139. Francis, C. A.645
  140. Francis, S. D.94
  141. Franklin, Minnie651
  142. Friberg, Andrew435
  143. Friberg, William400
  144. Frizzell, J. A.175
  145. Fuller, F. I.796
  146. Gansneder, Jacob168
  147. Gaston, Joseph399
  148. Gates, John283
  149. Gauld, J. G.618
  150. Geer, T. T.484
  151. Gill, Ephraim623
  152. Gillen, J. O.217
  153. Gillespie, R. L.122
  154. Gillette, P. W.110
  155. Giltner, J. S.561
  156. Glass, J. H.526
  157. Goddard, H. W.630
  158. Goldsmith, Bernard167
  159. Goodman, Richard628
  160. Gordon, W. A.60
  161. Grahs, E. J.610
  162. Gray, Mrs. W. H.786
  163. Green, E. M.566
  164. Gregory, W. M.267
  165. Gritzmacher, Carl92
  166. Groce, O. J.104
  167. Grubbs, F. H.741
  168. Hackett, M. A.392
  169. Haight, E. J.344
  170. Hall, John621
  171. Hall, W. T.622
  172. Hallock, A. B.108
  173. Hallock, F. S.48
  174. Hamilton, Alexander639
  175. Hansen, Marius328
  176. Hanson, P. T.312
  177. Hardin, J.596
  178. Harris, Michael720
  179. Hartness, George338
  180. Hathaway, H. B.367
  181. Hathaway, J. S.513
  182. Hayes, J. H.281
  183. Heald, P. C.732
  184. Healy, J. M.8
  185. Hegele, Charles33
  186. Hess, J. C.64
  187. Hidden, Jackson782
  188. Hill, J. A.452
  189. Hill, J. W.451
  190. Hill Military Academy453
  191. Hillebrand, A.311
  192. Hilton, Charles470
  193. Hirsch, M. S.759
  194. Hobkirk, Peter82
  195. Hoge, R. R.521
  196. Holloway, C. P.702
  197. Holman, F. V.191
  198. Holman, G. E.616
  199. Holman, W. C.28
  200. Holmes, Richard700
  201. Honeyman, John652
  202. Honeyman, W. J.240
  203. Honnes, Christian337
  204. Hovenden, Alfred208
  205. Hoyt, G. W.291
  206. Hoyt, G. W., Sr.266
  207. Hoyt, R. W.239
  208. Hudson, R. M.768
  209. Hughes, Edward159
  210. Hughes, William36
  211. Humason, Orlando508
  212. Hume, R. A.378
  213. Hunsaker, J. T.78
  214. Hurley, R. H.646
  215. Huston, S. B.483
  216. Irving, William118
  217. Jaggar, Louis140
  218. Jensen, Theodore777
  219. Jeppesen, Peter345
  220. Johnson, J. J.419
  221. Johnson, J. W.659
  222. Jones, F. B.511
  223. Jones, W. P.22
  224. Joplin, Ferdinand552
  225. Joplin, W. T.477
  226. Josselyn, B. S.229
  227. Kavanaugh, J. P.719
  228. Keasey, D. E.214
  229. Kelly, Hampton268
  230. Kern, L. E.520
  231. Killfeather, Edward245
  232. Killin, Benton411
  233. Killin, T. B.454
  234. King, C. W.232
  235. King, F. C.276
  236. King, J. C. E.203
  237. King, John63
  238. Kinney, M. J.414
  239. Kleemann, Otto91
  240. Knapp, F. A.749
  241. Kocher, J. S.42
  242. Koehler, Richard730
  243. Ladd, W. S.517
  244. Lambert, J. H.574
  245. Lane, Joseph436
  246. Langille, Mrs. S.816
  247. Langworthy, A. J.671
  248. Lanning, Frank668
  249. La Rue, J. S.823
  250. Laue, J. M. A.558
  251. Lawler, L. J.812
  252. LeeLewes, Fred747
  253. Leithoff, G. P.761
  254. Levinson, N. J.773
  255. Lewis, Daniel275
  256. Lewis, W. P.403
  257. Lind, William300
  258. Linnemann, J. G. D.684
  259. Loeb, Nathan595
  260. Long, A. G.723
  261. Lutke, Robert729
  262. Lytle, E. E.200
  263. McBride, G. W.708
  264. McCabe, W. L.361
  265. McCord, F. B.673
  266. McCraken, John694
  267. McCiilly, A. A.85
  268. McGinn, Charles791
  269. McGrath, E. A.213
  270. Mclrvin, M. E.643
  271. McKenzie, A. M.370
  272. McKercher, Finlay456
  273. McKnight, J. W.101
  274. McNary, L. A.422
  275. McNemee, Adam579
  276. McPherson, W. G.622
  277. Mackenzie. W. R.478
  278. Macleay, Donald5
  279. MacMillan, J. H.613
  280. Macrum, I. A.736
  281. Mair, John137
  282. Malcolm, P. S.605
  283. Mallory, W. L.71
  284. Mann, Thomas410
  285. Manning, John476
  286. Mansfield, E. H.328
  287. Markle, A. W.346
  288. Marquam, U. S. G.539
  289. Mason, Archie348
  290. Matthiesen, John87
  291. Mayer, Jacob492
  292. Mears, E. C.655
  293. Mears, S. M.95
  294. Meldrum, J. W.286
  295. Melvin, F. L.522
  296. Menzies, C. M.644
  297. Merrick, C. B.359
  298. Metcalf, A. H.131
  299. Millard, Justin767
  300. Miller, J. A.514
  301. Miller, R. B.354
  302. Minsinger, C.292
  303. Monahan, T. J.298
  304. Montague, R. W.260
  305. Montgomery, J. B.329
  306. Moore, A. W.243
  307. Morgan, W. H. H.178
  308. Mosher, La Fayette530
  309. Mountain, Thomas369
  310. Mulligan, Owen138
  311. Mulligan, Thomas148
  312. Munly, M. G.164
  313. Murphy, C. G.468
  314. Murphy, D. S.65
  315. Murphy, J. H.690
  316. Myrick, Josiah448
  317. Nelson, G. W.321
  318. Nicolai, Louis314
  319. Niebur, Franz72
  320. Noa, W. E.139
  321. Nolta, J. H.421
  322. O'Day, Thomas244
  323. O'Hare, John696
  324. Ordway, June M.564
  325. O'Reilly, D. C.714
  326. Pacific Stoneware Co.451
  327. Packard, J. A.731
  328. Palmer, A. G.599
  329. Paquet, Joseph687
  330. Parker, W. W.135
  331. Parrish, J. L.249
  332. Patterson, W. W.70
  333. Perkins, F. H.41
  334. Perkins, T. L.592
  335. Pittenger, J. M.299
  336. Polivka, Joseph35
  337. Pope, C. W.116
  338. Powell, B. W.295
  339. Powers, L. F., Sr.580
  340. Pratt, C. C.712
  341. Price, H. N.155
  342. Quackenbush, Edward262
  343. Raleigh, Patrick353
  344. Ralston, L. O.366
  345. Ramsdell, T. M.140
  346. Randall, T. P.307
  347. Rankin, E. A.356
  348. Rankin, M. B.548
  349. Rasmussen, J. P.756
  350. Rector, A. B.799
  351. Reed, C. J.409
  352. Reidt, William377
  353. Riesland, Ben190
  354. Rigler, Frank781
  355. Riley, E. F.463
  356. Riley, F. B.237
  357. Roberts, Andrew819
  358. Roberts, J. H.384
  359. Rockwell, Cleveland368
  360. Rood, E. D.607
  361. Rosenblatt146
  362. Royal, C. W.231
  363. Royal, Osmon215
  364. Royal, T. F.717
  365. Rumelin, C. E.320
  366. Ryan, Edward244
  367. Saldern, L. J.738
  368. Sappington, W. D.464
  369. Sargent, H. O. K.246
  370. Schmeer, William737
  371. Schwab, S. B.820
  372. Scott, J. T.528
  373. Scott, S. F.404
  374. Sears, A. P.16
  375. Sedgwick, C. W.37
  376. Seed, J. S.6
  377. Seller, M. & Co.667
  378. Sellwood, J. J.547
  379. Sharkey, Patrick681
  380. Shaver, Delmer291
  381. Shaver, J. W.186
  382. Shaw, J. P.762
  383. Sherlock, Samuel172
  384. Shelby, A. D.682
  385. Sigler, B. D.396
  386. Simon, Joseph198
  387. Sinnott, P. B.51
  388. Smith, H. W.478
  389. Smith, J. S.586
  390. Smith, L. L.701
  391. Smith, Seneca282
  392. Smith, W. H.14
  393. Smith, W. K.224
  394. Snuffin, B. F.124
  395. Soden, B. T.617
  396. Spanton, W. A.413
  397. Spurgeon, J. E.665
  398. Spurgeon, Mathias171
  399. Stansbery, J. E.808
  400. Steams, D. S.13
  401. Stearns, S. E.27
  402. Steele, S. N.426
  403. Steele, W. B.462
  404. Stokes, W. R.285
  405. Stott, Raleigh499
  406. Stout, Lansing365
  407. Streib. Philip238
  408. Sutton, John354
  409. Sweeney, William788
  410. Terwilliger, Hiram66
  411. Thompson, E. L.274
  412. Tresham, J. D.475
  413. Trevitt, Victor486
  414. Tuthill, H. S.525
  415. Vancouver Trust & Savings Bank526
  416. Van Fridagh, Prosper192
  417. Van Schuy ver, W. J.156
  418. Veazie, A. L.541
  419. Vogler F. W.608
  420. Waggoner, John, Jr.707
  421. Wagner, Henry406
  422. Wagner, Henry70
  423. Wakeman, M. B.30
  424. Walker, F. P.376
  425. Walker, I. M.381
  426. Watkins, G. E.332
  427. Watson, A. J.107
  428. Welch, John181
  429. Welch, J. C.600
  430. Wessinger, Paul308
  431. Whipple, G. A.13
  432. White, C. S.102
  433. Whitehouse, B. G.428
  434. Whitehouse, M. H.565
  435. Wilcox, G. W.297
  436. Williams, C. A.80
  437. Williams, Robert800
  438. Wilson, J. R.273
  439. Wilson, John38
  440. Wilson, R. B.16
  441. Wiswall, R. D.624
  442. Wolfe, J. H.126
  443. Woodcock, W. H.160
  444. Woodward, W. F.000
  445. Yeon, J. B.427
  446. Young, G. H.93
  447. Young, L. C.36
  448. Zanello. G.397
  449. Zeller, P. J.804
  450. Zeller, R. L.81