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National and Community Service Act of 1990

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Public Law 101-610
National and Community Service Act of 1990
by the 101st Congress of the United States

Note: This is the original legislation as it was initially enacted. Any subsequent amendments hosted on Wikisource may be listed using What Links Here.

472198National and Community Service Act of 1990 — 1990the 101st Congress of the United States

An Act
To enhance national and community service, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Section 1. Short Title and Table of Contents.

This Act may be cited as the ``National and Community Service Act of 1990´´.
The table of contents is as follows:
Sec. 1. Short Title and Table of Contents.
Sec. 2. Purposes.
Subtitle A — General Provisions
Sec. 101. Definitions.
Sec. 102. Authority to Make State Grants.
Subtitle B — School-Aged Service
Part I — General Program
Sec. 110. Short Title.
Sec. 111. General Authority.
Sec. 112. Allotments.
Sec. 113. State Application.
Sec. 114. Local Applications.
Sec. 115. Priority; Private School Participation.
Sec. 116. Federal and Local Contributions.
Sec. 117. Uses of Funds; Limitations.
Part II — Higher Education Innovative Projects for Community Service
Sec. 118. Higher Education Innovative Projects for Community Service.
Subtitle C — American Conservation and Youth Corps
Sec. 120. Short Title.
Sec. 121. General Authority.
Sec. 122. Allocation of Funds.
Sec. 123. State Application.
Sec. 124. Focus of Programs.
Sec. 125. Related Programs.
Sec. 126. Public Lands or Indian Lands.
Sec. 127. Training and Education Services.
Sec. 128. Amount of Award; Matching Requirement.
Sec. 129. Preference for Certain Projects.
Sec. 130. Age and Citizenship Criteria for Enrollment.
Sec. 131. Use of Volunteers.
Sec. 132. Post-Service Benefits.
Sec. 133. Living Allowance.
Sec. 134. Joint Programs.
Sec. 135. Federal and State Employee Status.
Sec. 136. Regulations and Assistance.
Subtitle D — National and Community Service
Sec. 140. Short Title.
Sec. 141. General Authority.
Sec. 142. Grants.
Sec. 143. Types of National Service.
Sec. 144. Terms of Service.
Sec. 145. Eligibility.
Sec. 146. Post-Service Benefits.
Sec. 147. Living Allowance.
Sec. 148. Training.
Sec. 149. Public-Private Partnership.
Sec. 150. In-Service Education Benefits.
Subtitle E — Innovative and Demonstration Programs and Projects
Part I — Limitation on Grants
Sec. 155. Limitation on Grants.
Part II — Governors' Innovative Service Programs
Sec. 156. General Authority.
Sec. 157. Grants.
Part III — Peace Corps
Sec. 160. Program Authorized.
Sec. 161. Eligibility and Selection Procedures.
Sec. 162. Training Program.
Sec. 163. Educational Benefits.
Sec. 164. Evaluation and Report.
Part IV — Other Volunteer Programs
Sec. 165. Rural Youth Service Demonstration Project.
Sec. 166. Assistance for Head Start.
Sec. 167. Employer-Based Retiree Volunteer Programs.
Subtitle F — Administrative Provisions
Sec. 171. Limitation on Number of Grants.
Sec. 172. Reports.
Sec. 173. Supplementation.
Sec. 174. Prohibition on Use of Funds.
Sec. 175. Nondiscrimination.
Sec. 176. Notice, Hearing, and Grievance Procedures.
Sec. 177. Nonduplication and Nondisplacement.
Sec. 178. State Advisory Board.
Sec. 179. Evaluation.
Sec. 180. Engagemnt of Participants.
Sec. 181. National Service Demonstration Program Amendments.
Sec. 182. Partnerships with Schools.
Sec. 183. Service as Tutors.
Sec. 184. Drug-Free Workplace Requirements.
Sec. 185. Conforming Amendments.
Subtitle G — Commission on National and Community Service
Sec. 190. Commission on National and Community Service.
Subtitle A — Publication
Sec. 201. Information for Students.
Sec. 202. Exit Counseling for Borrowers.
Sec. 203. Department Information on Deferments and Cancellations.
Sec. 204. Data on Deferments and Cancellations.
Subtitle B — Youthbuild Projects
Sec. 211. Youthbuild Projects.
Subtitle C — Amendments to Student Literacy Corps
Sec. 221. Amendments to Student Literacy Corps.
Sec. 301. Short Title.
Sec. 302. Findings and Purposes.
Sec. 303. Authority.
Sec. 304. Grants to the Foundation.
Sec. 305. Eligibility of the Foundation for Grants.
Sec. 401. Sense of Congress Concerning Enactment of Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.
Sec. 402. Model Good Samaritan Food Donation Act.
Sec. 403. Effect of Section 402.
Sec. 501. Authorization of Appropriations.
Sec. 601. Amtrak Waste Disposal.
Sec. 602. Exchange Program with Countries in Transition from Totalitarianism to Democracy.

Sec. 2. Purpose.

It is the purpose of this Act to—
(1) renew the ethic of civic responsibility in the United States;
(2) ask citizens of the United States, regardless of age or income, to engage in full-time or part-time service to the Nation;
(3) begin to call young people to serve in programs that will benefit the Nation and improve the life chances of the young through the acquisition of literacy and job skills;
(4) enable young Americans to make a sustained commitment to service by removing barriers to service that have been created by high education costs, loan indebtedness, and the cost of housing;
(5) build on the existing organizational framework of Federal, State, and local programs and agencies to expand full-time and part-time service opportunities for all citizens, particularly youth and older Americans;
(6) involve participants in activities that would not otherwise be performed by employed workers; and
(7) generate additional service hours each year to help meet human, educational, environmental, and public safety needs, particularly those needs relating to poverty.

Approved November 16, 1990.

Legislative History

    • No. 101-677 accompanying H.R. 4330 (Comm. on Education and Labor)
    • No. 101-893 (Comm. of Conference)
    • No. 101-176 (Comm. on Labor and Human Resources)
  • CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 136 (1990):
    • Mar. 1, considered and passed Senate.
    • Sept. 13, considered and passed House in lieu of H.R. 4330.
    • Sept. 16, Conference reort filed.
    • Sept. 17, Senate agreed to conference report.
    • Sept. 24, House agreed to conference report.

See also


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