Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
An Act
To reform the intelligence community and the intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
[edit]- (a) Short Title.—
- This Act may be cited as the ``Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004´´
- (b) Table of Contents.—
- The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
- Sec. 1001. Short title.
- Subtitle A—Establishment of Director of National Intelligence
- Sec. 1011. Reorganization and improvement of management of intelligence community.
- Sec. 1012. Revised definition of national intelligence.
- Sec. 1013. Joint procedures for operational coordination between Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency.
- Sec. 1014. Role of Director of National Intelligence in appointment of certain officials responsible for intelligence-related activities.
- Sec. 1015. Executive Schedule matters.
- Sec. 1016. Information sharing.
- Sec. 1017. Alternative analysis of intelligence by the intelligence community.
- Sec. 1018. Presidential guidelines on implementation and preservation of authorities.
- Sec. 1019. Assignment of responsibilities relating to analytic integrity.
- Sec. 1020. Safeguard of objectivity in intelligence analysis.
- Subtitle B—National Counterterrorism Center, National Counter Proliferation Center, and National Intelligence Centers
- Sec. 1021. National Counterterrorism Center.
- Sec. 1022. National Counter Proliferation Center.
- Sec. 1023. National intelligence centers.
- Subtitle C—Joint Intelligence Community Council
- Sec. 1031. Joint Intelligence Community Council.
- Subtitle D—Improvement of Education for the Intelligence Community
- Sec. 1041. Additional education and training requirements.
- Sec. 1042. Cross-disciplinary education and training.
- Sec. 1043. Intelligence Community Scholarship Program.
- Subtitle E—Additional Improvements of Intelligence Activities
- Sec. 1051. Service and national laboratories and the intelligence community.
- Sec. 1052. Open-source intelligence.
- Sec. 1053. National Intelligence Reserve Corps.
- Subtitle F—Privacy and Civil Liberties
- Sec. 1061. Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.
- Sec. 1062. Sense of Congress on designation of privacy and civil liberties officers.
- Subtitle G—Conforming and Other Amendments
- Sec. 1071. Conforming amendments relating to roles of Director of National Intelligence and Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
- Sec. 1072. Other conforming amendments.
- Sec. 1073. Elements of intelligence community under National Security Act of 1947.
- Sec. 1074. Redesignation of National Foreign Intelligence Program as National Intelligence Program.
- Sec. 1075. Repeal of superseded authority.
- Sec. 1076. Clerical amendments to National Security Act of 1947.
- Sec. 1077. Conforming amendments relating to prohibiting dual service of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
- Sec. 1078. Authority to establish inspector general for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
- Sec. 1079. Ethics matters.
- Sec. 1080. Construction of authority of Director of National Intelligence to acquire and manage property and services.
- Sec. 1081. General references.
- Subtitle H—Transfer, Termination, Transition, and Other Provisions
- Sec. 1091. Transfer of Community Management Staff.
- Sec. 1092. Transfer of Terrorist Threat Integration Center.
- Sec. 1093. Termination of positions of Assistant Directors of Central Intelligence.
- Sec. 1094. Implementation plan.
- Sec. 1095. Director of National Intelligence report on implementation of intelligence community reform.
- Sec. 1096. Transitional authorities.
- Sec. 1097. Effective dates.
- Subtitle I—Other Matters
- Sec. 1101. Study of promotion and professional military education school selection rates for military intelligence officers.
- Sec. 1102. Extension and improvement of authorities of Public Interest Declassification Board.
- Sec. 1103. Severability.
- Sec. 2001. Improvement of intelligence capabilities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- Sec. 2002. Directorate of Intelligence of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
- Sec. 2003. Federal Bureau of Investigation intelligence career service.
- Sec. 2004. Federal Bureau of Investigation Reserve Service.
- Sec. 2005. Federal Bureau of Investigation mandatory separation age.
- Sec. 2006. Federal Bureau of Investigation use of translators.
- Sec. 3001. Security clearances.
- Subtitle A—National Strategy for Transportation Security
- Sec. 4001. National Strategy for Transportation Security.
- Subtitle B—Aviation Security
- Sec. 4011. Provision for the use of biometric or other technology.
- Sec. 4012. Advanced airline passenger prescreening.
- Sec. 4013. Deployment and use of detection equipment at airport screening checkpoints.
- Sec. 4014. Advanced airport checkpoint screening devices.
- Sec. 4015. Improvement of screener job performance.
- Sec. 4016. Federal air marshals.
- Sec. 4017. International agreements to allow maximum deployment of Federal air marshals.
- Sec. 4018. Foreign air marshal training.
- Sec. 4019. In-line checked baggage screening.
- Sec. 4020. Checked baggage screening area monitoring.
- Sec. 4021. Wireless communication.
- Sec. 4022. Improved pilot licenses.
- Sec. 4023. Aviation security staffing.
- Sec. 4024. Improved explosive detection systems.
- Sec. 4025. Prohibited items list.
- Sec. 4026. Man-Portable Air Defense Systems (MANPADs).
- Sec. 4027. Technical corrections.
- Sec. 4028. Report on secondary flight deck barriers.
- Sec. 4029. Extension of authorization of aviation security funding.
- Subtitle C—Air Cargo Security
- Sec. 4051. Pilot program to evaluate use of blast resistant cargo and baggage containers.
- Sec. 4052. Air cargo security.
- Sec. 4053. Air cargo security regulations.
- Sec. 4054. Report on international air cargo threats.
- Subtitle D—Maritime Security
- Sec. 4071. Watch lists for passengers aboard vessels.
- Sec. 4072. Deadlines for completion of certain plans, reports, and assessments.
- Subtitle E—General Provisions
- Sec. 4081. Definitions.
- Sec. 4082. Effective date.
- Subtitle A—National Strategy for Transportation Security
- Subtitle A—Advanced Technology Northern Border Security Pilot Program
- Sec. 5101. Establishment.
- Sec. 5102. Program requirements.
- Sec. 5103. Administrative provisions.
- Sec. 5104. Report.
- Sec. 5105. Authorization of appropriations.
- Subtitle B—Border and Immigration Enforcement
- Sec. 5201. Border surveillance.
- Sec. 5202. Increase in full-time Border Patrol agents.
- Sec. 5203. Increase in full-time immigration and customs enforcement investigators.
- Sec. 5204. Increase in detention bed space.
- Subtitle C—Visa Requirements
- Sec. 5301. In person interviews of visa applicants.
- Sec. 5302. Visa application requirements.
- Sec. 5303. Effective date.
- Sec. 5304. Revocation of visas and other travel documentation.
- Subtitle D—Immigration Reform
- Sec. 5401. Bringing in and harboring certain aliens.
- Sec. 5402. Deportation of aliens who have received military-type training from terrorist organizations.
- Sec. 5403. Study and report on terrorists in the asylum system.
- Subtitle E—Treatment of Aliens Who Commit Acts of Torture, Extrajudicial Killings, or Other Atrocities Abroad
- Sec. 5501. Inadmissibility and deportability of aliens who have committed acts of torture or extrajudicial killings abroad.
- Sec. 5502. Inadmissibility and deportability of foreign government officials who have committed particularly severe violations of religious freedom.
- Sec. 5503. Waiver of inadmissibility.
- Sec. 5504. Bar to good moral character for aliens who have committed acts of torture, extrajudicial killings, or severe violations of religious freedom.
- Sec. 5505. Establishment of the Office of Special Investigations.
- Sec. 5506. Report on implementation.
- Subtitle A—Advanced Technology Northern Border Security Pilot Program
- Subtitle A—Individual Terrorists as Agents of Foreign Powers
- Sec. 6001. Individual terrorists as agents of foreign powers.
- Sec. 6002. Additional semiannual reporting requirements under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
- Subtitle B—Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
- Sec. 6101. Additional authorization for finCEN.
- Sec. 6102. Money laundering and financial crimes strategy reauthorization.
- Subtitle C—Money Laundering Abatement and Financial Antiterrorism Technical Corrections
- Sec. 6201. Short title.
- Sec. 6202. Technical corrections to Public Law 107-56.
- Sec. 6203. Technical corrections to other provisions of law.
- Sec. 6204. Repeal of review.
- Sec. 6205. Effective date.
- Subtitle D—Additional Enforcement Tools
- Sec. 6301. Bureau of Engraving and Printing security printing.
- Sec. 6302. Reporting of certain cross-border transmittal of funds.
- Sec. 6303. Terrorism financing.
- Subtitle E—Criminal History Background Checks
- Sec. 6401. Protect Act.
- Sec. 6402. Reviews of criminal records of applicants for private security officer employment.
- Sec. 6403. Criminal history background checks.
- Subtitle F—Grand Jury Information Sharing
- Sec. 6501. Grand jury information sharing.
- Subtitle G—Providing Material Support to Terrorism
- Sec. 6601. Short title.
- Sec. 6602. Receiving military-type training from a foreign terrorist organization.
- Sec. 6603. Additions to offense of providing material support to terrorism.
- Sec. 6604. Financing of terrorism.
- Subtitle H—Stop Terrorist and Military Hoaxes Act of 2004
- Sec. 6701. Short title.
- Sec. 6702. Hoaxes and recovery costs.
- Sec. 6703. Obstruction of justice and false statements in terrorism cases.
- Sec. 6704. Clarification of definition.
- Subtitle I—Weapons of Mass Destruction Prohibition Improvement Act of 2004
- Sec. 6801. Short title.
- Sec. 6802. Weapons of mass destruction.
- Sec. 6803. Participation in nuclear and weapons of mass destruction threats to the United States.
- Subtitle J—Prevention of Terrorist Access to Destructive Weapons Act of 2004
- Sec. 6901. Short title.
- Sec. 6902. Findings and purpose.
- Sec. 6903. Missile systems designed to destroy aircraft.
- Sec. 6904. Atomic weapons.
- Sec. 6905. Radiological dispersal devices.
- Sec. 6906. Variola virus.
- Sec. 6907. Interception of communications.
- Sec. 6908. Amendments to section 2332b(g)(5)(b) of title 18, United States Code.
- Sec. 6909. Amendments to section 1956(c)(7)(d) of title 18, United States Code.
- Sec. 6910. Export licensing process.
- Sec. 6911. Clerical amendments.
- Subtitle K—Pretrial Detention of Terrorists
- Sec. 6951. Short title.
- Sec. 6952. Presumption for pretrial detention in cases involving terrorism.
- Subtitle A—Individual Terrorists as Agents of Foreign Powers
- Sec. 7001. Short title.
- Subtitle A—Diplomacy, Foreign Aid, and the Military in the War on Terrorism
- Sec. 7101. Findings.
- Sec. 7102. Terrorist sanctuaries.
- Sec. 7103. United States commitment to the future of Pakistan.
- Sec. 7104. Assistance for Afghanistan.
- Sec. 7105. The relationship between the United States and Saudi Arabia.
- Sec. 7106. Efforts to combat Islamist terrorism.
- Sec. 7107. United States policy toward dictatorships.
- Sec. 7108. Promotion of free media and other American values.
- Sec. 7109. Public diplomacy responsibilities of the Department of State.
- Sec. 7110. Public diplomacy training.
- Sec. 7111. Promoting democracy and human rights at international organizations.
- Sec. 7112. Expansion of United States scholarship and exchange programs in the Islamic world.
- Sec. 7113. Pilot program to provide grants to American-sponsored schools in predominantly Muslim countries to provide scholarships.
- Sec. 7114. International Youth Opportunity Fund.
- Sec. 7115. The use of economic policies to combat terrorism.
- Sec. 7116. Middle East partnership initiative.
- Sec. 7117. Comprehensive coalition strategy for fighting terrorism.
- Sec. 7118. Financing of terrorism.
- Sec. 7119. Designation of foreign terrorist organizations.
- Sec. 7120. Report to Congress.
- Sec. 7121. Case-Zablocki Act requirements.
- Sec. 7122. Effective date.
- Subtitle B—Terrorist Travel and Effective Screening
- Sec. 7201. Counterterrorist travel intelligence.
- Sec. 7202. Establishment of human smuggling and trafficking center.
- Sec. 7203. Responsibilities and functions of consular officers.
- Sec. 7204. International agreements to track and curtail terrorist travel through the use of fraudulently obtained documents.
- Sec. 7205. International standards for transliteration of names into the Roman alphabet for international travel documents and name-based watchlist systems.
- Sec. 7206. Immigration security initiative.
- Sec. 7207. Certification regarding technology for visa waiver participants.
- Sec. 7208. Biometric entry and exit data system.
- Sec. 7209. Travel documents.
- Sec. 7210. Exchange of terrorist information and increased preinspection at foreign airports.
- Sec. 7211. Minimum standards for birth certificates.
- Sec. 7212. Driver's licenses and personal identification cards.
- Sec. 7213. Social security cards and numbers.
- Sec. 7214. Prohibition of the display of social security account numbers on driver's licenses or motor vehicle registrations.
- Sec. 7215. Terrorist travel program.
- Sec. 7216. Increase in penalties for fraud and related activity.
- Sec. 7217. Study on allegedly lost or stolen passports.
- Sec. 7218. Establishment of visa and passport security program in the Department of State.
- Sec. 7219. Effective date.
- Sec. 7220. Identification standards.
- Subtitle C—National Preparedness
- Sec. 7301. The incident command system.
- Sec. 7302. National capital region mutual aid.
- Sec. 7303. Enhancement of public safety communications interoperability.
- Sec. 7304. Regional model strategic plan pilot projects.
- Sec. 7305. Private sector preparedness.
- Sec. 7306. Critical infrastructure and readiness assessments.
- Sec. 7307. Northern command and defense of the United States homeland.
- Sec. 7308. Effective date.
- Subtitle D—Homeland Security
- Sec. 7401. Sense of Congress on first responder funding.
- Sec. 7402. Coordination of industry efforts.
- Sec. 7403. Study regarding nationwide emergency notification system.
- Sec. 7404. Pilot study to move warning systems into the modern digital age.
- Sec. 7405. Required coordination.
- Sec. 7406. Emergency preparedness compacts.
- Sec. 7407. Responsibilities of counternarcotics office.
- Sec. 7408. Use of counternarcotics enforcement activities in certain employee performance appraisals.
- Subtitle E—Public Safety Spectrum
- Sec. 7501. Digital television conversion deadline.
- Sec. 7502. Studies on telecommunications capabilities and requirements.
- Subtitle F—Presidential Transition
- Sec. 7601. Presidential transition.
- Subtitle G—Improving International Standards and Cooperation to Fight Terrorist Financing
- Sec. 7701. Improving international standards and cooperation to fight terrorist financing.
- Sec. 7702. Definitions.
- Sec. 7703. Expanded reporting and testimony requirements for the Secretary of the Treasury.
- Sec. 7704. Coordination of United States Government efforts.
- Subtitle H—Emergency Financial Preparedness
- Sec. 7801. Delegation authority of the Secretary of the Treasury.
- Sec. 7802. Treasury support for financial services industry preparedness and response and consumer education.
- Sec. 7803. Emergency Securities Response Act of 2004.
- Sec. 7804. Private sector preparedness.
- Subtitle A—Intelligence Matters
- Sec. 8101. Intelligence community use of National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center.
- Subtitle B—Department of Homeland Security Matters
- Sec. 8201. Homeland security geospatial information.
- Subtitle C—Homeland Security Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Protection
- Sec. 8301. Short title.
- Sec. 8302. Mission of Department of Homeland Security.
- Sec. 8303. Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
- Sec. 8304. Protection of civil rights and civil liberties by Office of Inspector General.
- Sec. 8305. Privacy officer.
- Sec. 8306. Protections for human research subjects of the Department of Homeland Security.
- Subtitle D—Other Matters
- Sec. 8401. Amendments to Clinger-Cohen Act provisions to enhance agency planning for information security needs.
- Sec. 8402. Enterprise architecture.
- Sec. 8403. Financial disclosure and records.
- Sec. 8404. Extension of requirement for air carriers to honor tickets for suspended air passenger service.
- Subtitle A—Intelligence Matters
Approved December 17, 2004.
[edit]- HOUSE REPORTS: Nos. 108-724, Pt. 1 (Permanent Select Comm. on Intelligence), Pt. 2 (Comm. on Armed Services), Pt. 3 (Comm. on Financial Services), Pt. 4 (Comm. on Government Reform), and Pt. 5 (Comm. on the Judiciary) all accompanying H.R. 10, and 108-796 (Comm. of Conference).
- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 150 (2004):
- Sept. 27-30, Oct. 1, 4-6, considered and passed Senate.
- Oct. 16, considered and passed House pursuant to H. Res. 827.
- Dec. 7, House agreed to conference report.
- Dec. 8, Senate agreed to conference report.
- Dec. 17, Presidential remarks and statement.
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