John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007
An Act
To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2007 for military activities of the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for other purposes.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
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Section 1. Short Title; Findings.
[edit]- (a) Short Title.—
- This Act may be cited as the ``John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007´´.
- (b) Findings.—
- Congress makes the following findings:
- (1) Senator John Warner of Virginia was elected a member of the United States Senate on November 7, 1978, for a full term beginning on January 3, 1979. He was subsequently appointed by the Governor of Virginia to fill a vacancy on January 2, 1979, and has served continuously since that date. He was appointed a member of the Committee on Armed Services in January 1979, and has served continuously on the Committee since that date, a period of nearly 28 years. Senator Warner's service on the Committee represents nearly half of its existence since it was established after World War II.
- (2) Senator Warner came to the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services after a distinguished record of service to the Nation, including combat service in the Armed Forces and high civilian office.
- (3) Senator Warner enlisted in the United States Navy upon graduation from high school in 1945, and served until the summer of 1946, when he was discharged as a Petty Officer 3rd Class. He then attended Washington and Lee University on the G.I. Bill. He graduated in 1949 and entered the University of Virginia Law School.
- (4) Upon the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, Senator Warner volunteered for active duty, interrupting his education to accept a commission in the United States Marine Corps. He served in combat in Korea as a ground officer in the First Marine Air Wing. Following his active service, he remained in the Marine Corps Reserve for several years, attaining the rank of captain.
- (5) Senator Warner resumed his legal education upon returning from the Korean War and graduated from the University of Virginia Law School in 1953. He was selected by the late Chief Judge E. Barrett Prettyman of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit as his law clerk. After his service to Judge Prettyman, Senator Warner became an Assistant United States Attorney in the District of Columbia, and later entered private law practice.
- (6) In 1969, the Senate gave its advice and consent to the appointment of Senator Warner as Under Secretary of the Navy. He served in this position until 1972, when he was confirmed and appointed as the 61st Secretary of the Navy since the office was established in 1798. As Secretary, Senator Warner was the principal United States negotiator and signatory of the Incidents at Sea Executive Agreement with the Soviet Union, which was signed in 1972 and remains in effect today. It has served as the model for similar agreements between states covering the operation of naval ships and aircraft in international sea lanes throughout the world.
- (7) Senator Warner left the Department of the Navy in 1974. His next public service was as Administrator of the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. In this capacity, he coordinated the celebration of the Nation's founding, directing the Federal role in all 50 States and in over 20 foreign nations.
- (8) Senator Warner has served as chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the United States Senate from 1999 to 2001, and again since January 2003. He served as ranking minority member of the committee from 1987 to 1993, and again from 2001 to 2003. Senator Warner concludes his service as chairman at the end of the 109th Congress, but will remain a member of the committee.
- (9) This Act is the twenty-eighth annual authorization Act for the Department of Defense for which Senator Warner has taken a major responsibility as a member of the Committee on Armed Services of the United States Senate, and the fourteenth for which he has exercised a leadership role as chairman or ranking minority member of the committee.
- (10) Senator Warner, as seaman, Marine officer, Under Secretary and Secretary of the Navy, and member, ranking minority member, and chairman of the Committee on Armed Services of the United States Senate, has made unique and lasting contributions to the national security of the United States.
- (11) It is altogether fitting and proper that this Act, the last annual authorization Act for the national defense managed by Senator Warner in and for the United States Senate as chairman of the Committee on Armed Services, be named in his honor, as provided in subsection (a).
Sec. 2. Organization of Act into Divisions; Table of Contents.
[edit]- (a) Divisions.—
- This Act is organized into three divisions as follows:
- (b) Table of Contents.—
- The table of contents for this Act is as follows:
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Sec. 101. Army.
- Sec. 102. Navy and Marine Corps.
- Sec. 103. Air Force.
- Sec. 104. Defense-wide activities.
- Subtitle B—Army Programs
- Sec. 111. Sense of Congress on future multiyear procurement authority for Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles.
- Sec. 112. Multiyear procurement authority for MH-60R helicopters and mission equipment.
- Sec. 113. Funding profile for Modular Force Initiative of the Army.
- Sec. 114. Bridge to Future Networks program.
- Sec. 115. Comptroller General report on the contract for the Future Combat Systems program.
- Sec. 116. Priority for allocation of replacement equipment to operational units based on combat mission deployment schedule.
- Subtitle C—Navy Programs
- Sec. 121. CVN-21 class aircraft carrier procurement.
- Sec. 122. Adherence to Navy cost estimates for CVN-21 class of aircraft carriers.
- Sec. 123. Modification of limitation on total cost of procurement of CVN-77 aircraft carrier.
- Sec. 124. Construction of first two vessels under the DDG-1000 Next-Generation Destroyer program.
- Sec. 125. Adherence to Navy cost estimates for LHA Replacement amphibious assault ship program.
- Sec. 126. Cost limitation for San Antonio (LPD-17) class amphibious ship program.
- Sec. 127. Multiyear procurement authority for V-22 tiltrotor aircraft program.
- Sec. 128. Alternative technologies for future surface combatants.
- Sec. 129. Sense of Congress regarding the size of the attack submarine force.
- Sec. 130. Quality control in procurement of ship critical safety items and related services.
- Subtitle D—Air Force Programs
- Sec. 131. Bomber force structure.
- Sec. 132. Strategic airlift force structure.
- Sec. 133. Limitation on retirement of U-2 aircraft.
- Sec. 134. Multiyear procurement authority for F-22A Raptor fighter aircraft.
- Sec. 135. Limitation on retirement of KC-135E aircraft during fiscal year 2007.
- Sec. 136. Limitation on retirement of F-117A aircraft during fiscal year 2007.
- Sec. 137. Limitation on retirement of C-130E tactical airlift aircraft.
- Sec. 138. Procurement of Joint Primary Aircraft Training System aircraft after fiscal year 2006.
- Sec. 139. Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile modernization.
- Subtitle E—Joint and Multiservice Matters
- Sec. 141. Clarification of limitation on initiation of new unmanned aerial vehicle systems.
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Sec. 201. Authorization of appropriations.
- Sec. 202. Amount for defense science and technology.
- Subtitle B—Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations
- Sec. 211. Acquisition of, and independent cost analyses for, the Joint Strike Fighter propulsion system.
- Sec. 212. Expansion and extension of authority to award prizes for advanced technology achievements.
- Sec. 213. Defense Acquisition Challenge Program extension, enhancement, and modification to address critical cost growth threshold breaches in major defense acquisition programs.
- Sec. 214. Future Combat Systems milestone review.
- Sec. 215. Dedicated amounts for implementing or evaluating Navy shipbuilding technology proposals under Defense Acquisition Challenge Program.
- Sec. 216. Independent estimate of costs of the Future Combat Systems.
- Sec. 217. Funding of defense science and technology programs.
- Sec. 218. Hypersonics development.
- Sec. 219. Report on program for replacement of nuclear warheads on certain Trident sea-launched ballistic missiles with conventional warheads.
- Subtitle C—Missile Defense Programs
- Sec. 221. Fielding of ballistic missile defense capabilities.
- Sec. 222. Limitation on use of funds for space-based interceptor.
- Sec. 223. Policy of the United States on priorities in the development, testing, and fielding of missile defense capabilities.
- Sec. 224. One-year extension of Comptroller General assessments of ballistic missile defense programs.
- Sec. 225. Submittal of plans for test and evaluation of the operational capability of the Ballistic Missile Defense System.
- Sec. 226. Annual reports on transition of ballistic missile defense programs to the military departments.
- Subtitle D—Other Matters
- Sec. 231. Policies and practices on test and evaluation to address emerging acquisition approaches.
- Sec. 232. Extension of requirement for Global Research Watch Program.
- Sec. 233. Sense of Congress on technology sharing of Joint Strike Fighter technology.
- Sec. 234. Report on vehicle-based active protection systems for certain battlefield threats.
- Subtitle A—Authorization of Appropriations
- Sec. 301. Operation and maintenance funding.
- Sec. 302. Working capital funds.
- Sec. 303. Other Department of Defense programs.
- Subtitle B—Environmental Provisions
- Sec. 311. Revision of requirement for unexploded ordnance program manager.
- Sec. 312. Funding of cooperative agreements under environmental restoration program.
- Sec. 313. Response plan for remediation of unexploded ordnance, discarded military munitions, and munitions constituents.
- Sec. 314. Research on effects of ocean disposal of munitions.
- Sec. 315. Reimbursement of Environmental Protection Agency for certain costs in connection with Moses Lake Wellfield Superfund Site, Moses Lake, Washington.
- Sec. 316. Transfer of Government-furnished uranium stored at Sequoyah Fuels Corporation, Gore, Oklahoma.
- Sec. 317. Extension of authority to grant exemptions to certain requirements.
- Sec. 318. National Academy of Sciences study on human exposure to contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.
- Subtitle C—Program Requirements, Restrictions, and Limitations
- Sec. 321. Limitation on financial management improvement and audit initiatives within the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 322. Funds for exhibits for the national museums of the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 323. Prioritization of funds for equipment readiness and strategic capability.
- Sec. 324. Limitation on deployment of Marine Corps Total Force System to Navy.
- Subtitle D—Workplace and Depot Issues
- Sec. 331. Permanent exclusion of certain contract expenditures from percentage limitation on the performance of depot-level maintenance.
- Sec. 332. Minimum capital investment for certain depots.
- Sec. 333. Extension of temporary authority for contractor performance of security guard functions.
- Subtitle E—Reports
- Sec. 341. Report on Navy Fleet Response Plan.
- Sec. 342. Report on Navy surface ship rotational crew programs.
- Sec. 343. Report on Army live-fire ranges in Hawaii.
- Sec. 344. Comptroller General report on joint standards and protocols for access control systems at Department of Defense installations.
- Sec. 345. Comptroller General report on readiness of Army and Marine Corps ground forces.
- Sec. 346. Report on Air Force safety requirements for Air Force flight training operations at Pueblo Memorial Airport, Colorado.
- Sec. 347. Annual report on Personnel Security Investigations for Industry and National Industrial Security Program.
- Sec. 348. Five-year extension of annual report on training range sustainment plan and training range inventory.
- Sec. 349. Reports on withdrawal or diversion of equipment from reserve units for support of reserve units being mobilized and other units.
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Sec. 351. Department of Defense strategic policy on prepositioning of materiel and equipment.
- Sec. 352. Authority to make Department of Defense horses available for adoption.
- Sec. 353. Sale and use of proceeds of recyclable munitions materials.
- Sec. 354. Recovery and transfer to Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety of certain firearms, ammunition, and parts granted to foreign countries.
- Sec. 355. Extension of Department of Defense telecommunications benefit program.
- Sec. 356. Extension of availability of funds for commemoration of success of the Armed Forces in Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
- Sec. 357. Capital security cost sharing.
- Sec. 358. Utilization of fuel cells as back-up power systems in Department of Defense operations.
- Sec. 359. Improving Department of Defense support for civil authorities.
- Sec. 360. Energy efficiency in weapons platforms.
- Sec. 361. Prioritization of funds within Navy mission operations, ship maintenance, combat support forces, and weapons system support.
- Sec. 362. Provision of adequate storage space to secure personal property outside of assigned military family housing unit.
- Sec. 363. Expansion of payment of replacement value of personal property damaged during transport at Government expense.
- Subtitle A—Active Forces
- Sec. 401. End strengths for active forces.
- Sec. 402. Revision in permanent active duty end strength minimum levels.
- Sec. 403. Additional authority for increases of Army and Marine Corps active duty end strengths for fiscal years 2008 and 2009.
- Subtitle B—Reserve Forces
- Sec. 411. End strengths for Selected Reserve.
- Sec. 412. End strengths for Reserves on active duty in support of the reserves.
- Sec. 413. End strengths for military technicians (dual status).
- Sec. 414. Fiscal year 2007 limitation on number of non-dual status technicians.
- Sec. 415. Maximum number of reserve personnel authorized to be on active duty for operational support.
- Subtitle C—Authorization of Appropriations
- Sec. 421. Military personnel.
- Sec. 422. Armed Forces Retirement Home.
- Subtitle A—Officer Personnel Policy
- Part I—Officer Personnel Policy Generally
- Sec. 501. Military status of officers serving in certain intelligence community positions.
- Sec. 502. Extension of age for mandatory retirement for active-duty general and flag officers.
- Sec. 503. Increased mandatory retirement ages for reserve officers.
- Sec. 504. Standardization of grade of senior dental officer of the Air Force with that of senior dental officer of the Army.
- Sec. 505. Management of chief warrant officers.
- Sec. 506. Extension of temporary reduction of time-in-grade requirement for eligibility for promotion for certain active-duty list officers in grades of first lieutenant and lieutenant (junior grade).
- Sec. 507. Grade and exclusion from active-duty general and flag officer distribution and strength limitations of officer serving as Attending Physician to the Congress.
- Sec. 508. Modification of qualifications for leadership of the Naval Postgraduate School.
- Part II—Officer Promotion Policy
- Sec. 511. Revisions to authorities relating to authorized delays of officer promotions.
- Sec. 512. Consideration of adverse information by selection boards in recommendations on officers to be promoted.
- Sec. 513. Expanded authority for removal from reports of selection boards of officers recommended for promotion to grades below general and flag grades.
- Sec. 514. Special selection board authorities.
- Sec. 515. Removal from promotion list of officers not promoted within 18 months of approval of list by the President.
- Part III—Joint Officer Management Requirements
- Sec. 516. Modification and enhancement of general authorities on management of officers who are joint qualified.
- Sec. 517. Modification of promotion policy objectives for joint officers.
- Sec. 518. Applicability of joint duty assignment requirements limited to graduates of National Defense University schools.
- Sec. 519. Modification of certain definitions relating to jointness.
- Subtitle B—Reserve Component Matters
- Part I—Reserve Component Management
- Sec. 521. Recognition of former Representative G. V. `Sonny' Montgomery for his 30 years of service in the House of Representatives.
- Sec. 522. Revisions to reserve call-up authority.
- Sec. 523. Military retirement credit for certain service by National Guard members performed while in a State duty status immediately after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
- Part II—Authorities Relating to Guard and Reserve Duty
- Sec. 524. Title 10 definition of Active Guard and Reserve duty.
- Sec. 525. Authority for Active Guard and Reserve duties to include support of operational missions assigned to the reserve components and instruction and training of active-duty personnel.
- Sec. 526. Governor's authority to order members to Active Guard and Reserve duty.
- Sec. 527. Expansion of operations of civil support teams.
- Sec. 528. Modification of authorities relating to the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves.
- Sec. 529. Additional matters to be reviewed by Commission on the National Guard and Reserves.
- Subtitle C—Education and Training
- Part I—Service Academies
- Sec. 531. Expansion of service academy exchange programs with foreign military academies.
- Sec. 532. Revision and clarification of requirements with respect to surveys and reports concerning sexual harassment and sexual violence at the service academies.
- Sec. 533. Department of Defense policy on service academy and ROTC graduates seeking to participate in professional sports before completion of their active-duty service obligations.
- Part II—Scholarship and Financial Assistance Programs
- Sec. 535. Authority to permit members who participate in the guaranteed reserve forces duty scholarship program to participate in the health professions scholarship program and serve on active duty.
- Sec. 536. Detail of commissioned officers as students at medical schools.
- Sec. 537. Increase in maximum amount of repayment under education loan repayment for officers in specified health professions.
- Sec. 538. Health Professions Scholarship and Financial Assistance Program for Active Service.
- Part III—Junior ROTC Program
- Sec. 539. Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps instructor qualifications.
- Sec. 540. Expansion of members eligible to be employed to provide Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps instruction.
- Sec. 541. Expansion of Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps program.
- Sec. 542. Review of legal status of Junior ROTC program.
- Part IV—Other Education and Training Programs
- Sec. 543. Expanded eligibility for enlisted members for instruction at Naval Postgraduate School.
- Subtitle D—General Service Authorities
- Sec. 546. Test of utility of test preparation guides and education programs in enhancing recruit candidate performance on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) and Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT).
- Sec. 547. Clarification of nondisclosure requirements applicable to certain selection board proceedings.
- Sec. 548. Report on extent of provision of timely notice of long-term deployments.
- Subtitle E—Military Justice Matters
- Sec. 551. Applicability of Uniform Code of Military Justice to members of the Armed Forces ordered to duty overseas in inactive duty for training status.
- Sec. 552. Clarification of application of Uniform Code of Military Justice during a time of war.
- Subtitle F—Decorations and Awards
- Sec. 555. Authority for presentation of Medal of Honor Flag to living Medal of Honor recipients and to living primary next-of-kin of deceased Medal of Honor recipients.
- Sec. 556. Review of eligibility of prisoners of war for award of the Purple Heart.
- Sec. 557. Report on Department of Defense process for awarding decorations.
- Subtitle G—Matters Relating to Casualties
- Sec. 561. Authority for retention after separation from service of assistive technology and devices provided while on active duty.
- Sec. 562. Transportation of remains of casualties dying in a theater of combat operations.
- Sec. 563. Annual budget display of funds for POW/MIA activities of Department of Defense.
- Sec. 564. Military Severely Injured Center.
- Sec. 565. Comprehensive review on procedures of the Department of Defense on mortuary affairs.
- Sec. 566. Additional elements of policy on casualty assistance to survivors of military decedents.
- Sec. 567. Requirement for deploying military medical personnel to be trained in preservation of remains under combat or combat-related conditions.
- Subtitle H—Impact Aid and Defense Dependents Education System
- Sec. 571. Enrollment in defense dependents' education system of dependents of foreign military members assigned to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe.
- Sec. 572. Continuation of authority to assist local educational agencies that benefit dependents of members of the Armed Forces and Department of Defense civilian employees.
- Sec. 573. Impact aid for children with severe disabilities.
- Sec. 574. Plan and authority to assist local educational agencies experiencing growth in enrollment due to force structure changes, relocation of military units, or base closures and realignments.
- Sec. 575. Pilot program on parent education to promote early childhood education for dependent children affected by military deployment or relocation of military units.
- Subtitle I—Armed Forces Retirement Home
- Sec. 578. Report on leadership and management of the Armed Forces Retirement Home.
- Sec. 579. Report on Local Boards of Trustees of the Armed Forces Retirement Home.
- Subtitle J—Reports
- Sec. 581. Report on personnel requirements for airborne assets identified as Low-Density, High-Demand Airborne Assets.
- Sec. 582. Report on feasibility of establishment of Military Entrance Processing Command station on Guam.
- Sec. 583. Inclusion in annual Department of Defense report on sexual assaults of information on results of disciplinary actions.
- Sec. 584. Report on provision of electronic copy of military records on discharge or release of members from the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 585. Report on omission of social security account numbers from military identification cards.
- Sec. 586. Report on maintenance and protection of data held by the Secretary of Defense as part of the Department of Defense Joint Advertising, Market Research and Studies (JAMRS) program.
- Sec. 587. Comptroller General report on military conscientious objectors.
- Subtitle K—Other Matters
- Sec. 591. Modification in Department of Defense contributions to Military Retirement Fund.
- Sec. 592. Revision in Government contributions to Medicare-Eligible Retiree Health Care Fund.
- Sec. 593. Dental Corps of the Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
- Sec. 594. Permanent authority for presentation of recognition items for recruitment and retention purposes.
- Sec. 595. Persons authorized to administer enlistment and appointment oaths.
- Sec. 596. Military voting matters.
- Sec. 597. Physical evaluation boards.
- Sec. 598. Military ID cards for retiree dependents who are permanently disabled.
- Sec. 599. United States Marine Band and United States Marine Drum and Bugle Corps.
- Subtitle A—Pay and Allowances
- Sec. 601. Fiscal year 2007 increase in military basic pay and reform of basic pay rates.
- Sec. 602. Increase in maximum rate of basic pay for general and flag officer grades to conform to increase in pay cap for Senior Executive Service personnel.
- Sec. 603. One-year extension of prohibition against requiring certain injured members to pay for meals provided by military treatment facilities.
- Sec. 604. Availability of second basic allowance for housing for certain reserve component or retired members serving in support of contingency operations.
- Sec. 605. Extension of temporary continuation of housing allowance for dependents of members dying on active duty to spouses who are also members.
- Sec. 606. Payment of full premium for coverage under Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance program during service in Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom.
- Sec. 607. Clarification of effective date of prohibition on compensation for correspondence courses.
- Sec. 608. Extension of pilot program on contributions to Thrift Savings Plan for initial enlistees in the Army.
- Subtitle B—Bonuses and Special and Incentive Pays
- Sec. 611. Extension of certain bonus and special pay authorities for reserve forces.
- Sec. 612. Extension of certain bonus and special pay authorities for health care professionals.
- Sec. 613. Extension of special pay and bonus authorities for nuclear officers.
- Sec. 614. Extension of authorities relating to payment of other bonuses and special pays.
- Sec. 615. Expansion of eligibility of dental officers for additional special pay.
- Sec. 616. Increase in maximum annual rate of special pay for Selected Reserve health care professionals in critically short wartime specialties.
- Sec. 617. Expansion and enhancement of accession bonus authorities for certain officers in health care specialities.
- Sec. 618. Authority to provide lump sum payment of nuclear officer incentive pay.
- Sec. 619. Increase in maximum amount of nuclear career accession bonus.
- Sec. 620. Increase in maximum amount of incentive bonus for transfer between Armed Forces.
- Sec. 621. Additional authorities and incentives to encourage retired members and reserve component members to volunteer to serve on active duty in high-demand, low-density assignments.
- Sec. 622. Accession bonus for members of the Armed Forces appointed as commissioned officers after completing officer candidate school.
- Sec. 623. Modification of certain authorities applicable to the targeted shaping of the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 624. Enhancement of bonus to encourage certain persons to refer other persons for enlistment in the Army.
- Subtitle C—Travel and Transportation Allowances
- Sec. 631. Travel and transportation allowances for transportation of family members incident to illness or injury of members.
- Subtitle D—Retired Pay and Survivor Benefits
- Sec. 641. Retired pay of general and flag officers to be based on rates of basic pay provided by law.
- Sec. 642. Inapplicability of retired pay multiplier maximum percentage to certain service of members of the Armed Forces in excess of 30 years.
- Sec. 643. Military Survivor Benefit Plan beneficiaries under insurable interest coverage.
- Sec. 644. Modification of eligibility for commencement of authority for optional annuities for dependents under the Survivor Benefit Plan.
- Sec. 645. Study of training costs, manning, operations tempo, and other factors that affect retention of members of the Armed Forces with special operations designations.
- Subtitle E—Commissary and Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentality Benefits
- Sec. 661. Treatment of price surcharges of certain merchandise sold at commissary stores.
- Sec. 662. Limitations on lease of non-excess Department of Defense property for protection of morale, welfare, and recreation activities and revenue.
- Sec. 663. Report on cost effectiveness of purchasing commercial insurance for commissary and exchange facilities and facilities of other morale, welfare, and recreation programs and nonappropriated fund instrumentalities.
- Sec. 664. Study and report regarding access of disabled persons to morale, welfare, and recreation facilities and activities.
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Sec. 670. Limitations on terms of consumer credit extended to servicemembers and dependents.
- Sec. 671. Enhancement of authority to waive claims for overpayment of pay and allowances and travel and transportation allowances.
- Sec. 672. Exception for notice to consumer reporting agencies regarding debts or erroneous payments pending a decision to waive, remit, or cancel.
- Sec. 673. Expansion and enhancement of authority to remit or cancel indebtedness of members and former members of the Armed Forces incurred on active duty.
- Sec. 674. Phased recovery of overpayments of pay made to members of the uniformed services.
- Sec. 675. Joint family support assistance program.
- Sec. 676. Special working group on transition to civilian employment of National Guard and Reserve members returning from deployment in Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom.
- Sec. 677. Audit of pay accounts of members of the Army evacuated from a combat zone for inpatient care.
- Sec. 678. Report on eligibility and provision of assignment incentive pay.
- Sec. 679. Sense of Congress calling for payment to World War II veterans who survived Bataan Death March.
- Subtitle A—TRICARE Program Improvements
- Sec. 701. TRICARE coverage for forensic examination following sexual assault or domestic violence.
- Sec. 702. Authorization of anesthesia and other costs for dental care for children and certain other patients.
- Sec. 703. Improvements to descriptions of cancer screening for women.
- Sec. 704. Prohibition on increases in certain health care costs for members of the uniformed services.
- Sec. 705. Demonstration project on coverage of selected over-the-counter drugs under the pharmacy benefits program.
- Sec. 706. Expanded eligibility of Selected Reserve members under TRICARE program.
- Sec. 707. Relationship between the TRICARE program and employer-sponsored group health care plans.
- Sec. 708. Temporary prohibition on increase in copayments under retail pharmacy system of pharmacy benefits program.
- Subtitle B—Studies and Reports
- Sec. 711. Department of Defense task force on the future of military health care.
- Sec. 712. Study relating to chiropractic health care services.
- Sec. 713. Comptroller General audits of Department of Defense health care costs and cost-saving measures.
- Sec. 714. Transfer of custody of the Air Force Health Study assets to Medical Follow-up Agency.
- Sec. 715. Study on allowing dependents of activated members of reserve components to retain civilian health care coverage.
- Sec. 716. Study of health effects of exposure to depleted uranium.
- Sec. 717. Report and plan on services to military dependent children with autism.
- Sec. 718. Comptroller General study on Department of Defense pharmacy benefits program.
- Sec. 719. Review of Department of Defense medical quality improvement program.
- Sec. 720. Report on distribution of hemostatic agents for use in the field.
- Sec. 721. Longitudinal study on traumatic brain injury incurred by members of the Armed Forces in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
- Subtitle C—Planning, Programming, and Management
- Sec. 731. Standardization of claims processing under TRICARE program and Medicare program.
- Sec. 732. Requirements for support of military treatment facilities by civilian contractors under TRICARE.
- Sec. 733. Standards and tracking of access to health care services for wounded, injured, or ill servicemembers returning to the United States from a combat zone.
- Sec. 734. Disease and chronic care management.
- Sec. 735. Additional elements of assessment of Department of Defense task force on mental health relating to mental health of members who were deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
- Sec. 736. Additional authorized option periods for extension of current contracts under TRICARE.
- Sec. 737. Military vaccination matters.
- Sec. 738. Enhanced mental health screening and services for members of the Armed Forces.
- Subtitle D—Other Matters
- Sec. 741. Pilot projects on early diagnosis and treatment of post traumatic stress disorder and other mental health conditions.
- Sec. 742. Requirement to certify and report on conversion of military medical and dental positions to civilian medical and dental positions.
- Sec. 743. Three-year extension of joint incentives program on sharing of health care resources by the Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Sec. 744. Training curricula for family caregivers on care and assistance for members and former members of the Armed Forces with traumatic brain injury.
- Sec. 745. Recognition of Representative Lane Evans upon his retirement from the House of Representatives.
- Subtitle A—Provisions Relating to Major Defense Acquisition Programs
- Sec. 801. Requirements management certification training program.
- Sec. 802. Additional requirements relating to technical data rights.
- Sec. 803. Study and report on revisions to Selected Acquisition Report requirements.
- Sec. 804. Biannual updates on implementation of acquisition reform in the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 805. Additional certification requirements for major defense acquisition programs before proceeding to Milestone B.
- Sec. 806. Original baseline estimate for major defense acquisition programs.
- Sec. 807. Lead system integrators.
- Subtitle B—Acquisition Policy and Management
- Sec. 811. Time-certain development for Department of Defense information technology business systems.
- Sec. 812. Pilot program on time-certain development in acquisition of major weapon systems.
- Sec. 813. Establishment of Panel on Contracting Integrity.
- Sec. 814. Linking of award and incentive fees to acquisition outcomes.
- Sec. 815. Report on defense instruction relating to contractor personnel authorized to accompany Armed Forces.
- Sec. 816. Major automated information system programs.
- Sec. 817. Internal controls for procurements on behalf of the Department of Defense by certain non-defense agencies.
- Sec. 818. Determination of contract type for development programs.
- Sec. 819. Three-year extension of requirement for reports on commercial price trend analyses of the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 820. Government performance of critical acquisition functions.
- Subtitle C—Amendments to General Contracting Authorities, Procedures, and Limitations
- Sec. 831. One-year extension of special temporary contract closeout authority.
- Sec. 832. Limitation on contracts for the acquisition of certain services.
- Sec. 833. Use of Federal supply schedules by State and local governments for goods and services for recovery from natural disasters, terrorism, or nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack.
- Sec. 834. Waivers to extend task order contracts for advisory and assistance services.
- Subtitle D—United States Defense Industrial Base Provisions
- Sec. 841. Assessment and annual report of United States defense industrial base capabilities and acquisitions of articles, materials, and supplies manufactured outside the United States.
- Sec. 842. Protection of strategic materials critical to national security.
- Sec. 843. Strategic Materials Protection Board.
- Subtitle E—Other Matters
- Sec. 851. Report on former Department of Defense officials employed by contractors of the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 852. Report and regulations on excessive pass-through charges.
- Sec. 853. Program manager empowerment and accountability.
- Sec. 854. Joint policies on requirements definition, contingency program management, and contingency contracting.
- Sec. 855. Clarification of authority to carry out certain prototype projects.
- Sec. 856. Contracting with employers of persons with disabilities.
- Sec. 857. Enhanced access for small business.
- Sec. 858. Procurement goal for Hispanic-serving institutions.
- Subtitle A—Department of Defense Management
- Sec. 901. Increase in authorized number of Assistant Secretaries of Defense.
- Sec. 902. Modifications to the Combatant Commander Initiative Fund.
- Sec. 903. Addition to membership of specified council.
- Sec. 904. Consolidation and standardization of authorities relating to Department of Defense Regional Centers for Security Studies.
- Sec. 905. Oversight by Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics of exercise of acquisition authority by combatant commanders and heads of Defense Agencies.
- Sec. 906. Standardization of statutory references to ``national security system´´ within laws applicable to Department of Defense.
- Sec. 907. Correction of reference to predecessor of Defense Information Systems Agency.
- Subtitle B—Space Activities
- Sec. 911. Designation of successor organizations for the disestablished Interagency Global Positioning Executive Board.
- Sec. 912. Extension of authority for pilot program for provision of space surveillance network services to non-United States Government entities.
- Sec. 913. Operationally responsive space.
- Sec. 914. Independent review and assessment of Department of Defense organization and management for national security in space.
- Subtitle C—Chemical Demilitarization Program
- Sec. 921. Sense of Congress on completion of destruction of United States chemical weapons stockpile.
- Sec. 922. Comptroller General review of cost-benefit analysis of off-site versus on-site treatment and disposal of hydrolysate derived from neutralization of VX nerve gas at Newport Chemical Depot, Indiana.
- Sec. 923. Incentives clauses in chemical demilitarization contracts.
- Sec. 924. Chemical demilitarization program contracting authority.
- Subtitle D—Intelligence-Related Matters
- Sec. 931. Four-year extension of authority of Secretary of Defense to engage in commercial activities as security for intelligence collection activities.
- Sec. 932. Annual reports on intelligence oversight activities of the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 933. Collection by National Security Agency of service charges for certification or validation of information assurance products.
- Subtitle E—Other Matters
- Sec. 941. Department of Defense policy on unmanned systems.
- Sec. 942. Executive Schedule level IV for Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness.
- Sec. 943. Study and report on reform of Defense Travel System.
- Sec. 944. Administration of pilot project on Civilian Linguist Reserve Corps.
- Sec. 945. Improvement of authorities on the National Security Education Program.
- Sec. 946. Report on the posture of United States Special Operations Command to conduct the global war on terrorism.
- Subtitle A—Financial Matters
- Sec. 1001. General transfer authority.
- Sec. 1002. Authorization of additional emergency supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2006.
- Sec. 1003. Reduction in certain authorizations due to savings relating to lower inflation.
- Sec. 1004. Increase in fiscal year 2006 general transfer authority.
- Sec. 1005. United States contribution to NATO common-funded budgets in fiscal year 2007.
- Sec. 1006. Report on budgeting for fluctuations in fuel cost rates.
- Sec. 1007. Modification of date of submittal of OMB/CBO report on scoring of outlays.
- Sec. 1008. Budgeting for ongoing military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
- Subtitle B—Policy Relating to Vessels and Shipyards
- Sec. 1011. Aircraft carrier force structure.
- Sec. 1012. Sense of Congress on naming the CVN-78 aircraft carrier as the U.S.S. Gerald R. Ford.
- Sec. 1013. Transfer of naval vessels to foreign nations based upon vessel class.
- Sec. 1014. Overhaul, repair, and maintenance of vessels in foreign shipyards.
- Sec. 1015. Report on options for future lease arrangement for Guam Shipyard.
- Sec. 1016. Assessments of naval vessel construction efficiencies and of effectiveness of special contractor incentives.
- Sec. 1017. Obtaining carriage by vessel: criterion regarding overhaul, repair, and maintenance of vessels in the United States.
- Sec. 1018. Riding gang member requirements.
- Sec. 1019. Authority to transfer SS Arthur M. Huddell to the Government of Greece.
- Subtitle C—Counter-Drug Activities
- Sec. 1021. Extension of authority of Department of Defense to provide additional support for counterdrug activities of other governmental agencies.
- Sec. 1022. Extension and expansion of Department of Defense authority to provide support for counter-drug activities of certain foreign governments.
- Sec. 1023. Extension of authority to support unified counterdrug and counterterrorism campaign in Colombia.
- Sec. 1024. Continuation of reporting requirement regarding Department of Defense expenditures to support foreign counterdrug activities.
- Sec. 1025. Report on interagency counter-narcotics plan for Afghanistan and South and Central Asian regions.
- Sec. 1026. Report on United States support for Operation Bahamas, Turks & Caicos.
- Subtitle D—Force Structure and Defense Policy Matters
- Sec. 1031. Improvements to Quadrennial Defense Review.
- Sec. 1032. Quarterly reports on implementation of 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review Report.
- Sec. 1033. Report on feasibility of establishing a regional combatant command for Africa.
- Sec. 1034. Determination of Department of Defense intratheater and intertheater airlift requirements and sealift mobility requirements.
- Sec. 1035. Presidential report on improving interagency support for United States 21st century national security missions and interagency operations in support of stability, security, transition, and reconstruction operations.
- Subtitle E—Reports
- Sec. 1041. Additional element in annual report on chemical and biological warfare defense.
- Sec. 1042. Report on biodefense human capital requirements in support of biosafety laboratories.
- Sec. 1043. Report on technologies for neutralizing or defeating threats to military rotary-wing aircraft from portable air defense systems and rocket-propelled grenades.
- Sec. 1044. Reports on expanded use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the National Airspace System.
- Sec. 1045. Report on incentives to encourage certain members and former members of the Armed Forces to serve in the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection.
- Sec. 1046. Repeal of certain report requirements.
- Sec. 1047. Requirement for identification of recently enacted recurring reporting requirements applicable to the Department of Defense.
- Subtitle F—Miscellaneous Authorities and Limitations on Availability and Use of Funds
- Sec. 1051. Acceptance and retention of reimbursement from non-Federal sources to defray Department of Defense costs of conferences.
- Sec. 1052. Increased flexibility in use of funds for Joint Staff exercises.
- Sec. 1053. Prohibition on parking of funds.
- Sec. 1054. Modification of authorities relating to the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction.
- Subtitle G—Matters Involving Detainees
- Sec. 1061. Provision of information to Congress on certain criminal investigations and prosecutions involving detainees.
- Subtitle H—Other Matters
- Sec. 1071. Technical and clerical amendments.
- Sec. 1072. Revision to authorities relating to Commission on the Implementation of the New Strategic Posture of the United States.
- Sec. 1073. Revised deadline for submission of final report of EMP Commission.
- Sec. 1074. Extension of returning worker exemption to H-2B numerical limitation.
- Sec. 1075. Patent term extensions for the badges of the American Legion, the American Legion Women's Auxiliary, and the Sons of the American Legion.
- Sec. 1076. Use of the Armed Forces in major public emergencies.
- Sec. 1077. Increased hunting and fishing opportunities for members of the Armed Forces, retired members, and disabled veterans.
- Sec. 1101. Accrual of annual leave for members of the uniformed services performing dual employment.
- Sec. 1102. Strategy for improving the senior management, functional, and technical workforce of the Department of Defense.
- Sec. 1103. Three-year extension of authority for experimental personnel management program for scientific and technical personnel.
- Sec. 1104. Reports on members of the Armed Forces and civilian employees of the Department of Defense serving in the legislative branch.
- Sec. 1105. Extension of authority to waive annual limitation on total compensation paid to Federal civilian employees.
- Subtitle A—Assistance and Training
- Sec. 1201. Logistic support for allied forces participating in combined operations.
- Sec. 1202. Temporary authority to use acquisition and cross-servicing agreements to lend certain military equipment to foreign forces in Iraq and Afghanistan for personnel protection and survivability.
- Sec. 1203. Recodification and revision to law relating to Department of Defense humanitarian demining assistance.
- Sec. 1204. Enhancements to Regional Defense Combating Terrorism Fellowship Program.
- Sec. 1205. Participation of the Department of Defense in multinational military centers of excellence.
- Sec. 1206. Modification and extension of authorities relating to program to build the capacity of foreign military forces.
- Sec. 1207. Authority for distribution to certain foreign personnel of education and training materials and information technology to enhance military interoperability.
- Subtitle B—Nonproliferation Matters and Countries of Concern
- Sec. 1211. North Korea.
- Sec. 1212. Report on participation of multinational partners in the United Nations Command in the Republic of Korea.
- Sec. 1213. Intelligence on Iran.
- Sec. 1214. Sense of Congress on United States policy on the nuclear programs of Iran.
- Subtitle C—Other Matters
- Sec. 1221. Exclusion of petroleum, oil, and lubricants from limitations on annual amount of liabilities the United States may accrue under acquisition and cross-servicing agreements.
- Sec. 1222. Modification of limitations on assistance under the American Servicemembers' Protection Act of 2002.
- Sec. 1223. Humanitarian support for Iraqi children in urgent need of medical care.
- Sec. 1224. Sense of Congress opposing the granting of amnesty by the government of Iraq to persons known to have attacked, killed, or wounded members of the United States Armed Forces in Iraq.
- Sec. 1225. Annual reports on United States contributions to the United Nations.
- Sec. 1226. Comprehensive regional strategy and annual reports on Somalia.
- Sec. 1227. Report on the implementation of the Darfur Peace Agreement.
- Sec. 1228. Sense of Congress concerning cooperation with Russia on issues pertaining to missile defense.
- Sec. 1229. Sense of Congress calling for convening of a summit for a comprehensive political agreement for Iraq.
- Sec. 1230. Sense of Congress on the commendable actions of the Armed Forces in Iraq.
- Sec. 1231. Annual report on foreign sales of significant military equipment manufactured in the United States.
- Sec. 1301. Specification of Cooperative Threat Reduction programs and funds.
- Sec. 1302. Funding allocations.
- Sec. 1303. Extension of temporary authority to waive limitation on funding for chemical weapons destruction facility in Russia.
- Sec. 1304. National Academy of Sciences study of prevention of proliferation of biological weapons.
- Sec. 1401. Enhancement to authority to pay rewards for assistance in combating terrorism.
- Sec. 1402. Quarterly reports on Department of Defense response to threat posed by improvised explosive devices.
- Sec. 1403. Requirement that all military wheeled vehicles used in Iraq and Afghanistan outside of secure military operating bases be protected by Improvised Explosive Device (IED) jammers.
- Sec. 1404. Report on assessment process of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff relating to Global War on Terrorism.
- Sec. 1405. Treatment under Freedom of Information Act of certain confidential information shared with State and local personnel.
- Sec. 1406. Database of emergency response capabilities.
- Sec. 1501. Purpose.
- Sec. 1502. Army procurement.
- Sec. 1503. Navy and Marine Corps procurement.
- Sec. 1504. Air Force procurement.
- Sec. 1505. Defense-wide activities procurement.
- Sec. 1506. Research, development, test and evaluation.
- Sec. 1507. Operation and maintenance.
- Sec. 1508. Defense Health Program.
- Sec. 1509. Classified programs.
- Sec. 1510. Military personnel.
- Sec. 1511. Treatment as additional authorizations.
- Sec. 1512. Transfer authority.
- Sec. 1513. Availability of funds.
- Sec. 1514. Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund.
- Sec. 1515. Iraq Freedom Fund.
- Sec. 1516. Iraq Security Forces Fund.
- Sec. 1517. Afghanistan Security Forces Fund.
- Sec. 1518. Submittal to Congress of Department of Defense supplemental and cost of war execution reports.
- Sec. 1519. Limitation on availability of funds for certain purposes relating to Iraq.
- Sec. 1520. Intelligence Community Management Account.
- Sec. 2001. Short title.
- Sec. 2002. Recognition of Representative Joel Hefley upon his retirement from the House of Representatives.
- Sec. 2101. Authorized Army construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2102. Family housing.
- Sec. 2103. Improvements to military family housing units.
- Sec. 2104. Authorization of appropriations, Army.
- Sec. 2201. Authorized Navy construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2202. Family housing.
- Sec. 2203. Improvements to military family housing units.
- Sec. 2204. Authorization of appropriations, Navy.
- Sec. 2205. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2004, 2005, and 2006 projects.
- Sec. 2301. Authorized Air Force construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2302. Family housing.
- Sec. 2303. Improvements to military family housing units.
- Sec. 2304. Authorization of appropriations, Air Force.
- Sec. 2305. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2006 project.
- Sec. 2401. Authorized Defense Agencies construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2402. Family housing.
- Sec. 2403. Energy conservation projects.
- Sec. 2404. Authorized base closure and realignment activities funded through Department of Defense Base Closure Account 2005.
- Sec. 2405. Authorization of appropriations, Defense Agencies.
- Sec. 2406. Modification of authority to carry out certain fiscal year 2006 project.
- Sec. 2501. Authorized NATO construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2502. Authorization of appropriations, NATO.
- Sec. 2601. Authorized Guard and Reserve construction and land acquisition projects.
- Sec. 2701. Expiration of authorizations and amounts required to be specified by law.
- Sec. 2702. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2004 projects.
- Sec. 2703. Extension of authorizations of certain fiscal year 2003 projects.
- Sec. 2704. Effective date.
- Subtitle A—Military Construction Program and Military Family Housing Changes
- Sec. 2801. Increase in maximum annual amount authorized to be obligated for emergency military construction.
- Sec. 2802. One-year extension of temporary, limited authority to use operation and maintenance funds for construction projects outside the United States.
- Sec. 2803. Repeal of requirement to determine availability of suitable alternative housing for acquisition in lieu of construction of new family housing.
- Sec. 2804. Authority to continue to occupy leased family housing for United States Southern Command personnel.
- Sec. 2805. Consideration of alternative and more efficient uses for general officer and flag officer quarters in excess of 6,000 square feet.
- Sec. 2806. Modification of notification requirements related to cost variation authority.
- Sec. 2807. Consideration of local comparability of floor areas in construction, acquisition, and improvement of military unaccompanied housing.
- Sec. 2808. Certification required for military construction projects for facilities designed to provide training in urban operations.
- Sec. 2809. Authority to carry out military construction projects in connection with industrial facility investment program.
- Sec. 2810. Repeal of special requirement for military construction contracts on Guam.
- Sec. 2811. Temporary expansion of authority to convey property at military installations to support military construction.
- Sec. 2812. Pilot projects for acquisition or construction of military unaccompanied housing.
- Subtitle B—Real Property and Facilities Administration
- Sec. 2821. Congressional notice requirements, in advance of acquisition of land by condemnation for military purposes.
- Sec. 2822. Consolidation of Department of Defense authorities regarding granting of easements for rights-of-way.
- Sec. 2823. Authority to grant restrictive easements for conservation purposes in connection with land conveyances.
- Sec. 2824. Maximum term of leases for structures and real property relating to structures in foreign countries needed for purposes other than family housing.
- Sec. 2825. Consolidation of laws relating to transfer of Department of Defense real property within the Department of Defense and to other Federal agencies.
- Sec. 2826. Defense access road program.
- Sec. 2827. Reports on Army operational ranges.
- Subtitle C—Base Closure and Realignment
- Sec. 2831. Modification of deposit requirements in connection with lease proceeds received at military installations approved for closure or realignment after January 1, 2005.
- Sec. 2832. Report on Air Force and Air National Guard bases affected by 2005 round of defense base closure and realignment.
- Subtitle D—Land Conveyances
- Sec. 2841. Conveyance of easement, Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas.
- Sec. 2842. Modification of land transfer authority, Potomac Annex, District of Columbia.
- Sec. 2843. Land conveyance, Naval Air Station, Barbers Point, Hawaii.
- Sec. 2844. Land conveyances, Omaha, Nebraska.
- Sec. 2845. Land conveyance, Hopkinton, New Hampshire.
- Sec. 2846. Land conveyance, North Hills Army Reserve Center, Allison Park, Pennsylvania.
- Sec. 2847. Transfer of jurisdiction, Fort Jackson, South Carolina.
- Sec. 2848. Sense of Congress regarding land conveyance involving Army Reserve Center, Marshall, Texas.
- Sec. 2849. Modifications to land conveyance authority, Engineering Proving Ground, Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
- Sec. 2850. Land conveyance, Radford Army Ammunition Plant, New River Unit, Virginia.
- Subtitle E—Energy Security
- Sec. 2851. Consolidation and enhancement of laws to improve Department of Defense energy efficiency and conservation.
- Sec. 2852. Department of Defense goal regarding use of renewable energy to meet electricity needs.
- Sec. 2853. Congressional notification of cancellation ceiling for Department of Defense energy savings performance contracts.
- Sec. 2854. Use of energy efficiency products in new construction.
- Subtitle F—Other Matters
- Sec. 2861. Availability of research and technical assistance under Defense Economic Adjustment Program.
- Sec. 2862. Availability of community planning assistance relating to encroachment of civilian communities on military facilities used for training by the Armed Forces.
- Sec. 2863. Prohibitions against making certain military airfields or facilities available for use by civil aircraft.
- Sec. 2864. Modification of certain transportation projects.
- Sec. 2865. Availability of funds for South County Commuter Rail project, Providence, Rhode Island.
- Sec. 2866. Fox Point Hurricane Barrier, Providence, Rhode Island.
- Sec. 2867. Federal funding for fixed guideway projects.
- Sec. 2868. Feasibility study regarding use of General Services Administration property for Fort Belvoir, Virginia, realignment.
- Subtitle A—National Security Programs Authorizations
- Sec. 3101. National Nuclear Security Administration.
- Sec. 3102. Defense environmental cleanup.
- Sec. 3103. Other defense activities.
- Sec. 3104. Defense nuclear waste disposal.
- Subtitle B—Program Authorizations, Restrictions, and Limitations
- Sec. 3111. Plan for transformation of National Nuclear Security Administration nuclear weapons complex.
- Sec. 3112. Extension of Facilities and Infrastructure Recapitalization Program.
- Sec. 3113. Utilization of contributions to Global Threat Reduction Initiative.
- Sec. 3114. Utilization of contributions to Second Line of Defense program.
- Sec. 3115. Two-year extension of authority for appointment of certain scientific, engineering, and technical personnel.
- Sec. 3116. National Academy of Sciences study of quantification of margins and uncertainty methodology for assessing and certifying the safety and reliability of the nuclear stockpile.
- Sec. 3117. Consolidation of counterintelligence programs of Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration.
- Sec. 3118. Notice-and-wait requirement applicable to certain third-party financing arrangements.
- Sec. 3119. Extension of deadline for transfer of lands to Los Alamos County, New Mexico, and of lands in trust for the Pueblo of San Ildefonso.
- Sec. 3120. Limitations on availability of funds for Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant.
- Sec. 3121. Report on Russian Surplus Fissile Materials Disposition Program.
- Sec. 3122. Limitation on availability of funds for construction of MOX Fuel Fabrication Facility.
- Sec. 3123. Education of future nuclear engineers.
- Sec. 3124. Technical correction related to authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2006.
- Sec. 3201. Authorization.
- Sec. 3301. Authorized uses of National Defense Stockpile funds.
- Sec. 3302. Revisions to required receipt objectives for previously authorized disposals from National Defense Stockpile.
- Sec. 3401. Authorization of appropriations
- Sec. 3501. Authorization of appropriations for fiscal year 2007.
- Sec. 3502. Amendments relating to the Maritime Security Fleet program.
- Sec. 3503. Applicability to certain Maritime Administration vessels of limitations on overhaul, repair, and maintenance of vessels in foreign shipyards.
- Sec. 3504. Vessel transfer authority.
- Sec. 3505. United States Merchant Marine Academy graduates: service requirements.
- Sec. 3506. United States Merchant Marine Academy graduates: service obligation performance reporting requirement.
- Sec. 3507. Temporary authority to transfer obsolete combatant vessels to Navy for disposal.
- Sec. 3508. Qualifying Reserve duty for receipt of student incentive payments.
- Sec. 3509. Large passenger ship crew requirements.
- Sec. 3510. Miscellaneous Maritime Administration provisions.
Sec. 3. Congressional Defense Committees.
[edit]- For purposes of this Act, the term ``congressional defense committees´´ has the meaning given that term in section 101(a)(16) of title 10, United States Code.
Legislative History
- No. 109-452 (Comm. on Armed Services)
- No. 109-702 (Comm. of Conference)
- No. 109-254 accompanying S. 2766 (Comm. on Armed Services)
- CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 152 (2006):
- May 10, 11, considered and passed House.
- June 22, considered and passed Senate, amended, in lieu of S. 2766.
- Sept. 29, House and Senate agreed to conference report.
- Oct. 17, Presidential statement.
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