Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Salisbury, Enoch Robert Gibbon

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602280Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 50 — Salisbury, Enoch Robert Gibbon1897Albert Nicholson

SALISBURY, ENOCH ROBERT GIBBON (1819–1890), barrister, eldest son of Joseph Salisbury of Bagillt, Flintshire, was born on 7 Nov. 1819. He became a student of the Inner Temple, 7 Jan. 1850, and was called to the bar, 17 Nov. 1852. He went the North Wales circuit, where he had a good practice, but his chief success was as a parliamentary counsel. He was elected in the liberal interest M.P. for Chester in 1857, but he was unsuccessful in contesting the seat in 1859. His knowledge of books relating to Wales and the border counties was remarkable. Of these he made a fine collection, which is now in the possession of Cardiff College. He died at his house, Glen-aber, Saltney, near Chester, on 27 Oct. 1890, and was buried at Eccleston, near that city. He married, on 28 June 1842, Sarah, youngest daughter of the Rev. Arthur Jones, D.D. She died on 2 March 1879, leaving a son and five daughters.

Salisbury published: 1. ‘A Letter on National Education, suggested by “A Letter on State Education in Wales,”’ 1849, 16mo. 2. ‘A Catalogue of Cambrian Books at Glen-aber, Chester, 1500–1799, not mentioned in Rowlands's Cambrian Bibliography,’ Carnarvon, 1874, 8vo. 3. ‘Border Counties Literature, a Catalogue of Border County Books in the Glen-aber Library, Chester, A.D. 1500–1882,’ pt. i. Chester, 12mo, no date. 4. ‘Border Counties Worthies’ (reprinted from the ‘Oswestry Advertiser’), 1st and 2nd ser. London, 1880, 8vo.

[Foster's Men at the Bar, p. 410; British Museum and Manchester Free Library Catalogues; information from Mr. T. Cann Hughes.]