Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Salter, James (1650-1718?)

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602308Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 50 — Salter, James (1650-1718?)1897Thompson Cooper

SALTER, JAMES (1650–1718?), poet and grammarian, born in 1650, son of James Salter, plebeius, of the city of Exeter, was matriculated at Oxford as a servitor of Magdalen College, 24 July 1668. Leaving the university without a degree, he became vicar of Lesnewth, Cornwall, in 1679, and of St. Mary Church, Devon, in 1680. He was appointed master of the free grammar school at Exeter, 4 March 1683–4, and was ‘on removal’ succeeded by Zachary Mayne [q. v.], 19 Jan. 1689–90 (Carlisle, Endowed Grammar Schools, i. 317). He appears to have died in 1718.

He was the author of: 1. ‘Compendium Græcæ Grammatices Chatechisticum, atque ejus Terminorum Explanatio qua facilius Pueri Linguæ Elementa expressant,’ London, 1685, 8vo. 2. ‘The Triumphs of the Holy Jesus: or a Divine Poem of the Birth, Life, Death, and Resurrection of our Saviour,’ London, 1692, 4to; dedicated to Dr. Richard Ansley, dean of Exeter.

His son, James Salter (d. 1767), B.A. of New Inn Hall, Oxford, obtained the vicarage of St. Mary Church in 1718, and held it till his death in 1767. He wrote ‘An Exposition or Practical Treatise on the Church Catechism,’ Exeter, 1753, 8vo.

There was another James Salter (fl. 1665), a Devonian, who was author of ‘Caliope's Cabinet opened. Wherein Gentlemen may be informed how to adorn themselves for Funerals, Feastings, and other heroic Meetings,’ London, 1665, 8vo; 2nd ed. enlarged, London, 1674, 12mo.

[Addit. MS. 24487, f. 326 (Hunter's Chorus Vatum); Bloxam's Registers of Magdalen Coll. ii. 75; Foster's Alumni Oxon. (1500–1714), iv. 1303; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn); Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 600.]