The Army and Navy Hymnal/Hymns/Far Out on the Desolate Billow
![\version "2.16.2"
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Far Out on the Desolate Billow" " " "25" } subsubtitle = "(SALUTAS. 9,6,9,6,9,6,8,6)" composer = "Friedrich Silcher, 1789–1860" poet = "Rossiter W. Raymond, 1840–1918" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key c \major \time 6/8 \partial 8 \relative g' { \autoBeamOff
<g e>8 | q8. <a f>16 <g e>8 <c a>( <b g>) <a f> |
<g e>4. <f d>4 q8 |
<e c>4 q16 ~ q <d b>8[ <c a>] <d b> |
<e c>4. ~ q8 r \bar "||" \break
<g e>8 | q8. <a f>16 <g e>8 <c a>( <b g>) <a f> |
<g e>4. <f d>4 q8 |
<e c>4 q16 ~ q <g e>8[ <f d>] <d b> |
<< { c4. ~ c8 } \\ { c4. ~ c8 } >> r8 \bar "||" \break
<e c>8 | <d b>8. <e c>16 <d b>8 <g b,> <d b> <g d> |
<b g>4. <a e>4 q8 |
<g d>4 q8 << { fis[ g] <a d,> g4. ^~ g4 } \\
{ d4 s8 | d4_\( e8 f![ e]\) } >> \bar "||" \break
<g d>8 | <g e>8. <a f>16 <g e>8 <c a>[ <b g>] <a f> |
<g e>4( <e' g,>8) <d f,>4 <d d,>8 |
<c e,>4 q8 << { b[ a] } \\ { f4 } >> <b f>8 |
<c e,>4. ~ q4 s8 \bar "|."
<a f>2. <g e> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key c \major \relative c { \autoBeamOff
<c c'>8 | q8. q16 q8 <c a'>( <c b'>) <c c'> |
q4. <f a>4 q8 |
<< { g4 g16 ~ g } \\ { g4 g16 ~ g } >> <g g,>4 q8 |
<g c,>4. ~ q8 r % end of line one
<c, c'>8 | q8. q16 q8 <c a'>( <c b'>) <c c'> |
q4. <f a>4 q8 |
<< { g4 g16 ~ g } \\ { g4 g16 ~ g } >> <g g,>4 <f g,>8 |
<e c>4. ~ q8 r % end of line two
<g c,>8 | << { g8. g16 g8 g g } \\ { g8. g16 g8 g g } >> <g b>8 |
<g d'>4. <c c,>4 q8 |
<d, b'>4 q8 << { a'8[ b] s | b4^\( c8 d[ c]\) } \\
{ d,4 <d c'>8 | g4._~ g4 } >> % end of line three
<g b>8 | <c c,>8. q16 q8 << { a8[ b] s | c4( g8) } \\
{ c,4 <c c'>8 c4. } >>
<f a>4 q8 | << { g4 g8 } \\ { g4 g8 } >> <g d'>4 <g g,>8 |
<g c,>4. ~ q4 s8
<c f,>2. <c c,> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 106 } }](
- Far out on the des-o-late bil-low
The sai-lor sails the sea,
A-lone with night and the tem-pest,
Where count-less dan-gers be;
Yet ne-ver a-lone is the Chris-tian,
Who lives by faith and prayer;
For God is a friend unfailing,
And God is everywhere. - Far down in the earth's dark bossom
The min-er mines the ore;
Death lurks in the dark be-hind him,
And hides in the rock be-fore.
Yet ne-ver a-lone is the Chris-tian,
Who lives by faith and prayer;
For God is a friend un-failing,
And God is ev-ery-where. - Forth in-to the dread-ful bat-tle
The stead-fast sol-dier goes;
No friend, when he lies a-dy-ing,
His eyes to kiss and close.
Yet ne-ver a-lone is the Chris-tian,
Who lives by faith and prayer;
For God is a friend un-failing,
And God is ev-ery-where. - Lord, grant as we life's o-cean,
Or delve in its mines of woe,
Or fight in its ter-ri-ble conflict,
This com-fort all to know,
That ne-ver a-lone is the Chris-tian,
Who lives by faith and prayer;
For God is a friend un-failing,
And God is ev-ery-where.