Lyra Davidica/A Commemoration of God's Mercies
A Commemoration of Gods Mercies.
Solt ich meinen Gott nicht Singen.
![<< \new Staff \relative c' { \time 2/2 \key f \major \override = #'classical
d4 f8 (g) a4 d | d8 ([e]) d ([cis]) d4 d | f e d c | d8 ([c]) bes8. ([a16]) a2 |
a4 a8 ([bes]) c4 f, | e f g g |
g a bes c8 ([bes]) | a4. g8 g2|
\override Stem.neutral-direction = #up
a4 a8 ([bes]) c4 c | bes a g2 | d4 e f d |
f g a a | f g a g | a b c2 |
d4 d8 ([e]) f4 e8 ([d]) | cis4. d8 d2 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { Can I cease my God from sing -- ing dai -- ly grate -- full praise to thee
Nought but Love so pure so ten -- der.
Mov'd that heart that com -- pre -- hends.
moves & ac -- tu -- ates its friends all that true Loves
ho -- mage ren -- der All things. to their pe -- riod hast
Gods rich Mer -- cies e -- ver last. }
\addlyrics { Who see dai -- ly all things bring -- ing to -- kens of thy grace to me }
\new Staff \relative f { \clef bass \key f \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override = #'classical \override Stem.neutral-direction = #up
d2 f4 d | a2 d | d4 a bes f | bes c f,2 |
f'2 e4 d | c d c2 |
c8 ([bes]) a4 g2 | \stemDown d'4 \stemNeutral d, g2 |
f' a, | g4 f c'2 | d4 cis d2 |
d4 bes a2 | d4 c f e | f8 e d4 c2 |
bes2 f4 g | a2 d \bar "||" } >>](
Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)
Can I cease my God from singing
daily gratefull praise to thee
Who see daily all things bringing
tokens of thy grace to me
Nought but Love so pure so tender.
Mov'd that heart that comprehends.
moves & actuates its friends
all that true Loves homage render
All things. to their period hast
Gods rich Mercies ever last.
AS the Eagles Wings expanding
Foster and Protect her Young;
So thy Arm all Power commanding,
Keeps me safe in Dangers Throng.
Ev'n at first when Life thou gave me
Mercy reach'd me in the Womb;
And till drop'd into my Tomb,
Kindly will Conduct and Save me:
All things to their Period hast;
God's Rich Mercies ever last.
His Dear Son's not so Beloved
But he gave him up for me,
That from Paths of Death removed
I to Life Restored might be.
O in depth Abyssal Fountain!
How shall my weak Spirit stretch,
Thy unmeasur'd Bounds to reach?
O for Height Eternal Mountain!
All things to.
His Good Spirit, Guide supernal,
Through his Word to me is given,
Me to lead from Things External
To the Pearly Gates of Heav'n
This sweet Dove with Splendor glorious
Fills my Heart, the Light of Faith,
Captivating Powers of Death.
Over World and Hell Victorious
All things to.
Intellectual Health abounding,
Health and Wealth provided are;
Or Corporeal Ills surrounding,
Still appears his Pious Care.
When my Strength and Pow'r decreases,
Or is quite to Nothing come.
Then my Father calls me home,
And himself to Aid me pleases.
All things to.
Th' Heav'n and Earth and all their Treasure,
Made he for my Benefit:
E'ry Space my Eye can measure
Yields me Profit or Delight.
Beasts, and Herbs, and Fruitful Earing,
In the Bottoms, on the Hills,
What the Air, or Ocean fills;
Ev'ry where my Food appearing.
All things to.
In Sleep, Death's Preludious warning,
He my Fainting Life supplys.
Grace and Mercy ev'ry Morning
Constant as the Sun arise.
I in this Worlds Errant-Mazes,
Dangerous Gulfs, and Rocks unseen,
Lost and overwhelm'd had been,
But for thy Indulgent Graces,
All things to.
O how many sad Afflictions,
Rais'd up by the Enemy,
Providential Restrictions
Have with-held from hurting me?
The Mid-night and Noon-day Evil
Fly before th' Angelick Band,
That around me Guardians stand:
Michael still Controuls the Devil.
All things to.
Ev'n his Tryals and his Crosses,
Tho' at first they bitter be,
Are instead of Hurt or Losses
Signs of Birth-Legitimacy.
Evidencing God my Father
Who me Loves now thinks on me;
From the Worlds Captivity
By the Cross t'himself to gather
All things to.
This I know my Father's Pleasure;
And its blest Event attend:
Christian Crosses have their Measure,
Crown'd with Glory in the End
When the Winter has done Snowing,
Comes the Summer smiling on,
So when the Cross-Work is done,
Joys instead of Tears come flowing.
All things to.
Now because no End or Measure
Can in God's great Love be found;
Grant, O Lord, of thy good Pleasure,
To it I may set no Bound.
But with Strength of Love supply me,
That I may with Heart and Might
Thee Embrace both Day and Night;
Till this Life shall Breath deny me;
And my Love when Time is ceast,
Like thy Mercies ever last.