Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Stapleton, Miles de (d.1314)

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1904 Errata appended.

632886Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 54 — Stapleton, Miles de (d.1314)1898Thomas Frederick Tout

STAPLETON, MILES de (d. 1314), baron, was the son of Nicholas de Stapleton (III) and his wife Margaret, daughter of Miles Basset. Nicholas belonged to a Richmondshire family that took its name from the township of Stapleton, on the south bank of the Tees, about two miles south-west of Darlington, in which it possessed a small estate. The first member of the family to attain any position was Nicholas de Stapleton I, who was custos of Middleham Castle in the reign of King John, and was the father of Nicholas de Stapleton II, the father of the first-mentioned Nicholas (III). Nicholas III served as a judge of the king's bench between 1272 and 1290, held sixteen carucates of land scattered throughout Yorkshire, besides some Berkshire lands that he obtained from his wife, and died in 1290.

Miles de Stapleton was the eldest surviving son, and at his father's death was already married to Sybil (also called Isabel), daughter and coheiress to John de Bellew. Through her mother Laderana, Sybil inherited a share of the possessions of the elder line of the Bruces, which were divided among four sisters and coheiresses at the death of her uncle, Peter de Bruce of Skelton, in 1271. In memory of this connection with a great house, Miles de Stapleton assumed the lion rampant of the Bruces as his arms. Miles served in the Gascon and Scottish wars of Edward I. In 1291 he was engaged on the king's business, under Roger de Mowbray, in Scotland (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1281–92, p. 434). In 1295 he was in Gascony. In 1298 he was in the Falkirk campaign, serving under his patron Henry de Lacy, third earl of Lincoln [q. v.] (Gough, Scotland in 1298, p. 43). In 1300 he was summoned to the siege of Carlaverock, but he was not mentioned in the famous French poem on the siege. In the same year he accompanied the Earl of Lincoln, on a mission to the court of Rome, receiving on 9 Oct. letters of protection for one year (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1292–1301, p. 538). He was entrusted by the king with the direction of the household of Edward, prince of Wales, served in the siege of Stirling, in attendance on the prince (Palgrave, Doc. illustrative of Scottish History, p. 271); and in October 1305, when the Earl of Lincoln wished to appoint Stapleton to manage his household during his absence at the papal court, the prince informed the earl that he had no power to give Stapleton leave to hold this post without the express command of the king (Deputy-Keeper Public Rec. 9th Rep. p. 249). Stapleton was one of the experienced men of affairs to whom Edward I entrusted the difficult task of bringing up his son in businesslike and soldierly ways. Meanwhile his estates and influence in Yorkshire were steadily increasing. The betrothal of his eldest son to a daughter of John of Brittany, earl of Richmond, and a grand-niece of the king, and his second son's betrothal to one of the daughters of Brian Fitzalan, lord of Bedale [q. v.], connected him with two branches of the greatest family of his district, and increased the importance of the house. After the death of Edmund of Cornwall had led to the lapse of his vast property to the crown, Edward I made Stapleton seneschal of Knaresborough Castle, and steward and joint constable of Knaresborough forest. In 1305 he was, jointly with John de Byron, appointed commissioner to suppress the clubmen or trail-bastons of Lancashire, but they were shortly afterwards superseded.

With Edward II's accession Stapleton's importance was for the moment increased. He became steward to the king's household, and went abroad in January 1308 on the occasion of the king's marriage at Boulogne. In a few months, however, he lost his stewardship, and was forced to surrender the royal manor of Brustwick in Holderness, of which he had had custody, to Gaveston (Fœdera, ii. 48). In 1311 he was summoned to serve against the Scots (ib. ii. 139). His losses in the interests of the Gascon favourite made Stapleton hostile to his old master Edward, and attached him to Earl Thomas of Lancaster. He was in October 1313 included, with his wife and three sons, in a long list of adherents of Lancaster, who were then pardoned for the murder of Gaveston (ib. ii. 230). Previously to this, however, he had received back the custody of Brustwick, and in the same year he was thrice summoned as a baron to parliament. In 1314 he obeyed the summons to muster for the relief of Stirling. On 24 June he was slain, along with two of his sons, at Bannockburn.

By his first wife, Sybil, Stapleton left several children. The eldest, Nicholas, born in 1286 (Roberts, Cal. Genealogicum, p. 608), was also summoned to parliament, and died in 1343. His son and successor, Miles, died in 1372. Miles's only son, Thomas, died in 1373, whereupon the barony fell into abeyance, and the estates of the elder branch passed to his sister Elizabeth, and remained with the Metham family, her husband's kin. A younger son of Miles and Sybil, Gilbert (d. 1321), became royal escheator beyond Trent, and by his wife Agnes, daughter of Brian Fitzalan, lord of Bedale, was the father of Miles de Stapleton (d. 1364) [q. v.] and Brian de Stapleton (d. 1394) [q. v.] After Sybil's death Stapleton married, as his second wife, Joan (wrongly called Cecily), daughter of Peter of Tynedale, who survived him (Cal. Close Rolls, 1313–18, p. 231); by her he had a daughter named Joan.

Among Stapleton's pious benefactions the most important was the establishment of a chapel dedicated to St. Nicholas in North Moreton church, near Wallingford in Berkshire, where he had an outlying estate. This building, described as a ‘gem of decorated architecture,’ still survives, with the contemporary stained glass in the east window, now much spoilt through successive stages of neglect and restoration. The license to alienate lands in mortmain to endow two chaplains to celebrate divine service in the chapel is dated 28 March 1299 (Cal. Patent Rolls, 1292–1301, p. 401).

[Roberts's Calendarium Genealogicum; Cal. of Patent Rolls, 1282–91 and 1292–1301; Cal. of Close Rolls 1307–13 and 1318; Ann. Londin. in Stubbs's Chron. Edw. I and Edw. II (Rolls Ser.); Parl. Writs; Rymer's Fœdera; Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 70; Foss's Judges of England and Biographia Juridica, p. 629. Chetwynd-Stapylton's Stapeltons of Yorkshire (a very careful family history) collects on pp. 1–52 nearly all that is known of Stapleton and his ancestors.]

T. F. T.

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.257
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

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Stapleton, Miles de (d. 1314): for Brustwick read Burstwick