Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Taylor, John Ellor

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658219Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 55 — Taylor, John Ellor1898Bernard Barham Woodward

TAYLOR, JOHN ELLOR (1837–1895), popular science writer, eldest son of William Taylor (d. 1864), foreman in a Lancashire cotton-factory, and his wife Maria (born Ellor), was born at Levenshulme, near Manchester, on 21 Sept. 1837. He received no education except some desultory instruction at a school held in the Wesleyan chapel, which he supplemented by private study. About 1850 he obtained a situation as store-boy at the locomotive works of the London and North-Western railway at Longsight. Two years later he was bound apprentice as a fitter and turner at the same works. Encouraged by the locomotive superintendent, Mr. Ramsbottom, he applied himself especially to Latin, Greek, and the natural sciences, and when seventeen began to attend the evening classes at the Manchester Mechanics' Institution. A year later he became lay preacher for the Wesleyans, but on account of his scientific opinions he had to abandon his notion of becoming a minister. After a brief stay in the engineer draughtsman's office at the Crewe works, he obtained in 1863 a position as sub-editor on the 'Norwich Mercury' under Richard Noverra Bacon. Subsequently he became editor of the 'Norwich People's Journal,' an offshoot of the 'Mercury,' and under him the 'Journal' speedily became a success. His leisure was devoted to scientific study, and from 1858 onwards he was a popular lecturer on science. In conjunction with John Gunn he established the Norwich Geological Society in 1864, and founded the Science Gossip Club (Norwich) in 1870. He was elected a fellow of the Geological Society in 1869, and a fellow of the Linnean Society in June 1873. In 1872 he was appointed by the corporation of Ipswich curator of the museum in that town. The duties of this post included the delivery of lectures. He also lectured in many parts of the country, and went on a lecturing tour in Australia during 1885. Through failing health he was compelled to resign his post in 1893. He died in Ipswich on 28 Sept. 1895. He married on 31 Jan. 1866 Sarah Harriet, youngest daughter of William Bellamy, headmaster of the boys' model school, Norwich.

Taylor was author of numerous works on scientific subjects of a popular character. The most important were: 1. 'Geological Essays, and Sketch of the Geology of Manchester,' 8vo, London, 1864. 2. 'Half-hours at the Seaside,' 8vo, London, 1872; other editions in 1878 and 1890. 3. 'Half-hours in the Green Lanes,' 8vo, London, 1872; 7th edit. 1890. 4. 'Mountain and Moor,' for the series entitled 'Natural History Rambles,' 12mo, London, 1879. 5. 'The Aquarium: its Inhabitants,' 8vo, London, 1876; 2nd edit. 1881. 6. 'Our Island Continent: a Naturalist's Holiday in Australia,' 12mo, London, 1886. He was also editor of 'Hardwicke's Science Gossip,' to which he contributed largely, from 1872 to 1893, and wrote some twelve papers, mostly on geological subjects, that appeared in various scientific journals between 1865 and 1883; while he frequently furnished articles to the 'Australasian' and other periodicals.

[Proc. Linn. Soc. 1872–3, p. xlviii; Science Gossip, new ser. ii. 210, with portrait; information kindly supplied by his brother William and his daughter Maud Taylor; East Anglian Daily Times, 30 Sept. 1895; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Roy. Soc. Cat.]