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Songs and Lyrics (Lehrer)/Te Amo

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s = ½ gt² is sung to the same tune.

3413843Songs and Lyrics — Te AmoThomas Andrew Lehrer

Te Amo

words and music by Tom Lehrer (with thanks to Munro Edmonson)


Te amo, vida de mi vida,
Te amo con todo mi corazón.
Por tí yo muero, mi querida,
Déjame decirte mi pasión.


The moon is high above,
And I'm in the mood for love,
And I just love the song he is playing,
The night is so romantic,
But it's driving me just frantic,
Cause I don't understand a word he's saying.
My troubles all might vanish
If I knew a little Spanish,
But I'm afraid it's only Greek to me.
And yet I wish I knew
Just what the guy would do
If I should say "Si, Si."

HE: Mi amor, SHE: I think he said "amor."
Un favor I've heard that word before.
Yo te pido.
Mi amor, I'm almost sure that love
Un favor Is what he's thinking of.
Un besito de contestación.
(Alt.: Yo te pido solamente que me envíes tu un beso del balcón.) There he goes again!
Te amo, The moon is high above,
vida And I'm in the mood for love,
de mi vida. And I just love the song that he's playing.
Te amo The night is so romantic,
con todo But it's driving me just frantic,
mi corazón. 'Cause I don't understand a word he's saying.
Por tí My troubles all might vanish
yo muero, If I knew a little Spanish,
mi querida. But I'm afraid it's only Greek to me.
Déjame And yet I wish I knew
decirte Just what the guy would do,
mi pasión. If I should say "Si, Si."
Si, Si?
Si, Si!
Si, Si?
Si, Si!
Ella dice "Si, Si"! So we shall see, Si, Si!


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