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The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Quintus/Fable 2

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Numbered 694 in the Perry Index. Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

3810173The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Quintus — Fable 2: The Bore and the WulfWilliam Caxton

¶ The second fable is of the bore and of the wulf

SVche desyren to be grete lordes / and dyspreysen his parents / that at the last becomen poure and fallen in to grete dishonour / As thow mayst see by this present fable / Of a bore / whiche was amonge a grete herd of other swynes / And for to haue lordship and domynacion ouer alle them / he beganne to make grete rumour / and shewed his grete teethe for to make the other swynes aferd / but by cause they knewe hym / they sette naught by hym / wherof he displeased moche/ and wold goo in to a herd of sheep / and emonge lambes / And whanne he was amonge the lambes / he began to make grete rumour / and shewed his sharp and long teeth  ¶ And whanne the lambes herd hym / they were sore aferd / and begganne to shake for fere /  ¶ And thenne sayd the bore within hym self / here is the place wherin I must abyde and duell  For here I shalle be gretely worshipped / For euerychone quaken for fere of me /  ¶ Thenne came the wulf there for to haue and rauysse somme proye / And the lambes beganne alle to flee / but the bore as prowd wold not stere hym / ne go fro the place / by cause he supposed to be lord / but the wulf toke hym / and bare hym in to the wode for to ete hym / ¶ And as the wulf bare hym / it happed that he parted before the herd of swynes / whiche the bore had lefte / ¶ And thenne whanne the bore perceyued and knewe them / he prayd and cryed to them / that for the loue of god they wold helpe hym / And that withoute her help / he was deed / And thenne the swynes alle of one assent and owne wylle wente and recouered theyr felewe / and after slewe the wulf / And as the bore was delyuerd / and sawe hym amonge the swynes / and that alle his doubte and fere was gone / he beganne to haue vergoyne and shame / by cause that he was thus departed / and gone fro theyr felauship and sayd to them / My bretheren and my frendes / I am well worthy to haue had this payne / by cause / I was gone & departed from yow / And therfore he that is wel / lete hym beware that he moue not hym self / For suche by his pryde desyreth to be a grete lord / whiche ofte falleth in grete pouerte /