Being entered, and the bed with all thinges sett,Vpon the side thereof a while they sitt.when left alone, they talke and toy & smile,She, whilst she canne, the tyme seeks to beguile,till sudingly her cheekes are all bewept,to loose so soone what she so long hath kept;& oft she castes her eyes vpon the placewhere she is to wrastle; and she highdes her face.He with such gentle force compells the Lasse,as would not breake her, were she made of glasse,so loth he is to hurt her; yet he throwghsher softly downe, and to her side he growes.Venus begins to teach them a new trade,The marrage quene here playes the chamber-maide:Juno her-selfe, whose new affections growne,and there attends to teach them Marse vnknowne,the whilst he seekes for babyes in her eyes,feeles her white neck, & ivery breasts that riseLike 2 white snowy hills, and still doth praiseall that he feeles or touches; then thus sayes:“O frish and flourishing Virgin now in brid,and are you growne at length so near my side;of all my hopes the storehouse and the treasure,my long-expected, now my greatest pleasure;my sweet & dearest loue, this could not benor happen thus, but by the gods decree;& will [you] now the power of loue withstande?”at this she turnes, & stayes his forward hand,trembling to think of that which was to ensue,or proue the thinge which yet she neuer knew;twixt hope and fear she thus replyes:“O faire and louely youth, list t’ a Virgins prayre!of the ingrate, by those which gaue the such,thy parents bee, I only beg thus much:pitty my tears, put me to noe affright,I only craue repriue but for this night”with [that] she seemes intraunst, and prostrate lyes,hath not one word to vtter more, nor eyesto see herselfe vnvirgeyned, winkes, lyes still,& since be needes must, letts him act his will:betwixt them too, they quench loues amorrous fires,she what she feares, he what he long desires.