Illinois Verse/The Circus—Interscholastic
The Circus—Interscholastic
Throng the many curious, pleasure loving thousandsTo where the huge stadium casts its jewels of lightUpon the black screen of night.From the high schools scattered thruout the stateCome these young people in the month of MayTo compete in sports and join the hospitable Illinois studentsIn rollicking fun, ending in the great circus Staged for their benefit.
Bursts of music, cheers and laughter!Here comes the parade led by the band playing "Barnum and Bailey's Favorite," In full regalia,—orange pom-pons, belts and dress cords.Into the rings sweep huge, grotesque, shambling shapes,Comical clowns, dashing riders, marvelous acrobats;A motley fleet of gun-boats and bright-hued motor cars, Coasting and careening in and out. Bewildering array!
Now begins the performance and the fraternities put on their stunts,Ever with the idea of adding to that silver row above the fireplaceYet another cup. Many and clever the take-offs on college notables.Swift runners in the relay race contest for favorite sororities.Thruout it all the clowns tumble and play their tricks, Firing guns to attract the attention of the crowd.And without ceasing, the lively jazz music of the band Beats on—on—blaring upon the quivering night air.Trapeze and bar experts perform wonderful feats of strength and agilityIn the spot light, above a long straight line of men in white, Rises a great human pyramid, immovable, stupendous.At the end comes the grand climax,—always impressive, startling:—A diver, blindfolded, plunging into a tank of burning oil; A realistic sham battle or Indian fight staged by the military: Fireworks of extraordinary brilliancy and beauty.
Happily, the crowd filters away into the darknessAnd on the field lies a litter of broken animals,Steamboats, torn pieces of colored cloth, and rough and ready scenery,—The scattered debris of a great circus at Interscholastic.