Poems (Edwards)/The Departed
For works with similar titles, see The Departed.
Oh! where are those who have passed away? Can the dead, can the dead forget:The kind, the true, and the gentle ones, Do they love, do they love us yet?
Do they look from above with their eyes of love, To watch over their loved ones here?Do they smile when joy our cup o'erflows, Or drop over our faults a tear?
Do they love us yet, do they love us yet? Do they weep when afflictions come,Like tempest clouds o'er the way of life, Enshrouding our paths in gloom?
Do they look from on high, with a pitying eye, On those they have left below?Do they beckon us up to a world on high, Where parting comes no more?
And oh! if we meet in that better land, Will we know each other's face?Will we think of the deeds in the body done, When we reach that glorious place?
Will they love us there, will they love us then, When we meet in that world of rest?Where death comes not, and no parting tears Shall fall from the eyes of the blest.