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The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Quintus/Fable 15

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The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Quintus
by William Caxton
Fable 15: The Dogge, the Wulf and the Whether

Numbered 705 in the Perry Index. Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

3810232The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Quintus — Fable 15: The Dogge, the Wulf and the WhetherWilliam Caxton

¶ The xv fable is of the dogge / of the wulf and of the whether

GRete folye is to a fool that hath no myght / that wylle begyle another stronger than hym self / as reherceth this fable of a fader of famylle whiche had a grete herd or flock of sheep / and had a grete dogge for to kepe them which was wel stronge / And of his voys all the wolues were aferd wherfore the sheepherd slepte more surely / but it happed / that this dogge for his grete age deyde / wherfore the sheepherdes were sore troubled and wrothe / and sayd one to other / we shall no more slepe at oure ease by cause that our dogge is dede / for the wulues shall now come and ete our sheep /  ¶ And thenne a grete wether fyers and prowd / whiche herd alle these wordes came to them and sayd / I shalle gyue yow good counceylle / Shaue me / and put on me the skynne of the dogge  And whanne the wulues shalle see me / they shalle haue grete fere of me /  ¶ And whanne the wulues came and sawe the wether clothed with the skynne of the dogge / they beganne all to flee / and ranne awey / ¶ It happed on a day that a wulf whiche was sore hongry / came and toke a lambe / and after ran awaye therwith / ¶ And thenne the sayd wether ranne atter hym / And the wulf whiche supposed that it had ben the dogge shote thryes by the waye for the grete fere that he had / And ranne euer as fast as he coude / and the wether also ranne after hym withoute cesse / tyl that he ranne thurgh a busshe full of sharp thornes / the whiche thornes rente and brake alle the dogges skynne / whiche was on hym / And as the wulf loked and sawe behynde hym / beynge moche doubtous of his dethe / sawe and perceyued alle the decepcion and falshede of the wether / And forthwith retorned ageynste hym / and demaunded of hym / what beest arte thow / And the wether ansuerd to hym in this maner / My lord I am a wether whiche playeth with the / And the wulf sayd / Ha mayster ought ye to playe with your mayster and with your lord / thow hast made me so sore aferd / that by the waye as I ranne before the/ I dyte shyte thre grete toordes / And thene the wulf ledde hym unto the place where as he had shyte / sayenge thus to hym / loke hyther / callest thow this a playe / I take hit not for playe / For now I shalle shewe to the / how thow oughtest not to playe so with thy lord / And thenne the wulf took and kylled hym / and deuoured and ete hym / ¶ And therfore he that is wyse muste take good hede / how he playeth with hym whiche is wyser / more sage / and more stronge / than hym self is /