Mother Goose for Grownups/The Inexcusable Improbity of Tom, the Piper's Son

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Mother Goose for Grownups
by Guy Wetmore Carryl
The Inexcusable Improbity of Tom, the Piper’s Son
118572Mother Goose for Grownups — The Inexcusable Improbity of Tom, the Piper’s SonGuy Wetmore Carryl
A Paris butcher kept a shop
      Upon the river’s bank
Where you could buy a mutton chop
      Or two for half a franc.
The little shop was spruce and neat,
In view of all who trod the street
The decorated joints of meat
      Were hung up in a rank.

This Gallic butcher led a life
      Of highly moral tone;
He never raised his voice in strife,
      He never drank alone:
He simply sat outside his door
And slept from eight o’clock to four;
The more he slept, so much the more
      To slumber he was prone.

One day outside his shop he put
      A pig he meant to stuff,
And carefully around each foot
      He pinned a paper ruff,
But, while a watch he should have kept,
His habit conquered, and he slept,
And for a thief who was adept
      That surely was enough.

A Scottish piper dwelt near by,
      Whose one ungracious son
Beheld that pig and murmured: “Why,
      No sooner said than done!
It seems to me that this I need.”
And grasping it, with all his speed
Across the Pont des Invalides
      He started on a run.

Then, turning sharply to the right,
      Without a thought of risk,
He fled. ’Tis fair to call his flight
      Inordinately brisk.
But now the town was all astir,
In vain his feet he strove to spur,
They caught him, shouting: “Au voleur!”
      Beside the obelisk

The breathless butcher cried: “A mort!”
      The crowd said: “Conspuez!”
And some: “A bas!” and half a score
      Responded: “Vive l’armee!”
While grim gendarmes with piercing eye,
And stern remarks about: “Canaille!”
The pig abstracted on the sly.
      Such is the Gallic way!

The piper’s offspring, his defeat
      Deep-rooted in his heart
A revolutionary sheet
      Proceeded then to start.
Thenceforward every evening he
In leaders scathed the Ministry,
And wished he could accomplish the
      Return of Bonaparte.

The moral is that when the press
      Begins to rave and shout
It’s often difficult to guess
      What it is all about.
The editor we strive to pin,
But we can never find him in.
What startling knowledge we should win
      If we could find him out!