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The fables of Aesop by William Caxton (Jacobs)/Vol. II/Liber Quintus/Fable 17

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The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Quintus
by William Caxton
Fable 17: The Knyght and the Seruaunt whiche fond the Foxe

Numbered 707 in the Perry Index. Translated from French by William Caxton and first published in 1484. Click here to create an annotated version of this text.

3810252The subtyl historyes and fables of Esope, Liber Quintus — Fable 17: The Knyght and the Seruaunt whiche fond the FoxeWilliam Caxton

¶ The xvi fable is of the knyght and of the seruaunt / the wiche fond the Foxe

MAny ben that for theyr grete lesynges supposen to put vnder alle the world / but euer at last theyr lesynges ben knowen and manyfested / as hit appiereth by this fable of a knyght whiche somtyme wente with an archer of his thurgh the lande / And as they rode / they fonde a Fox  And the knyght sayd to the archer in good soothe I see a grete Foxe / And the archer beganne to saye to his lord / My lord / merueylle ye therof / I haue ben in a Regyon where as the Foxes ben as grete as an oxe / And the knyght ansuerd In good soothe theyr skynnes were good for to make mantels with / yf skynners myght haue them / And as they were rydynge / they felle in many wordes and deuyses / And thenne by cause the knyght perceyued wel the lesynge of his Archer / he beganne to make preyers and orysons to the goddes / for to make his Archer aferd / And sayd in this manere / O Jupiter god almyghty /  ¶ I preye the / that this daye thow wylt kepe vs fro all lesynges / so that we may sauf passe thys flood and this grete Ryuer whiche is here before vs / and that we may surely come to oure hows / And whanne the Archer herd the prayer and oryson of his lord / he was moche abasshed ¶ And thenne the Archer demaunded of hym / my lord wherfore prayest thow now soo deuoutely / And the knygt ansuerd wost thou not wel that hit is wel knowen and manyfested / that we soone must passe a ryght grete Ryuer / And that he who on al this daye shalle haue made ony lesynge / yf he entre in hit / he shalle neuer come oute of hit ageyne / Of the whiche wordes the Archer was moche doubtous and dredeful / And as they had ryden a lytyl waye / they fond a lytyl Ryuer / wherfore the Archer demaunded of his lord / Is this the flood whiche we must passe / Nay sayd the knyght / For hit is wel gretter / O my lord I saye bycause that the foxe whiche ye sawe may wel haue swymmed and passed ouer this lytyl water / And the lord sayd / I care not therfore / ¶ And after that they had ryden a lytyl ferther / the fond another lytyll Ryuer / And the Archer demaunded of hym / Is this the flood that ye spake of to me / Nay sayd he / For hit is gretter & more brode / And the Archer sayd ageyne to hym / My lord I say so / by cause that the foxe of the whiche I spake of to daye was not gretter than a calf / ¶ And thene the knyght herkyng the dyssymylacion of his archer / answerd not / And soo they rode forthe so longe that they fond yet another Ryuer   And thenne the Archer demaunded of his lord / Is this the same hit / Nay sayd the knyght / but soone we shalle come therto / O my lord I saye so by cause that the Foxe wherof I spak to yow this daye / was not gretter than a sheep / ¶ And when they had ryden vnto euen tyme they fond a grete Ryuer and of a grete brede / ¶ And whan tharcher sawe hit / he began al to shake for fere / and demaunded of his lord / My lord is this the Ryuer / Ye sayd the knyght / O my lord I ensure you on my feythe / that the Foxe of the whiche I spake to daye / was not gretter than the Foxe / whiche we sawe to day / wherfore I knowlege and confesse to yow my synne / ¶ And thenne the knyght beganne to smyle / and sayd to his Archer in this manere / Also this Ryuer is no wors than the other whiche we sawe to fore and haue passed thurgh them / And thenne the archer had grete vergoyne and was shameful / by cause that he myght no more couere his lesynge / And therfore hit is fayre and good for to saye euer the trouthe / and to be trewe bothe in speche and in dede / For a lyer is euer begyled / and his lesynge is knowen and manyfested on hym to his grete shame & dommage