A Book of Nursery Songs and Rhymes/The Little Old Woman
There was an old woman as I've heard tell,
Fol, lol, did-die, did-die, dol.
She went to market, her eggs for to sell,
Fol, lol, did-dle, did-dle, dol.
She went to market upon a fair day,
And she fell asleep on the king's high-way.
There passed a pedlar whose name was Stout,
Fol, lol, etc.
He cut her petticoats round about,
Fol, lol, etc.
He cut her petticoats up to her knees,
Which made the old woman to shiver and freeze,
Fol, lol, etc.
When the little old woman began to wake,
Fol, lol, etc.
She began to shiver, she began to shake,
Fol, lol, etc.
She began to shake, she began to cry,
O Lawk-a-mercy, this be none of I!
Fol, lol, etc.
If it be I, as I reckon it be,
Fol, lol, etc.
I've a little dog at home, and he knows me,
Fol, lol, etc.
If it be I, he will wag his tail,
If it be not I, he will bark and rail,
Fol, lol, etc.
When the little old woman went home in the dark,
Fol, lol, etc.
The little dog loudly began to bark,
Fol, lol, etc.
He began to bark, she began to cry,
Lawk-a-mercy! 'Tis none of I!
Fol, lol, etc.